1 To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises,
For where is found a glorious God like Thee?
To Thee my heart its anthem raises,
O give Thy quick'ning Spirit's aid to me,
That I may sing in Jesus' name alone,
In strains which find acceptance at Thy throne.
2 O Father, draw me to the Savior,
That He in turn may draw me unto Thee;
Thy Spirit make my heart His dwelling
And deign within my rule and guide to be,
That I Thy wondrous peace may taste and feel
As from my heart to Thee glad anthems peal.
3 Grant me, O Lord, this priceless treasure,
Then shall my humble worship grateful be;
Then beautiful will be the measure
With which in heart and truth I worship Thee;
Then near to Thee Thy Spirit shall me bring,
And I a worthy psalm of praise shall sing.
4 For He can plead my cause with sighings
That far surpass all pow'r of speech to tell;
He teaches me to pray with fervor
And witness bears that I beyond shall dwell,
Thy child and heir with Christ, thro' whom I say:
O Abba, Father, hear me when I pray.
5 What Thy good Spirit bids me utter
Is truly with Thy will in sweet accord;
Thou nevermore wilt fail to grant me
What I request of Thee through Christ my Lord:
In His dear name I come before Thy face
And take from Thee, O Father, grace for grace.
6 I pray, then, in the name of Jesus,
Who ever pleads for me at Thy right hand;
Thus my petitions all are granted,
For Thou wilt nevermore His pleas withstand.
What joy and bliss beyond compare is mine!
For this, O Lord, be all the glory Thine!
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #587
First Line: | To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises |
German Title: | Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen |
Author: | Bartholomäus Crasselius |
Translator: | Catherine Winkworth |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |