1 All along life’s rugged highway we can find some work to do,
We can cheer and help the sad, the tempted and the tried;
Shall we idly hesitate until the day has grown too late,
Then forget and pass upon the other side.
All along life’s highway do some work for God,
Tho’ the journey long, the pathway wide;
Let us help another’s need, and ever do a kindly deed,
Never passing by upon the other side.
2 All along life’s changing highway we can find some friendless souls;
We can point them to the blessed Lord, the Crucified;
We can whisper words of courage, we can wipe the falling tear,
Let us never pass upon the other side. [Refrain]
3 All along life’s toilsome highway there are wounded hearts that bleed;
In their helplessness too long already they have cried;
Let us carry healing balm, give to the quiv’ring lips a psalm,
Ah! too many pass upon the other side. [Refrain]
Source: Williston Hymns #180