# | Text | Tune | | | | | | |
269 | Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi | [Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi] | | | | | | |
270a | Ite missa est | [Ite missa est | | | | | | |
270b | Ite missa est | [Ite missa est] | | | | | | |
271 | Lord Jesus, from your wonded side (De tu costado, buen Señor) | [Lord Jesus, from your wounded side] | | | | | | |
272 | Oceans of earth, sing glory to God! (íMares del mundo, conten a Dios!) | [Oceans of earth, sing glory to God] | | | | | | |
273 | Cleanse us, Lord, from all our sins (Limpia nuestros pecados, Señor) | [Cleanse us, Lord, from all our sins] | | | | | | |
274 | Asperges me, Domine (Cleanse me from sin, O Lord God) | [Asperges me, Domine] | | | | | | |
275 | Lord, have mercy (Señor, ten piedad) | [Lord, have mercy] | | | | | | |
276 | Kyrie, eleison | [Kyrie, eleison] | | | | | | |
277 | Kyrie, eleison | [Kyrie, eleison] | | | | | | |
278 | Señor, ten piedad de nosotros | [Señor, ten piedad de nosotros] | | | | | | |
279 | Señor, ten piedad | [Señor, ten piedad] | | | | | | |
280 | Glory to God in the highest | [Glory to God in the highest] | | | | | | |
281 | Gloria a Dios en el cielo | [Gloria a Dios en el cielo] | | | | | | |
282 | [Glory to God in the highest] | [Glory to God in the highest] | | | | | | |
283 | [Glory to God in the highest] | [Glory to God in the highest] | | | | | | |
284 | Go and listen to the Word of God (Vengan y escuchen la Palabra de Dios) | [Go and listen to the Word of God] | | | | | | |
285 | Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya) | [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
286 | Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya) | [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
287 | Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya) | [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
288 | Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya) | [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
289 | Alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya) | [Alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
290 | Alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya) | [Alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
291 | ¡Aleluya, aleluya! (Alleluia, alleluia) | [¡Aleluya, aleluya!] | | | | | | |
292 | La diestra del Señor ha hecho prodigios | [La diestra del Señor ha hecho prodgios] | | | | | | |
293 | Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya) | [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
294 | Halle, halle hallelujah! (¡Ale, ale, aleluya!) | [Halle, halle hallelujah] | | | | | | |
295 | ¡Aleluya aleluya! | [¡Aleluya, aleluya!] | | | | | | |
296 | Alleuia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya, aleluya) | [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
297 | Alleuia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya) (Glory to you, Word of God) (Honor a ti, Cristo Jesús) | [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
298 | Alleuia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya) (Glory to you, Word of God) (Honor a ti, Cristo Jesús) | [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] | | | | | | |
299 | Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Alabanza a ti, Señor) | [Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ] | | | | | | |
300 | Glory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti) | [Glory and praise to you] | | | | | | |
301 | Praise and honor to you (Honor y gloria a ti) | [Praise and honor to you] | | | | | | |
302 | Let us pray to the Lord (Roguemos al Señor) | [Let us pray to the Lord] | | | | | | |
303 | Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison | [Kyrie, Kyrie eleison] | | | | | | |
304 | Gracious Lord, hear us we pray | [Gracious Lord, hear us we pray] | | | | | | |
305 | Lord, hear our prayer | [Lord,hear our prayer] | | | | | | |
306 | God ever faithful (Dios fiel y tierno) | [God ever faithful] | | | | | | |
307 | Deus, exaudinos | [Deus, exaudinos] | | | | | | |
308 | Kyrie elesion | [Kyrie, eleison] | | | | | | |
309 | O Lord, hear our prayer (Oh Señor, óyenos] | [O Lord, hear our prayer] | | | | | | |
310 | Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor | [Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor] | | | | | | |
311 | Anunciamos tu muerte | [Anunciamos tu muerte] | | | | | | |
312 | Cada vez que comemos de este pan | [Cada vez que comemos de este pan] | | | | | | |
313 | Por tu cruz y resurrección | [Por tu cruz y resurrección] | | | | | | |
314 | Amen, amen, amen, amen | [Amen, amen, amen, amen] | | | | | | |
315 | Holy, Holy, Holy Lord | [Holy, Holy Holy, Lord] | | | | | | |
316 | We proclaim your Death, O Lord | [We proclaim your Death, O Lord] | | | | | | |
317 | When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup | [When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup] | | | | | | |
318 | Save us, Savior of the world | [Save us, Savior of the world] | | | | | | |
319 | Amen, amen, amen, amen | [Amen, amen, amen, amen] | | | | | | |
320 | Holy, Holy, Holy Lord | [Holy, Holy Holy, Lord] | | | | | | |
321 | When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup | [When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup] | | | | | | |
322 | Amen, amen, amen | [Amen, amen, amen] | | | | | | |
323 | Holy, Holy, Holy Lord | [Holy, Holy Holy, Lord] | | | | | | |
324 | We proclaim your Death, O Lord | [We proclaim your Death, O Lord] | | | | | | |
325 | Amen, amen, amen | [Amen, amen, amen] | | | | | | |
326 | When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup | [When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup] | | | | | | |
327 | Amen, amen, amen | [Amen, amen, amen] | | | | | | |
328 | Holy, Holy Holy (Santo, Santo, Santo) | [Holy, Holy, Holy] | | | | | | |
329 | We proclaim your Death, O Lord (Anunciamos tu muerte) | [We proclaim your Death, O Lord] | | | | | | |
330 | When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup (Cada vez que comemos de este pan) | [When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup] | | | | | | |
331 | Save us, save us (Por tu cruz y resurrección) | [Save us, save us] | | | | | | |
332 | Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen (Amén, amén, amén, amén, amén) | [Save us, save us] | | | | | | |
333 | Holy, Holy, Holy Lord | [Holy, Holy Holy, Lord] | | | | | | |
334 | Save us, Savior of the world | [Save us, Savior of the world] | | | | | | |
335 | Amen, amen, amen | [Amen, amen, amen] | | | | | | |
336 | Holy, Holy Holy Lord God of hosts (Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor, Dios del Universo) | [Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts] | | | | | | |
337 | We proclaim your Death, O Lord (Anunciamos tu muerte, Señor) | [We proclaim your Death, O Lord] | | | | | | |
338 | Amen, amen, amen, amen (Amén, amén, amén, amén) | [Amen, amen, amen, amen] | | | | | | |
339 | Santo, Santo, Santo, Señor Dios de los ejécitos | [Santo, Santo, Santo, Señor Dios de los ejércitos] | | | | | | |
340 | Cada vez que comemos de este pan | [Cada vez que comemos de este pan] | | | | | | |
341 | Amén, amén, amén | [Amén, amén, amén] | | | | | | |
342 | Our Father, who art in heaven | [Our Father, who art in heaven] | | | | | | |
343 | Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo | [Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo] | | | | | | |
344 | Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world | [Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world] | | | | | | |
345 | Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi | [Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi] | | | | | | |
346 | Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world | [Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world] | | | | | | |
347 | Have mercy on us | [Have mercy on us] | | | | | | |
348 | Cordero de Dios | [Cordero de Dios] | | | | | | |
349 | Cordero de Dios | [Cordero de Dios] | | | | | | |
350 | Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world (Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo) | [Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world] | | | | | | |
351 | O come, O come, Emmanuel (Oh ven, oh ven, Emanuel) | VENI EMMANUEL | | | | | | |
352 | Toda la tierra espera al Salvador (All earth is hopeful, the Savior comes at last) | TAULÉ | | | | | | |
353 | The King shall come when morning dawns (El Rey vendrá al amanecer) | MORNING SONG | | | | | | |
354 | Ábranse los cielos (Open wide the heavens) | NOËL SUISSE | | | | | | |
355 | Come, O long-expected Jesus (Ven, Jesús muy esperado) | STUTTGART | | | | | | |
356 | Console my people, the ones dear to me (Consuelen, consuelen a mi pueblo) | [Console my people, the ones dear to me] | | | | | | |
357 | Señor, tu pueblo te espera (O Christ, your people are waiting) | PAMBICHE | | | | | | |
358 | En nombre del cielo (In the name of heaven) | [En nombre del cielo] | | | | | | |
359 | O come, Divine Messiah! (¡Divino Mesías!) | VENEZ, DIVIN MESSIE | | | | | | |
360 | O Lord of Light, our only hope of glory (Oh Sol naciente, tu gloria esperamos) | [O Lord of Light, our only hope of glory] | | | | | | |
361 | People, look East. The time is near (Pueblos, al Este hay que mirar) | BESANÇON | | | | | | |
362 | Juan proclama en el disierto (In the desert John announces) | PREPAREN EL CAMINO | | | | | | |
363 | Wait for the Lord, whose day is near (Contemplaré tu vida en mí) | [Wait for the Lord, whose day is near] | | | | | | |
364 | El Dios de paz, el Verbo eterno (Peace-giving God and Word eternal) | EL DIOS DE PAZ | | | | | | |
365 | Say to the cities of Judah (Digan al pueblo de Judá) | [Say to the cities of Judah] | | | | | | |
366 | Awake! Awake, and greet the new morn (¡Despiértate! Ya sale el sol) | REJOICE, REJOICE | | | | | | |
367 | Jesucristo, Palabra del Padre (Jesus, Word from the Father proceeding) | YA SE HACE TARDE | | | | | | |