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To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises

Author: Bartholomaüs Crasselius; Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises, For where is found a glorious God like Thee? To Thee my heart its anthem raises, O give Thy quick'ning Spirit's aid to me, That I may sing in Jesus' name alone, In strains which find acceptance at Thy throne. 2 To Thy dear Son, O Father, lead me, That He again to Thee may lead my soul; Thy Spirit in green pastures feed me, And all my powers of heart and mind control, That I may sing in praise of Thee, and never cease. 3 Grant me, O Lord, this priceless treasure, Then shall my humble worship grateful be; Then beautiful will be the measure With which in heart and truth I worship Thee; Then near to Thee Thy Spirit shall me bring, And I a worthy psalm of praise shall sing. 4 For He can intercede with groanings, Which my poor tongue is powerless to express; He comes to soothe my cheerless moanings, And with the prayer of faith my soul to bless: Makes me joint-heir with Christ of wealth on high, And bids me ever, Abba, Father! cry. 5 Thine eye with tenderness beholds me, When by the Spirit's power my cry ascends; Thine arm with gentleness enfolds me, And all Thy love to meet and bless me bends, E'er ready all my wishes to fulfill, Which upward rise according to Thy will. 6 And what to ask Thy Spirit teaches, Must ever with Thy holy will accord; My soul in Jesus' name beseeches, And therefore wilt Thou every gift afford; I am in Him Thine own dear child and heir, And grace for grace receive to crown my prayer. 7 How richly this assurance blesses! With comfort, peace, and joy, it fills my heart; I know that Thou whom faith addresses, Each needful gift wilt graciously impart, And more than I can ask or understand Thou shower'st me more than I can ask or understand 8 I ask in Jesus' name, believing, Who ever intercede in heaven for me; Through Him each perfect gift receiving, In whom is Yea whate'er I ask of Thee: How blest am I! my soul forever bless The name of Him who grants such happiness! Topics: The Catechism Prayer; Sunday after Christmas; Eighth Sunday after Trinity; Eleventh Sunday after Trinity Used With Tune: CRASSELIUS (Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen)


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Meter: Appears in 100 hymnals Tune Sources: Darmstadt G. B.; Mod. in Freylinghausen's G. B., Halle, 1704; German chorale: Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen Tune Key: B Flat Major Incipit: 51566 54313 43256 Used With Text: To Thee, O Lord, Will I Sing Praises


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To Thee, O Lord, Will I Sing Praises

Author: Bartholomaeus Crasselius Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #587 (1930) Meter: Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises, For where is found a glorious God like Thee? To Thee my heart its anthem raises, O give Thy quick'ning Spirit's aid to me, That I may sing in Jesus' name alone, In strains which find acceptance at Thy throne. 2 O Father, draw me to the Savior, That He in turn may draw me unto Thee; Thy Spirit make my heart His dwelling And deign within my rule and guide to be, That I Thy wondrous peace may taste and feel As from my heart to Thee glad anthems peal. 3 Grant me, O Lord, this priceless treasure, Then shall my humble worship grateful be; Then beautiful will be the measure With which in heart and truth I worship Thee; Then near to Thee Thy Spirit shall me bring, And I a worthy psalm of praise shall sing. 4 For He can plead my cause with sighings That far surpass all pow'r of speech to tell; He teaches me to pray with fervor And witness bears that I beyond shall dwell, Thy child and heir with Christ, thro' whom I say: O Abba, Father, hear me when I pray. 5 What Thy good Spirit bids me utter Is truly with Thy will in sweet accord; Thou nevermore wilt fail to grant me What I request of Thee through Christ my Lord: In His dear name I come before Thy face And take from Thee, O Father, grace for grace. 6 I pray, then, in the name of Jesus, Who ever pleads for me at Thy right hand; Thus my petitions all are granted, For Thou wilt nevermore His pleas withstand. What joy and bliss beyond compare is mine! For this, O Lord, be all the glory Thine! Topics: Praise Languages: English Tune Title: CRASSELIUS
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To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a216 (1895) Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises, For where is found a glorious God like Thee? To Thee my heart its anthem raises, O give Thy quick'ning Spirit's aid to me, That I may sing in Jesus' name alone, In strains which find acceptance at Thy throne. 2 To Thy dear Son, O Father, lead me, That He again to Thee may lead my soul; Thy Spirit in green pastures feed me, And all my powers of heart and mind control, That I may sing in praise of Thee, and never cease. 3 Grant me, O Lord, this priceless treasure, Then shall my humble worship grateful be; Then beautiful will be the measure With which in heart and truth I worship Thee; Then near to Thee Thy Spirit shall me bring, And I a worthy psalm of praise shall sing. 4 For He can intercede with groanings, Which my poor tongue is powerless to express; He comes to soothe my cheerless moanings, And with the prayer of faith my soul to bless: Makes me joint-heir with Christ of wealth on high, And bids me ever, Abba, Father! cry. 5 Thine eye with tenderness beholds me, When by the Spirit's power my cry ascends; Thine arm with gentleness enfolds me, And all Thy love to meet and bless me bends, E'er ready all my wishes to fulfill, Which upward rise according to Thy will. 6 And what to ask Thy Spirit teaches, Must ever with Thy holy will accord; My soul in Jesus' name beseeches, And therefore wilt Thou every gift afford; I am in Him Thine own dear child and heir, And grace for grace receive to crown my prayer. 7 How richly this assurance blesses! With comfort, peace, and joy, it fills my heart; I know that Thou whom faith addresses, Each needful gift wilt graciously impart, And more than I can ask or understand Thou shower'st me more than I can ask or understand 8 I ask in Jesus' name, believing, Who ever intercede in heaven for me; Through Him each perfect gift receiving, In whom is Yea whate'er I ask of Thee: How blest am I! my soul forever bless The name of Him who grants such happiness! Topics: The Catechism Prayer Languages: English
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To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #216 (1880) Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises, For where is found a glorious God like Thee? To Thee my heart its anthem raises, O give Thy quick'ning Spirit's aid to me, That I may sing in Jesus' name alone, In strains which find acceptance at Thy throne. 2 To Thy dear Son, O Father, lead me, That He again to Thee may lead my soul; Thy Spirit in green pastures feed me, And all my powers of heart and mind control, That I may sing in praise of Thee, and never cease. 3 Grant me, O Lord, this priceless treasure, Then shall my humble worship grateful be; Then beautiful will be the measure With which in heart and truth I worship Thee; Then near to Thee Thy Spirit shall me bring, And I a worthy psalm of praise shall sing. 4 For He can intercede with groanings, Which my poor tongue is powerless to express; He comes to soothe my cheerless moanings, And with the prayer of faith my soul to bless: Makes me joint-heir with Christ of wealth on high, And bids me ever, Abba, Father! cry. 5 Thine eye with tenderness beholds me, When by the Spirit's power my cry ascends; Thine arm with gentleness enfolds me, And all Thy love to meet and bless me bends, E'er ready all my wishes to fulfill, Which upward rise according to Thy will. 6 And what to ask Thy Spirit teaches, Must ever with Thy holy will accord; My soul in Jesus' name beseeches, And therefore wilt Thou every gift afford; I am in Him Thine own dear child and heir, And grace for grace receive to crown my prayer. 7 How richly this assurance blesses! With comfort, peace, and joy, it fills my heart; I know that Thou whom faith addresses, Each needful gift wilt graciously impart, And more than I can ask or understand Thou shower'st me more than I can ask or understand 8 I ask in Jesus' name, believing, Who ever intercede in heaven for me; Through Him each perfect gift receiving, In whom is Yea whate'er I ask of Thee: How blest am I! my soul forever bless The name of Him who grants such happiness! Topics: The Catechism Prayer Languages: English


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Catherine Winkworth

1827 - 1878 Translator of "To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises" Catherine Winkworth (b. Holborn, London, England, 1827; d. Monnetier, Savoy, France, 1878) is well known for her English translations of German hymns; her translations were polished and yet remained close to the original. Educated initially by her mother, she lived with relatives in Dresden, Germany, in 1845, where she acquired her knowledge of German and interest in German hymnody. After residing near Manchester until 1862, she moved to Clifton, near Bristol. A pioneer in promoting women's rights, Winkworth put much of her energy into the encouragement of higher education for women. She translated a large number of German hymn texts from hymnals owned by a friend, Baron Bunsen. Though often altered, these translations continue to be used in many modern hymnals. Her work was published in two series of Lyra Germanica (1855, 1858) and in The Chorale Book for England (1863), which included the appropriate German tune with each text as provided by Sterndale Bennett and Otto Goldschmidt. Winkworth also translated biographies of German Christians who promoted ministries to the poor and sick and compiled a handbook of biographies of German hymn authors, Christian Singers of Germany (1869). Bert Polman ======================== Winkworth, Catherine, daughter of Henry Winkworth, of Alderley Edge, Cheshire, was born in London, Sep. 13, 1829. Most of her early life was spent in the neighbourhood of Manchester. Subsequently she removed with the family to Clifton, near Bristol. She died suddenly of heart disease, at Monnetier, in Savoy, in July, 1878. Miss Winkworth published:— Translations from the German of the Life of Pastor Fliedner, the Founder of the Sisterhood of Protestant Deaconesses at Kaiserworth, 1861; and of the Life of Amelia Sieveking, 1863. Her sympathy with practical efforts for the benefit of women, and with a pure devotional life, as seen in these translations, received from her the most practical illustration possible in the deep and active interest which she took in educational work in connection with the Clifton Association for the Higher Education of Women, and kindred societies there and elsewhere. Our interest, however, is mainly centred in her hymnological work as embodied in her:— (1) Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855. (2) Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858. (3) The Chorale Book for England (containing translations from the German, together with music), 1863; and (4) her charming biographical work, the Christian Singers of Germany, 1869. In a sympathetic article on Miss Winkworth in the Inquirer of July 20, 1878, Dr. Martineau says:— "The translations contained in these volumes are invariably faithful, and for the most part both terse and delicate; and an admirable art is applied to the management of complex and difficult versification. They have not quite the fire of John Wesley's versions of Moravian hymns, or the wonderful fusion and reproduction of thought which may be found in Coleridge. But if less flowing they are more conscientious than either, and attain a result as poetical as severe exactitude admits, being only a little short of ‘native music'" Dr. Percival, then Principal of Clifton College, also wrote concerning her (in the Bristol Times and Mirror), in July, 1878:— "She was a person of remarkable intellectual and social gifts, and very unusual attainments; but what specially distinguished her was her combination of rare ability and great knowledge with a certain tender and sympathetic refinement which constitutes the special charm of the true womanly character." Dr. Martineau (as above) says her religious life afforded "a happy example of the piety which the Church of England discipline may implant.....The fast hold she retained of her discipleship of Christ was no example of ‘feminine simplicity,' carrying on the childish mind into maturer years, but the clear allegiance of a firm mind, familiar with the pretensions of non-Christian schools, well able to test them, and undiverted by them from her first love." Miss Winkworth, although not the earliest of modern translators from the German into English, is certainly the foremost in rank and popularity. Her translations are the most widely used of any from that language, and have had more to do with the modern revival of the English use of German hymns than the versions of any other writer. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================ See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Matthias Loy

1828 - 1915 Person Name: Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Translator of "To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises" in Evangelical Lutheran hymnal Loy, M., President of the Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, contributed several original hymns, and translations from the German, to the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. Published by Order of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and Other States. Columbus, Ohio, 1880. The translations may be found through the Index of Authors, &c.; the original hymns are the following:— 1. An awful mystery is here. Holy Communion. 2. At Jesus' feet our infant sweet. Holy Baptism. 3. Come, humble soul, receive the food. Holy Communion. 4. Give me, 0 Lord, a spirit lowly. Humility desired. 5. God gave His word to holy men. Inspiration of Holy Scripture. 6. God of grace, Whose word is sure. Faithfulness. 7. How matchless is our Saviour's grace. Holy Baptism. 8. I thank Thee, Saviour, for the grief. Lent. 9. Jesus took the lambs and blest them. Holy Baptism. 10. Jesus, Thou art mine for ever. Jesus, All and in All. 11. Launch out into the deep. Call to Duty. 12. Listen to those happy voices. Christmas. 13. O Great High Priest, forget not me. Confirmation. 14. O Lord, Who hast my place assigned. Daily Duties. 15. Our Shepherd of His ransomed flock. Holy Communion. 16. The gospel shows the Father's grace. Holy Scripture. 17. The law of God is good and wise. Holy Scripture. 18. Though angels bright escape our eight. St. Michael and All Angels. 19. When Rome had shrouded earth in night. The Reformation. 20. When souls draw near the holy wave. Confirmation. Several of these hymns, together with some of his translations, previously appeared in the Ohio Synod's preceding Collection of Hymns (3rd ed., 1858; 4th, 1863). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Loy, Matthias, D.D., p. 700, i. Dr. Loy was born in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1828. He studied at the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary at Columbus, Ohio, of which he became Professor of Theology in 1365. He was appointed President of the Capital University in 1880. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================== See also in: Wikipedia

Bartholomäus Crasselius

1667 - 1724 Person Name: Bartholomaeus Crasselius Author of "To Thee, O Lord, Will I Sing Praises" in American Lutheran Hymnal Crasselius, Bartholomäus, son of Johannes Crasselt, sheepmaster at Wemsdorf near Glauchau, Saxony; was born at Wernsdorf, Feb. 21, 1667. After studying at Halle, under A. H. Francke, he became, in 1701, pastor at Nidda, in Wetteravia, Hesse. In 1708 he was appointed Lutheran pastor at Düsseldorf, where he died Nov. 30, 1724, after a somewhat troubled pastorate, during which he felt called upon to testify strongly and somewhat bitterly against the shortcomings of the place and of the times (Koch, iv. 418-421; Allg. Deutsche Biographie, iv. 566-67; Bode, p. 55; manuscript from Pastor Baltzer, Wernsdorf; the second dating his call to Dusseldorf 1706). Of the 9 hymns by him which Freylinghausen included in his Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704, two have been translated:— i. Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen. Prayer. A hymn of supplication for the spirit of grace rightly to praise and worship God, founded on St. John, xvi. 23-28, the Gospel for Rogation Sunday. First published in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch &., Halle, 1697, p. 587, in 8 stanzas of 6 lines. Repeated as No. 291 in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, and since in almost all collections, as in the Berlin Geistliche Liedersegen. ed. 1863, No. 936. The well-known tune (known in England as Winchester New as reduced to L. M. in Hymns Ancient & Modern, No. 50) which appeared with this hymn in Freylinghausen, 1704, is altered from a melody to “Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten," in the Musicalisch Handbuch der Geistlichen Melodien, Hamburg, 1690. See L. Erk's Choralbuch, 1863, No. 63, and p. 247; also No. 261. The common, but erroneous ascription of this tune to Crasselius arose from confusion between the authorship of the tune and the words. There is no evidence that Crasselius wrote any tunes. Translations in common use:— 1. Jehovah, let me now adore Thee, a good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, as No. 117, in her Chorale Buch for England, 1863, set to the 1704 melody. 2. To Thee, 0 Lord, will I sing praises, in full, by Dr. M. Loy, in the Evangelical Review, Gettysburg, July 1861, and as No. 216 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are:— (i) "To Thee, Jehovah, I'll be singing," in the Supplement to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 41, and in Select Hymns from German Psaltery, Tranquebar, 1754, p. 72. (2) "Draw me, O Father, to the Son," a translation of stanza ii., by P. H. Molther, as No. 185 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the ed. of 1886 it is enlarged to 3 stanzas by the addition of the translation of stanzas i. and viii., and in this form it begins:—“To Thee, Jehovah, will I sing." (3) "To Thee, O Lord, I come with singing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, April, 1866, p. 248, repeated as No. 402 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. ii. Erwach, 0 Mensch, erwache. Lent. Appeared in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 266, in 4 stanzas of 9 lines. Included in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, No. 298, and Allgemeine Gesang-Buch 1846, No. 13. Translated as "Awake, O man, and from thee shake," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 61. The hymn, "Heiligster Jesu, Heiligungsquelle," ascribed to Crasselius, is noted under J. v. Lodenstein. See also "Hallelujah! Lob, Preis und Ehr." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
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