Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
368Creator of the stars of night (De las estrellas Creador)CONDITOR ALME SIDERUMPage Scan
369On Jordan’s banks the Baptist’s cry (Junto al Jordán se oye el clamor)WINCHESTER NEWPage Scan
370Derrama una estrella (Radiant light throughout the heav'ns)[Derrama una estrella ]Page Scan
371Angels we have heard on high (Un angelical cantar)GLORIAPage Scan
372While shepherds kept their watching (Pastores, sus rebaños)GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAINPage Scan
373Hark! The herald angels sing (Se oye un son en alta esfera)MENDELSSOHNPage Scan
374Gloria, gloria[Gloria, gloria]Page Scan
375Joy to the world, the Lord is come! (¡Al mundo paz, nació Jesús)ANTIOCHPage Scan
376Gloria, gloria, gloria (Glory, glory, glory)[Gloria, gloria, gloria]Page Scan
377Cold are the people, winter of life (Fría la gente, pueblo sin luz)[Cold are the people, winter of life]Page Scan
378Silent night, holy night! (¡Noche de paz, noche de amor!)STILLE NACHTPage Scan
379Star-Child, earth-Child (Niño: es astro)NOAH'S SONGPage Scan
380O come, all ye faithful (Adeste fideles) (Venid, fieles todos)ADESTE FIDELESPage Scan
381Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (Allá en el pecebre, do nace Jesús)MUELLERPage Scan
382O little town of Bethlehem (Oh, puerblecito de Belén)ST. LOUISPage Scan
383Of the Father's love begotten (Fruto del amor divino)DIVINUM MYSTERIUMPage Scan
384Pastores, a Belén vamos con alegría (Let's go to Bethlehem; O shepherds, do not tarry)[Pastores, a Belén vamos con alegría]Page Scan
385Ese precioso niño (Holy and dearest Jesus)[Ese precioso niño]Page Scan
386The virgin Mary had a baby boy (Nació de María Virgen un bebé)[The virgin Mary had a baby boy]Page Scan
387Ya llegó la Nochebuena (Christmas Eve is coming quickly)NOCHEBUENAPage Scan
388La profética anunciación (Faithful sages through ages long)IL EST NÉPage Scan
389Hacia Belén se encamina (Mary journeyed with her husband)HACIA BELÉNPage Scan
390Infant holy (Niño santo)W ŻLOBIE LEZYPage Scan
391The first Nowell the angel did say (Un ángel fue quien vino a traer)THE FIRST NOWELLPage Scan
392As with gladness men of old (Con grangozo y candor)DIXPage Scan
393What child is this, who, laid to rest (Qué niño es éste que aldormir)GREENSLEEVESPage Scan
394Songs of thankfulness and praise (Gratitud y prez al Rey)SALZBURG
395We three kings of Orient are (Del oriente venimos tres)KINGS OF ORIENTPage Scan
396De tierras lejanas venimos a verte (With an Eastern star to guide us in our seeking)LOS MAGOS Page Scan
397When Jesus came to Jordan (Cuando al Jordán fue Cristo)ELLACOMBETextPage Scan
398Knocks like Jesus (Puede ser Cristo)SOMEBODY'S KNOCKIN'Page Scan
399Seek the Lord who now is present (Busquen a Dios, presente se encuentra)LEAP DAYPage Scan
400Again we keep this solemn fast (Hagan ayuno y' oración)ERHALT UNS HERR
401Forty days and forty nights (Por cuarenta días, Señor)HEINLEINPage Scan
402Jesus our Savior, Lord of all the nations (A ti, sumo Rey, Redentor de todos)ATTENDE DOMINEPage Scan
403No estés eternamente enojado (Look not upon your people with wrath, O Christ)[No estés eternamente enojado]Page Scan
404This is the time of fulfillment! (¡Se ha cumplido el tiempo!)[This is the time of fulfillment]Page Scan
405Pequé, ya mi alma (My soul now confessing)[Pequé, ya mi alma]Page Scan
406Now the time of grace has come (Día de la salvación)[Now the time of grace has come]Page Scan
407The glory of these forty days (Estos cuarenta días hoy)ERHALT UNS HERRPage Scan
408Por tus profundas llagas (Our sins have deeply wounded)[Por tus profundas llagas]Page Scan
409Tree of Life and awesome myst'ry (En el Árbol de la Vida)THOMASPage Scan
410Lord, who throughout these forty days (En tu cuaresma, oh Salvador)ST. FLAVIANPage Scan
411Other spirits, lesser gods (Dioses falsos sin piedad)[Other spirits, lesser gods]Page Scan
412From ashes to the living font (Por el sendero cuaresmal)ST. FLAVIANPage Scan
413Come back to me with all your heart (Regrésame tu corazón)[Come back to me with all your heart]Page Scan
414Have mercy on me, o God (Misericordia, Dios)PARCE DOMINEPage Scan
415Repent, the kingdom is at hand (El reinode Dios está muy cerca)[Repent, the kingdom is at hand]Page Scan
416At the cross her station keeping (Junto al pie de la Cruz santa)STABAT MATER
417You are the King of Israel (Tú eres el que vino)ST. THEODULPHTextPage ScanAudio
418Blessed is he, blessed is he (Viva Jesús, denle honor)[Blessed is he, blessed is he]Page Scan
419Bendito el Rey que viene en el nombre del Señor (Blest is the King who comes in the name of God, the Lord!)BENDITO EL REYPage Scan
420Mantos y palmas esparciendo va (Filled with excitement, all the happy throng)HOSANNAPage Scan
421Stay here and keep watch with me (Estén despiertos, quédense)[Stay here and keep watch with me]Page Scan
422When Jesus had gathered with those he loved (Jesús, siervo himilde, mostró su amor)[When Jesus had gathered with those he loved]Page Scan
423Stay with me, remain here with me (Velaré contigo, Señor) (Bleibet hier und wachet mit mir)[Stay with me, remain here with me]Page Scan
424La señal de los cristianos (In our love for one another)[La señal de los cristianos]Page Scan
425Kneels at the feet of his friends (Te arrodillaste a los pies)CHEREPONIPage Scan
426O Sacred Head, surrounded (Oh rostro ensangrentado)PASSION CHORALE TextPage ScanAudio
427Dichosa aquella alma (We humbly approach you)[Dichosa aquella alma]
428Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (¿Presenciaste la muerte del Señor?)WERE YOU THEREPage Scan
429In manus tuas, pater (Into your hands, o Father) (Oh Padre, entre tus manos)[In manus tuas, Pater]Page Scan
430El Señor resucitó (Jesus Christ is truly risen)[El Señor resucitó]Page Scan
431Ayer éramos tinieblas (Yesterday we lived in the shadows)[Ayer éramos tinieblas]Page Scan
432La muerte (And death now)[La muerte]Page Scan
433Now the green blade rises from the buried grain (Brota la semilla de tierra invernal)NOÉL NOUVELETPage Scan
434I know that my Redeemer lives! (Yo sé que vive el Salvador)DUKE STREETPage Scan
435Jesus is Lord of all the earth (Cristo Jesús es Dios Salvador)ALLELUIA NO. 1Page Scan
436Fueron mujeres al sepulcro (Some faithful women mourning Jesus)SANTO DOMINGOPage Scan
437"¿Qué llevabas conversando?" (Tell me friends, why look so troubled)[Qué llevabas conversando]Page Scan
438Ábranme las puertas de la justicia (Open, now open the doorways of justice)[Ábranme las puertas dela justicia]Page Scan
439Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia! (El Señor resucitó, ¡Aleluya!)EASTER HYMNTextPage ScanAudio
440The strife is o'er, the battle done (La ruda lucha terminó)VICTORYPage Scan
441O sons and daughters, let us sing! (Alzad, oh pueblos, vuestra voz)O FILII ET FILIAEPage Scan
442I will give thanks to you, my Lord (Gracias te doy por siempre, Señor)[I will give thanks to you, my Lord]Page Scan
443Sing with all the saints in glory (Canten con gloriosos fieles)HYMN TO JOYPage Scan
444Regina caeli laetare (Reina celestial, gózate) (Mary, heaven's Queen, sing for joy)REGINA CAELIPage Scan
445Suenan campanas, suenan tambores (Joyful bells ringing, hosannas singing)BERTOLINOPage Scan
446Worthy is Christ, the Lamb who was slain (Digno es el Cordero Pascual)FESTIVAL CANTICLEPage Scan
447Cristo Jesús resucitó (Christ Jesus lives with pow'r to save)LASST UNS ERFREUENPage Scan
448This is a day of new beginnings (Nuevos cominezos trae el día)[This is a day of new beginnings]Page Scan
449At the Lamb's high feast we sing (Un banquete tan triunfal)SALZBURGPage Scan
450A hymn of glory let us sing! (¡Al mundo "gloria" proclamad!)LASST UNS ERFREUENPage Scan
451Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (Celebremos, del Señor)LLANFAIRPage Scan
452Go to the world! Go into all the earth (¡Vayan con Dios A toda la creación!)SINE NOMINEPage Scan
453Like the murmur of the dove's song (Cual murmullo de paloma)BRIDEGROOMPage Scan
454Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest (En nuestro ser mora, Creador)LAMBILLOTTEPage Scan
455O holy Dove of God descending (Paloma Santa, descendiendo)LOISPage Scan
456Come to us, Spirit of God (Santo Espíritu, ven)[Come to us Spirit of God]
457Holy Spirit, come to us (Ven, Espíritu de Dios) (Veni Sancte Spiritus)[Holy Spirit, come to us]Page Scan
458Soplo del Dios viviente (Breath of the living God)VÅRVINDAR FRISKAPage Scan
459Veni Creator SpiritusVENI CREATOR SPIRITUSPage Scan
460Ven, Creador, Espíritu divino (Come, Spirit Blest, Creator God, descending)VEN CREADORPage Scan
461Veni Sancte Spiritus[Veni Sancte Spiritus]Page Scan
462Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! (Santo, santo, santo, Dios omnipotente)NICAEAPage Scan
463Come now, almighty King (¡Oh Padre, eterno Dios!)ITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
464O God, almighty Father (Te damos alabanza) GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESENPage Scan
465The play of the Godhead, the Trinity's dance (Celebren la danza de la Trinidad)BEDFORD PARKPage Scan
466Hidden here before me (Adoro te devote) (Ante ti me postro)ADORO TE DEVOTEPage Scan
467Oh buen Jesús, yo creo firmemente (Lord Jesus Christ, my faith has this foundation)OH BUEN JESÚSPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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