# | Text | Tune | | | | | | |
368 | Creator of the stars of night (De las estrellas Creador) | CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM | | | | | | |
369 | On Jordan’s banks the Baptist’s cry (Junto al Jordán se oye el clamor) | WINCHESTER NEW | | | | | | |
370 | Derrama una estrella (Radiant light throughout the heav'ns) | [Derrama una estrella ] | | | | | | |
371 | Angels we have heard on high (Un angelical cantar) | GLORIA | | | | | | |
372 | While shepherds kept their watching (Pastores, sus rebaños) | GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN | | | | | | |
373 | Hark! The herald angels sing (Se oye un son en alta esfera) | MENDELSSOHN | | | | | | |
374 | Gloria, gloria | [Gloria, gloria] | | | | | | |
375 | Joy to the world, the Lord is come! (¡Al mundo paz, nació Jesús) | ANTIOCH | | | | | | |
376 | Gloria, gloria, gloria (Glory, glory, glory) | [Gloria, gloria, gloria] | | | | | | |
377 | Cold are the people, winter of life (Fría la gente, pueblo sin luz) | [Cold are the people, winter of life] | | | | | | |
378 | Silent night, holy night! (¡Noche de paz, noche de amor!) | STILLE NACHT | | | | | | |
379 | Star-Child, earth-Child (Niño: es astro) | NOAH'S SONG | | | | | | |
380 | O come, all ye faithful (Adeste fideles) (Venid, fieles todos) | ADESTE FIDELES | | | | | | |
381 | Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (Allá en el pecebre, do nace Jesús) | MUELLER | | | | | | |
382 | O little town of Bethlehem (Oh, puerblecito de Belén) | ST. LOUIS | | | | | | |
383 | Of the Father's love begotten (Fruto del amor divino) | DIVINUM MYSTERIUM | | | | | | |
384 | Pastores, a Belén vamos con alegría (Let's go to Bethlehem; O shepherds, do not tarry) | [Pastores, a Belén vamos con alegría] | | | | | | |
385 | Ese precioso niño (Holy and dearest Jesus) | [Ese precioso niño] | | | | | | |
386 | The virgin Mary had a baby boy (Nació de María Virgen un bebé) | [The virgin Mary had a baby boy] | | | | | | |
387 | Ya llegó la Nochebuena (Christmas Eve is coming quickly) | NOCHEBUENA | | | | | | |
388 | La profética anunciación (Faithful sages through ages long) | IL EST NÉ | | | | | | |
389 | Hacia Belén se encamina (Mary journeyed with her husband) | HACIA BELÉN | | | | | | |
390 | Infant holy (Niño santo) | W ŻLOBIE LEZY | | | | | | |
391 | The first Nowell the angel did say (Un ángel fue quien vino a traer) | THE FIRST NOWELL | | | | | | |
392 | As with gladness men of old (Con grangozo y candor) | DIX | | | | | | |
393 | What child is this, who, laid to rest (Qué niño es éste que aldormir) | GREENSLEEVES | | | | | | |
394 | Songs of thankfulness and praise (Gratitud y prez al Rey) | SALZBURG | | | | | | |
395 | We three kings of Orient are (Del oriente venimos tres) | KINGS OF ORIENT | | | | | | |
396 | De tierras lejanas venimos a verte (With an Eastern star to guide us in our seeking) | LOS MAGOS | | | | | | |
397 | When Jesus came to Jordan (Cuando al Jordán fue Cristo) | ELLACOMBE | | | | | | |
398 | Knocks like Jesus (Puede ser Cristo) | SOMEBODY'S KNOCKIN' | | | | | | |
399 | Seek the Lord who now is present (Busquen a Dios, presente se encuentra) | LEAP DAY | | | | | | |
400 | Again we keep this solemn fast (Hagan ayuno y' oración) | ERHALT UNS HERR | | | | | | |
401 | Forty days and forty nights (Por cuarenta días, Señor) | HEINLEIN | | | | | | |
402 | Jesus our Savior, Lord of all the nations (A ti, sumo Rey, Redentor de todos) | ATTENDE DOMINE | | | | | | |
403 | No estés eternamente enojado (Look not upon your people with wrath, O Christ) | [No estés eternamente enojado] | | | | | | |
404 | This is the time of fulfillment! (¡Se ha cumplido el tiempo!) | [This is the time of fulfillment] | | | | | | |
405 | Pequé, ya mi alma (My soul now confessing) | [Pequé, ya mi alma] | | | | | | |
406 | Now the time of grace has come (Día de la salvación) | [Now the time of grace has come] | | | | | | |
407 | The glory of these forty days (Estos cuarenta días hoy) | ERHALT UNS HERR | | | | | | |
408 | Por tus profundas llagas (Our sins have deeply wounded) | [Por tus profundas llagas] | | | | | | |
409 | Tree of Life and awesome myst'ry (En el Árbol de la Vida) | THOMAS | | | | | | |
410 | Lord, who throughout these forty days (En tu cuaresma, oh Salvador) | ST. FLAVIAN | | | | | | |
411 | Other spirits, lesser gods (Dioses falsos sin piedad) | [Other spirits, lesser gods] | | | | | | |
412 | From ashes to the living font (Por el sendero cuaresmal) | ST. FLAVIAN | | | | | | |
413 | Come back to me with all your heart (Regrésame tu corazón) | [Come back to me with all your heart] | | | | | | |
414 | Have mercy on me, o God (Misericordia, Dios) | PARCE DOMINE | | | | | | |
415 | Repent, the kingdom is at hand (El reinode Dios está muy cerca) | [Repent, the kingdom is at hand] | | | | | | |
416 | At the cross her station keeping (Junto al pie de la Cruz santa) | STABAT MATER | | | | | | |
417 | You are the King of Israel (Tú eres el que vino) | ST. THEODULPH | | | | | | |
418 | Blessed is he, blessed is he (Viva Jesús, denle honor) | [Blessed is he, blessed is he] | | | | | | |
419 | Bendito el Rey que viene en el nombre del Señor (Blest is the King who comes in the name of God, the Lord!) | BENDITO EL REY | | | | | | |
420 | Mantos y palmas esparciendo va (Filled with excitement, all the happy throng) | HOSANNA | | | | | | |
421 | Stay here and keep watch with me (Estén despiertos, quédense) | [Stay here and keep watch with me] | | | | | | |
422 | When Jesus had gathered with those he loved (Jesús, siervo himilde, mostró su amor) | [When Jesus had gathered with those he loved] | | | | | | |
423 | Stay with me, remain here with me (Velaré contigo, Señor) (Bleibet hier und wachet mit mir) | [Stay with me, remain here with me] | | | | | | |
424 | La señal de los cristianos (In our love for one another) | [La señal de los cristianos] | | | | | | |
425 | Kneels at the feet of his friends (Te arrodillaste a los pies) | CHEREPONI | | | | | | |
426 | O Sacred Head, surrounded (Oh rostro ensangrentado) | PASSION CHORALE | | | | | | |
427 | Dichosa aquella alma (We humbly approach you) | [Dichosa aquella alma] | | | | | | |
428 | Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (¿Presenciaste la muerte del Señor?) | WERE YOU THERE | | | | | | |
429 | In manus tuas, pater (Into your hands, o Father) (Oh Padre, entre tus manos) | [In manus tuas, Pater] | | | | | | |
430 | El Señor resucitó (Jesus Christ is truly risen) | [El Señor resucitó] | | | | | | |
431 | Ayer éramos tinieblas (Yesterday we lived in the shadows) | [Ayer éramos tinieblas] | | | | | | |
432 | La muerte (And death now) | [La muerte] | | | | | | |
433 | Now the green blade rises from the buried grain (Brota la semilla de tierra invernal) | NOÉL NOUVELET | | | | | | |
434 | I know that my Redeemer lives! (Yo sé que vive el Salvador) | DUKE STREET | | | | | | |
435 | Jesus is Lord of all the earth (Cristo Jesús es Dios Salvador) | ALLELUIA NO. 1 | | | | | | |
436 | Fueron mujeres al sepulcro (Some faithful women mourning Jesus) | SANTO DOMINGO | | | | | | |
437 | "¿Qué llevabas conversando?" (Tell me friends, why look so troubled) | [Qué llevabas conversando] | | | | | | |
438 | Ábranme las puertas de la justicia (Open, now open the doorways of justice) | [Ábranme las puertas dela justicia] | | | | | | |
439 | Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia! (El Señor resucitó, ¡Aleluya!) | EASTER HYMN | | | | | | |
440 | The strife is o'er, the battle done (La ruda lucha terminó) | VICTORY | | | | | | |
441 | O sons and daughters, let us sing! (Alzad, oh pueblos, vuestra voz) | O FILII ET FILIAE | | | | | | |
442 | I will give thanks to you, my Lord (Gracias te doy por siempre, Señor) | [I will give thanks to you, my Lord] | | | | | | |
443 | Sing with all the saints in glory (Canten con gloriosos fieles) | HYMN TO JOY | | | | | | |
444 | Regina caeli laetare (Reina celestial, gózate) (Mary, heaven's Queen, sing for joy) | REGINA CAELI | | | | | | |
445 | Suenan campanas, suenan tambores (Joyful bells ringing, hosannas singing) | BERTOLINO | | | | | | |
446 | Worthy is Christ, the Lamb who was slain (Digno es el Cordero Pascual) | FESTIVAL CANTICLE | | | | | | |
447 | Cristo Jesús resucitó (Christ Jesus lives with pow'r to save) | LASST UNS ERFREUEN | | | | | | |
448 | This is a day of new beginnings (Nuevos cominezos trae el día) | [This is a day of new beginnings] | | | | | | |
449 | At the Lamb's high feast we sing (Un banquete tan triunfal) | SALZBURG | | | | | | |
450 | A hymn of glory let us sing! (¡Al mundo "gloria" proclamad!) | LASST UNS ERFREUEN | | | | | | |
451 | Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (Celebremos, del Señor) | LLANFAIR | | | | | | |
452 | Go to the world! Go into all the earth (¡Vayan con Dios A toda la creación!) | SINE NOMINE | | | | | | |
453 | Like the murmur of the dove's song (Cual murmullo de paloma) | BRIDEGROOM | | | | | | |
454 | Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest (En nuestro ser mora, Creador) | LAMBILLOTTE | | | | | | |
455 | O holy Dove of God descending (Paloma Santa, descendiendo) | LOIS | | | | | | |
456 | Come to us, Spirit of God (Santo Espíritu, ven) | [Come to us Spirit of God] | | | | | | |
457 | Holy Spirit, come to us (Ven, Espíritu de Dios) (Veni Sancte Spiritus) | [Holy Spirit, come to us] | | | | | | |
458 | Soplo del Dios viviente (Breath of the living God) | VÅRVINDAR FRISKA | | | | | | |
459 | Veni Creator Spiritus | VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS | | | | | | |
460 | Ven, Creador, Espíritu divino (Come, Spirit Blest, Creator God, descending) | VEN CREADOR | | | | | | |
461 | Veni Sancte Spiritus | [Veni Sancte Spiritus] | | | | | | |
462 | Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! (Santo, santo, santo, Dios omnipotente) | NICAEA | | | | | | |
463 | Come now, almighty King (¡Oh Padre, eterno Dios!) | ITALIAN HYMN | | | | | | |
464 | O God, almighty Father (Te damos alabanza) | GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN | | | | | | |
465 | The play of the Godhead, the Trinity's dance (Celebren la danza de la Trinidad) | BEDFORD PARK | | | | | | |
466 | Hidden here before me (Adoro te devote) (Ante ti me postro) | ADORO TE DEVOTE | | | | | | |
467 | Oh buen Jesús, yo creo firmemente (Lord Jesus Christ, my faith has this foundation) | OH BUEN JESÚS | | | | | | |