1 Never a burden of care and woe,
Never a sorrow to bend us low,
Peace that is changeless our souls shall know
In that wonderful Land over there.
Wonderful Land of the bye-and by,
Beautiful Country beyond the sky,
Some day we’ll enter its gates on high,
In that wonderful Land over there.
2 Never a worry to grieve the heart,
Never a tear with its bitter smart,
Rapture eternal shall be our part
In that wonderful Land over there. [Chorus]
3 Never a night with the dreary glom,
Never a grave where the shadows loom,
Garden celestial where flowers bloom
In that wonderful Land over there. [Chorus]
4 Never to whisper a sad goodbye,
Never to utter a moan or sigh,
Joyful reunion beyond the sky
In that wonderful Land over there. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #168