To search, you can enter terms in the Search the entire Hymnary box in the upper right hand corner of the page, or for more specific or advanced queries, you can use the Advanced Search page. Here are a few tricks that can help with searches:
Select result type: if you want to receive a list of a particular sort, such as hymnals, you can select it from the "Select result type" drop box. "Hymns" are published text/tune combinations. Searching for Texts or Tunes will bring you to a summary page with information about the text or tune. An Instance is the hymn as it appears in a hymnal.
The My Hymnals checkbox allows you to search only within hymnals that you own. You can add hymnals by logging in, clicking on your user name in the top right corner and then "My Hymnals". There you can select hymnals that you own and add them to the list. You can then check the "My Hymnals" checkbox to search within the hymnals in your collection.
The Starred Hymns checkbox allows you to search only within hymns and tunes that you have starred. You may star texts, tunes, and instances on the left-hand side of search results, and also star texts and tunes on the top right corner of authority pages. You can then check the "Starred Hymns" checkbox to limit your search to results you have starred.
More help is available on advanced search tips.
Happy searching!