Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
76From out of the depths, I cry unto you (A ti grito, Señor, desde el abismo)[From out of the depths, I cry unto you]Page Scan
77aDesde lo hondo a ti grito Señor (Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord)[Desde lo hondo]Page Scan
77bDesde lo hondo a ti grito Señor (Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord)[Del Señor viene la misericordia]
78Y'ahora bendigan al Señor (O come bless the Lord)[Durante la noche]Page Scan
79Señor, escucha mi oración (O LORD, listen to my prayer)[No me escondas tu rostro]Page Scan
80I will give you glory, my God above (Mi Dios y rey, te celebraré)[I will give you glory, my God above]
81aPraise God in his holy place (Alaben al Señor en su templo)[Let everything that breathes give praise]Page Scan
81bPraise God in his holy place (Alaben al Señor en su templo)[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]
82Mi fuerza y mi poder es el Señor (My strength and my courage is the Lord)[Mi fuerza y mi poder es el Señor]Page Scan
83God indeed is my Savior (Vean al Dios que me salva)[God indeed is my Savior]Page Scan
84Bendito eres, Señor, Dios de nuestros padres (Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers0[A ti gloria y alabanza]Page Scan
85Let us sing to the Lord (¡Bendecid al Señor)[Let us sing to the Lord]Page Scan
86Ha mirado la bajeza de su sierva (God has looked upon my lowliness with favor)[Ha mirado la bajeza de su sierva]Page Scan
87My soul gives glory to my God (Mi alma glorifica a Dios)MAGNIFICATPage Scan
88Magníficat ánima mea (My spirit exults and rejoices) (Proclama mi ser la grandeza)[Magnificat anima mea]Page Scan
89My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord[The Almighty has done great things for me]Page Scan
90Now bless the God of Israel (Bendito el Dios de Israel)FOREST GREENPage Scan
91Ahora, Señor, según promesa (Lord, now let your servant go in peace)[Ahora, Señor, según promesa]Page Scan
92Although he was in the form of God (Jesucristo, a pesar de su condición divina)[Although he was in the form of God]
93Christ suffered for you (Cristo padeció por nosotros)[God did not spare his own Son]Page Scan
94Salvation, glory, and power to our God (La salvación y la gloria y el poder son de nuestro Dios)[Salvation, glory, and power to our God]Page Scan
95Christian Initiation of Adults (Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos)
96We praise you, Lord, and we bless you (Te alabamos y te bendecimos)[We praise you Lord, and we bless you]Page Scan
97Glory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)[Glory and praise to you]Page Scan
98Let us pray to the Lord (Roguemos al Señor)[Let us pray to the Lord]Page Scan
99Go now in peace, go now in peace (Vayan en paz, vayan en paz)[Go now in peace, go now in peace]Page Scan
100Kyrie, eleison[Kyrie eleison]Page Scan
101Baptism of Children (Bautismo de Niños)
102There is one God (Hay un solo Dios)[There is one God]Page Scan
103The Lord is my light and my salvation (El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación)[The Lord is my light and my salvation]Page Scan
104aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya)[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]
104bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)[Glory and praise to you]Page Scan
105Holy Mary, Mother of God[Holy Mary, Mother of God]Page Scan
106We come to you, Lord Jesus (A ti venimos Cristo)[We come to you Lord Jesus]Page Scan
107This is our faith (Esta es nuestra fe)[This is our faith]Page Scan
108You have put on Christ (Bautizado en Cristo)[You have put on Christ]Page Scan
109Glory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)[Glory and praise to you]Page Scan
110Anointing with Chrism (Unción postbautismal con el Santo Crisma)
111Holy Communion outside Mass (Sagrada Comunión fuera de la Misa)
112Introductory Rites (Ritos Iniciales)
113Celebration of the Word of God (Celebración de la Palabra de Dios)
114Gospel (Evangelio)
115Intercessions (Plegaria Universal)
116Holy Communion (Sagrada Comunión)
117Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction (Exposición y Bendición Eucarística)
118O saving Victim, op'ning wide (Oh Victima de sakvación)DUGUETPage Scan
119Adoration (Adoració)
120Come adore this wondrous presence (A tan alto Sacramento)ST. THOMASPage Scan
121Reposition (La Reserva)
122Reconciliation of Several Penitents (Reconciliación de Varios Penitentes)
123Introductory Rites (Ritos Iniciales)
124With the Lord, with the Lord there is mercy (De Señor viene la misericordia)[With the Lord, with the Lord there is mercy]Page Scan
125aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya)[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]
125bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)[Glory and praise to you]Page Scan
126Sacrament of Penance (Sacramento de la Penitencia)
127General Confession of Sins: Litany (Confesión General de los Pecado: Letanía)
128Individual Confession and Absolution (Confesión y Absolución Individual)
129Proclamation of Praise for God's Mercy (Acción Gracias por la Misericordia de Dios)
130Anointing of the Sick (Unción de los Enfermos)
131Introductory Rites (Ritos Iniciales)
132My God, my God (Dios mío, Dios mío)[My God, my God]Page Scan
133aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya)[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]
133bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)[Glory and praise to you]Page Scan
134Liturgy of Anonting (Liturgia de la Unción)Page Scan
135Blessed be God who heals us (Bendito sears por siepre)[Blessed be God who heals us]Page Scan
136Anointing (Unción)
137Marriage (Matrimonio)
138Introductory Rites (Ritos Iniciales)
139May the Lord bless and protect us (Que Dios nos bendiga)[May the Lord bless and protect us]Page Scan
140aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya)[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]
140bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)[Glory and praise to you]Page Scan
141Rite of Marriage (Rito de Matrimonio)
142Funerals (Exequias)
143Introductory Rites (Ritos Iniciales)
144The LORD is my shepherd (El Señor es mi pastor)[My shepherd is the Lord]Page Scan
145aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya)[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]
145bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)[Glory and praise to you]Page Scan
146Let us pray to the Lord (Roguemos al Señor)[Let us pray to the Lord]Page Scan
147Receive his/her soul, receive his/her soul (Reciban su alma, reciban su alma)[Receive his/her soul, receive his/her soul]Page Scan
148Prayer of Commendation (Oración de Despideda)
149May the angels lead you into paradise (Al paraíso te lleven los ángeles)[May the angles lead you into paradise]Page Scan
150Order of Mass (Ordinario de la Misa)Page Scan
151Blessing and Sprinkling of Holy Water (Bendición y Aspersión del Agua)
152Penitential Act (Acto Penitencial)Page Scan
153Kyrie (Señor Ten Piedad)Page Scan
155Liturgy of the Word (Liturgia de la Palabra)Page Scan
156Gospel (Evangelio)Page Scan
157Profession of Faith (Profesión de Fe)
158Profession of Faith (Profesión de Fe)
159Prayer of the Faithful (Plegaria Universal)Page Scan
160Liturgy of the Eucharist (Liturgia Eucarística)Page Scan
161Eucharist Prayer (Plegaria Eucarística)Page Scan
162Eucharist Prayer (Plegaria Eucarística)Page Scan
163Eucharist Prayer (Plegaria Eucarística)Page Scan
164Eucharist Prayer (Plegaria Eucarística)Page Scan
165Eucharist Prayer (Plegaria Eucarística)Page Scan
166Eucharist Prayer (Plegaria Eucarística)Page Scan
167Our Father who art in heaven (Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo)[Our Father, who art in heaven]Page Scan
168Communion Rite (Rito de la Comunión)Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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