1 Never mind the darkness,
Gloom will pass away,
Clouds are soon forgotten,
When the skies are gay;
Days are sometimes dreary,
Shadows ‘round thee pile,
Keep a cheerful spirit,
Meet them with a smile.
Smile along life’s journey,
Cheer each weary mile;
Turn from grief and sorrow,
Hope and courage borrow,
Joy will come tomorrow
If you smile! smile! smile!
2 Treasure up the sunshine,
Gather ev’ry ray,
Keep the grace and beauty
For some gloomy day;
Faces bright and shiny
Cheer each weary mile,
Griefs may cross thy pathway,
Meet them with a smile. [Chorus]
3 Never mind that others
Greet thee with a frown,
After earthly crosses
Comes the heav’nly crown;
Evils may beset thee,
Tempters oft begile,
Bravely do thy duty,
Meet them with a smile. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #76