A Collection of Psalms, Hymns, Anthems, &c. to Which is Added the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin | Roman Catholic Church | 1844 |
A Compilation of the Litanies and Vespers Hymns and Anthems as they are sung in the Catholic Church adapted to the voice or organ | Roman Catholic Church | 1788 |
A Hymnal and Vesperal for the Seasons and Principal Festivals of the Ecclesiastical Year | Roman Catholic Church | 1878 |
A Treasury of Catholic Song: comprising some two hundred hymns from Catholic soruces old and new | Roman Catholic Church | 1915 |
Al Dio sonu nova kant'! | Roman Catholic Church | 1958 |
American Catholic Hymnal: an extensive collection of hymns, Latin chants, and sacred songs for church, school, and home, including Gregorian masses, vesper psalms, litanies... | Roman Catholic Church | 1913 |
Anthems, Hymns ... Usually Sung at the Catholic Church in Boston | Roman Catholic Church | 1800 |
Armed Forces Hymnal. Catholic Supplement | Roman Catholic Church | 1967 |
Ave Maria, eine Sammlung deutscher katholischer Kirkenlieder | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1949 |
Berge's Book of Gems | Roman Catholic Church | 1924 |
Cantate Omnes ... with Supplement | Roman Catholic Church | 1958 |
Cantica Sacra: or, hymns for the Children of the Catholic Church | Roman Catholic Church | 1865 |
Canticle, the Franciscan University Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 2006 |
Cantiones Sacrae: a Collection of Chants and Hymns. 2nd ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1887 |
Cantiques Francais a l'Usage du Catechisme de l'Eglise de Saint-Patrice de Baltimore | Roman Catholic Church | 1798 |
Carols for a Merry Christmas and a Joyous Easter | Roman Catholic Church | 1885 |
Catholic Book of Worship | Roman Catholic Church | 1972 |
Catholic Book of Worship III | Roman Catholic Church | 1994 |
Catholic Church Hymnal with Music | Roman Catholic Church | 1905 |
Catholic Hymns, Gregorian Institute Hymnal, Organ Accompaniments to the 3rd and Augmented Edition | Roman Catholic Church | 1954 |
Catholic School Chimes Part I | Roman Catholic Church | 1896 |
Chants Sacres. Deuxieme serie | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1897 |
Children's Hymn Book and Sodality Manual | Roman Catholic Church | 1869 |
Cross and Crown for Catholic Sunday Schools, Concerts, Sodalities, etc. | Roman Catholic Church | 1893 |
Diocesan Hymnal: Hymns for Monthly Devotions Part 2 | Roman Catholic Church | 1928 |
English and Latin Hymns, or Harmonies to Part I of the Roman Hymnal: for the Use of Congregations, Schools, Colleges, and Choirs | Roman Catholic Church | 1884 |
Eucharistica: Verse and Prose in Honour of the Hidden God | Roman Catholic Church | 1912 |
Flor y Canto | Roman Catholic Church | 1989 |
Gather (3rd ed.) | Roman Catholic Church | 2011 |
Gather Comprehensive | Roman Catholic Church | 1994 |
Gather Comprehensive, Second Edition | Roman Catholic Church | 2004 |
Gesanguechlein fuer Katholische Kinder | Roman Catholic Church | 1878 |
Glory and Praise: parish music program | Roman Catholic Church | 1984 |
Half a Hundred Catholic Hymns, selected from The New Catholic Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1924 |
Hosanna of the Little Ones | Roman Catholic Church | 1888 |
Hymnal for Catholic Students | Roman Catholic Church | 1988 |
Hymnal for Young Christians. 8th printing | Roman Catholic Church | 1966 |
Hymnal of Christian Unity | Roman Catholic Church | 1964 |
Hymns and Harmonies | Roman Catholic Church | 1873 |
Hymns and Songs for Catholic Children | Roman Catholic Church | 1870 |
Hymns for the Use of Catholic Catechists and Sunday Schools, for the Diocese of Cleveland | Roman Catholic Church | 1885 |
Hymns used by the Pupils of the Sisters of Notre Dame | Roman Catholic Church | 1955 |
Hymns, Carols and Chants for the Sunday School Children of St. Ignatius' Church | Roman Catholic Church | 1873 |
Hymns, for the Use of the Catholic Church in the United States of America (New ed.) | Roman Catholic Church | 1807 |
Jubilee Hymns for Church and School | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1942 |
Jubilee Hymns. Book II | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1949 |
Jubilee Hymns. Book III | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1952 |
Jubilee Hymns. Book IV | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1954 |
Jubilee Hymns. Parish worship ed. | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1963 |
Jubilee Hymns. Parish worship ed. with supplement | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1964 |
Laudate Hymnal and Choir Book | Roman Catholic Church | 1957 |
Laudes Dei: a hymnal for Catholic congregations | Catholic Church | 1894 |
Laudis Corona: the new Sunday school hymn book, containing a collection of Catholic hymns, arranged for the principal seasons and festivals of the year | Roman Catholic Church | 1880 |
Lead Me, Guide Me (2nd ed.) | Roman Catholic Church | 2012 |
Lead Me, Guide Me (The African American Hymnal) | Roman Catholic Church | 1987 |
Lobet den Herrn, Gesangbuch fuer alle Zeiten des Kirchenjahres | Roman Catholic Church | 1913 |
Lyra Catholica: containing all the hymns of the Roman breviary and missal, with others from various sources. Arranged for every day in the week, and the festivals and saints' days... | Roman Catholic Church | 1851 |
Manual of Catholic Melodies: or, a Compilation of Hymns, Anthems, Psalms ... | Roman Catholic Church | 1843 |
Manual of Hymns for Congregational Singing, Prayers and Pious Practices | Roman Catholic Church | 1903 |
Manual of Select Catholic Hymns and Devotions for the Use of Schools, Colleges, Academies and Congregations. Rev. | Roman Catholic Church | 1925 |
May Blossoms, a collection of hymns to the Blessed Virgin | Roman Catholic Church | 1872 |
New Catholic Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1972 |
Ni vivu laŭeble plej bele | Roman Catholic Church | 1985 |
One Faith, Una Voz | Roman Catholic Church | 2005 |
Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | Roman Catholic Church | 2013 |
Our Parish Prays and Sings: dialog mass, hymns, chants | Roman Catholic Church | 1959 |
Parish Mass Book and Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1965 |
Parish Worship II. New ed. | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1965 |
People's Mass Book, New Daily Missal Edition | Roman Catholic Church | 1966 |
Peoples Mass Book. Complete Daily Missal Edition | Roman Catholic Church | 1964 |
Peters' Sodality Hymn Book | Roman Catholic Church | 1872 |
Popular Hymns for Youth | Roman Catholic Church | 1870 |
Psallite: Catholic English hymns | Catholic Church | 1901 |
Rohr's Collection of Favorite Catholic Melodies for Church, School, Home ... | Roman Catholic Church | 1854 |
Rohr's Favorite Catholic Melodies | Roman Catholic Church | 1854 |
Roman Catholic Manual, or Collection of Prayers, Anthems, Hymns, etc. | Roman Catholic Church | 1802 |
Roman Hymnal, Complete edition: a Complete Manual of English Hymns and Latin Chants. 25th ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1884 |
S. Mary's hymnal: a collection of hymns, songs and carols for use at the Holy Eucharist, children's services, guild meetings, mission services | Catholic Church | 1891 |
Sanktaj Mesoj de la 50-a IKUE-kongreso: Ekumena Diserva Libro Prov-eldono 3-a kajero | Roman Catholic Church | 1997 |
School Recreations: the Catholic Teacher's Companion. 5th ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1869 |
Singing Our Faith: a hymnal for young Catholics | Roman Catholic Church | 2001 |
Songs for Catholic Schools | Roman Catholic Church | 1862 |
St. Basil 's Hymn Book. 31st ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1925 |
St. Basil's Hymn Book: Containing Daily Prayers, Prayers at Mass, Litanies | Roman Catholic Church | 1888 |
St. Basil's Hymnal ... 10th ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1906 |
St. Basil's Hymnal. 3rd ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1894 |
St. Basil's Hymnal. Rev. ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1918 |
St. Francis Hymnal and Choir Manual | Roman Catholic Church | 1925 |
St. Joseph's Hymnal. 5th ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1930 |
Sunday School Hymn Book | Roman Catholic Church | 1907 |
Sunday School Hymn Book | Catholic Church | 1854 |
Sursum Corda: a Manual of English Hymns and Prayers for the Use of CatholicSchools and Choirs | Roman Catholic Church | 1888 |
Sursum Corda: Katholisches Gesang- und Gebetbuch. Zusammangestellt fuer den Gebrauch in Kirche und Schule | Roman Catholic Church | 1888 |
The Adoremus Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1998 |
The Assumption Hymnal | Roman Catholic Canadian hymnals | 1964 |
The Ave Maria Hymnal. 2nd rev. ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1941 |
The Book of Catholic Worship | Roman Catholic Church | 1966 |
The Catholic Harp: containing the morning and evening service of the Catholic Church, embracing a choice collection of masses, litanies, psalms, sacred hymns, anthems, versicles, and motifs | Roman Catholic Church | 1830 |
The Catholic Hymn Book: a collection of hymns, anthems, etc. for all holydays of obligation and devotion throughout the year | Roman Catholic Church | 1851 |
The Catholic Hymnal and Service Book. Organ ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1966 |
The Catholic Hymnal and Service Book. Pew ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1966 |
The Catholic Hymnal: containing hymns for congregational and home use, and the vesper psalms, the office of compline, the litanies, hymns at benediction, etc. | Catholic Church | 1885 |
The Catholic Youth's Hymn Book by the Christian Brothers. Rev. | Roman Catholic Church | 1885 |
The Catholic Youth's Hymn Book: containing the hymns of the seasons and festivals of the year, and an extensive collection of sacred melodies; to which are added an easy mass, vespers, and motets... | Roman Catholic Church | 1871 |
The Choral Sodality Hand Book, Containing Hymns, Canticles and Litanies | Roman Catholic Church | 1898 |
The Collegeville Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1990 |
The Complete Sodality Manual and Hymn Book | Roman Catholic Church | 1863 |
The De La Salle Hymnal: for Catholic schools and choirs | Roman Catholic Church | 1913 |
The Garland of Praise | Roman Catholic Church | 1921 |
The Garland of Praise. 2nd ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1923 |
The Hymn Book of the New Sunday School Companion | Roman Catholic Church | 1890 |
The Johannine Hymnal, in Memory of John F. Kennedy and John XXIII | Roman Catholic Church | 1970 |
The Little Catholic Hymn Book: Containing a Collection of Hymns, Anthems ... | Roman Catholic Church | 1851 |
The Little Catholic's Choral | Roman Catholic Church | 1913 |
The Music of Holy Week, a Choir Book | Roman Catholic Church | 1957 |
The New Saint Basil Hymnal: compiled, arranged and edited for unison or four mixed voices by the Basilian Fathers | Roman Catholic Church | 1958 |
The Ordinary of the Mass and a Complete Manual of Hymns for Parochial Schools | Roman Catholic Church | 1935 |
The Parish Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1915 |
The Parish Mass and Hymnal. Rev. ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1967 |
The Parochial Hymnal, a Select Collection | Roman Catholic Church | 1936 |
The People's Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1957 |
The People's Hymnal: compiled and edited for congregational use by The Hymn Committe of the Theological College, Washington, D. C. | Roman Catholic Church | 1955 |
The People's Hymnal: Voice Book. 2nd ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1961 |
The Pius X Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1953 |
The Pius X Hymnal for Unison, Two Equal, or Four Mixed Voices. Rev. ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1956 |
The Saint Michael Hymnal: A Congregational Missal and Hymnal for the Celebration of Sung Mass in the Roman Rite | Roman Catholic Church | 2003 |
The Sodalist's Hymnal: containing a collection of Catholic hymns set to oringinal and selected harmonized melodies, also The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception, The Vesper Compline Office ... | Roman Catholic Church | 1887 |
The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1955 |
The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book. Singers' ed., Melody ed. | Roman Catholic Church | 1920 |
The Sunday School Prayer and Hymn Book | Roman Catholic Church | 1871 |
The Way of the Cross for All | Roman Catholic Church | 1958 |
The Westminster Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1912 |
Vatican II Hymnal | Roman Catholic Church | 1974 |
We Celebrate with Song | Roman Catholic Church | 1976 |
Weihnaechtliches Gloria und Froehliches Alleluia | Roman Catholic Church | 1889 |
Worship (3rd ed.) | Roman Catholic Church | 1986 |
Worship (4th ed.) | Roman Catholic Church | 2011 |
Worship II, a Hymnal for Roman Catholic Parishes | Roman Catholic Church | 1975 |
Worship: a Complete Hymnal and Mass Book for Parishes | Roman Catholic Church | 1971 |
Young People's Catholic Hymn Book | Roman Catholic Church | 1910 |
公教聖歌集 [Kokyo Seikashu] | Roman Catholic Church | 1955 |