A call rings through the land | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
A conflict is raging of right against wrong | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
A conflict now is raging 'gainst the hosts of sin and night | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
A guiding hand I clearly trace | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
A hand divine held out to me | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
A little while, a little while, How swift the moments fly | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
A manger, a mother, a baby so fair | George Orlia Webster (Author) | | 2 |
A pilgrim band, a throng | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
A prize is set before us | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Along our path, from day to day | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
America, beloved, of thee our song shall be | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
An army with banners is marching along | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Angel voices joined in a sweet refrain | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Are you building on the rock (Webster) | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Are you over borne by trials | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Arise, arise, a voice is sounding | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Arise, arise, for lo, the night is past | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Arise, arise, for men are wanted | George Orlia Webster (Author) | | 2 |
As we march along, we will sing a song | Rev. George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Awake, O ye blossoms, the springtime is here | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Away in yonder forest, Where God alone can see | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Be a blessing to someone with each passing day | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Be loyal to your colors | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Blossoms lift their sunny faces to the light | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Boys and girls repeat | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Breaking through the clouds above us oft we see | George Orlia Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Can a boy forget his mother? She's his one best friend | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Can I forget the debt I owe | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Can I forget the love that stooped to earth | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Changeful may be my lot | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
Christ the Savior, king of glory | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Clovers white and clovers red, All the meadows overspread | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Come home, come home, the Father 's voice is calling | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
Day when heaven and earth unite in songs of gladness | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Do the storm clouds gather so cold and gray? | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Do you bear a heavy burden? | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Do you bend beneath a burden, needing strength beyond your own? | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Do you know the friend of sinners? | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
Do you need a friend to help you In life's darkest hour | George Orlia Webster (Author) | | 3 |
Does the way seem dreary where your feet must fare? | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Each life has its measure of sorrow and care | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Earth's victors with garlands of flowers are crowned | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Faith will keep the sunlight shining in your heart | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Father so holy, throned in light above | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Fill each swiftly passing day | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Fill me, Savior, with the sunlight of Thy love divine | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
For his dear sake who carried | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
For the summer's golden hours | Rev. Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
For your flag and my flag | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Forward, forward, soldiers of the cross, Christ, our King, must never suffer loss | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
From the garden of the heart | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
From the heaven's opened portals | Rev. Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
From the riven side of Jesus | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Gird on your armor, ye soldiers of light | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Go forward, go forward in Jesus' conquering name | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
God leads to victory | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
God will take care of me, why should I fear? Help all-prevailing for me there is near | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 5 |
God's will I know is best for me | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Going forth to serve for Jesus | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Hail to the great Creator, Wonderful are His ways | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Have we climbed the mount of vision | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Have you heard the call to battle in the cause of right and truth? | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Hear the sweet voice that is calling to thee | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
Hear you not the Savior's loving call | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Here is my heart, Lord | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Holy Father, throned on high | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
How wonderful, how marvelous | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
I am happy in my Savior glad and happy as can be | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
I have a Friend to guide me lest I stray | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
I have a mighty Savior | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
I have found life's richest treasure | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
I know no brighter sunshine than my Savior's smiling face | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
I know not what lies on before me | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
I know that my Lord watches o'er me | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
I met the Christ, out on life's way | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
I need Jesus, I need Jesus (Chorus) | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
I need Jesus, my need I now confess | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 94 |
I wander in a wilderness, Where oft my feet might stray | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
I wandered on life's careless way | George O. Webster (Author) | | 3 |
I will tell the wondrous story of redeeming love | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
I would go where Jesus sends me | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Idly standing in the market when there's work to do | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
If Jesus will make me a blessing today | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
If the Christ should come to me | Rev. George O. Webster (Author) | English | 13 |
If the clouds are dark and dreary just above your way | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
If the way leads down where the shadows lie | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
If the way seems hard with the march | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
If you can smile | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
If you cannot find the place | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
If you will just be happy | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
If you would walk in the narrow way | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
I'm redeemed with a price beyond silver or gold | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
In every hour of trial | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
In my heart he set the music ringing | George O. Webster (Author) | | 1 |
In my heart there swells a song | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
In paths of light my Lord may lead me | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
In the great world field | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Is it well with my soul (Webster) | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Jesus gave himself for me | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Jesus is a Rriend of mine, Is He yours, is He yours? | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Jesus is leading me day after day | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
Jesus loves us (Webster) | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Jesus took the little ones | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Just a ray of sunshine (Webster) | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Just a whispered prayer | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 14 |
Keep in touch with Jesus as you pass along | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
Keeping step, we march along | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
King of the ages, though lowly His birth | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Let a song of praise from our hearts upraise | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Let the children of the King | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Let the glory crowned banner of Jesus today | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Let the nations hear the news of full salvation | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Let us cheer and help each other | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Let us now the heart's door | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Let us run our race with patience | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Let your life be set | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Life is a book with its pages fair | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Life is a friendly road, if you take it with a smile | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Lift today your heads, ye mighty gates | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Lift up your heads, lift up your heads | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Listen to the strain | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Lo, the rosy gleam of the morn's first beam | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Long years I had wandered in sin's darkening night | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Lord, teach us to pray (Webster) | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Love led the Savior, in days long ago | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 16 |
Lovingly, tenderly, tell the sweet story | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
Make your life a means of blessing | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
Many, many years ago, On this Christmas night | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Many may strive in an earthly race | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
March forth for the King | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Mighty hosts in conflict gather | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
My heart is aglow with a love light divine | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
My heart is closer drawn to Jesus, day by day | Rev. George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Nearer draw me, blessed Savior | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Not all who hear the Lord's command | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Now, in the pride of the strength of thy youth | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
O brother, on life's rugged pathway | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
O, fallen brother, heed the call | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
O gift divine, God's boundless love revealing | Geo. O. Webster (Alterer) | English | 8 |
O Holy Spirit breathe upon us now | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
O Jesus, lad of Nazareth, So many years ago | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
O my brother, worn | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
O Savior dear, my heart overflows with gladness | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
O precious word of Jesus | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
On life's pathway as we journey There are burdens hard to bear | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Onward Christian soldiers, every voice sing | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Our eyes have seen the multitude | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Our fathers' God, to Thee we come | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Out in the fields with God | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Out of the heart are the issues of life | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Perhaps your feet may chance to tread | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Praise God for His word; from its pages divine | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 6 |
Praise the ever living Lord | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise his holy name (Webster) | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Prayer is the key that will open the door | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
Proudly gird your armor on | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Savior, bless the little children, Teach them how to live for Thee | Rev. G. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
See the mighty youthful army | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Seeking a King who was born in a manger | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Shout aloud your hallelujahs | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Since Jesus, the Son of the highest | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Since the blessed Savior sought me when I went astray | Rev. George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Sing a little song | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Sinner, the Savior is calling to thee, List to Him now | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
So many are heavily laden | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Some days are dark, some days are fair | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Someone is needing a blessing today | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Sometimes I catch a vision fair | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Sometimes I see through mists of bitter tears | George Orlia Webster (Author) | | 6 |
Speak to me now, my Savior | Rev. George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Stand in the place of God's choosing | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Sweetest songs now are lifting to the God above | George O. Webster (Author) | | 4 |
The call "To Arms" is ringing | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The Captain calls for volunteers | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The cry to arms is heard (Webster) | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The gates of life | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
The golden hours are gliding on | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The light of His presence illumines my way | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
The Lord is calling for men to serve Him | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The Lord of life is Victor now | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
The love of Christ the Savior | George O. Webster (Author) | | 3 |
The men of our America | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
The mighty God, the King of life immortal | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The mighty hosts of sin and wrong | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The morning breaks, I face the way ahead | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
The perfume laden breezes bring, A message sweet and clear | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The prize of the heavenly calling | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The ranks of joyous youth | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The rocky tomb is riven | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
The shadows of evening around me | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
The strong right hand of Him who rules the world | Rev. Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
The Victor comes with kingly tread | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
The world is full of sin and sadness, And hearts are aching, with sorrows breaking | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
There are days so dark that I cannot see | G. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
There are hearts whose sorest need Is some kindly word of deed | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
There are the words of Jesus | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
There is a name of wondrous might | Rev. Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
There is a place called Calvary | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
There is gladness, there is glory, There is fullness of delight | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
There is one who understands | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
There is pardon free | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
There is so much of trouble | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
There is work for all to do, Jesus needs the tried and true | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
There's a call for men | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
There's a place in the ranks you alone can fill | George Orlia Webster (Author) | | 3 |
There's a voice full of tender entreaty | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
There's joy in the service of Jesus | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
They that believe in the Lord shall live | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
This day we call our Mother's day | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
This day we remember The deeds of noble sires | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
This shall be theme and song | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Thou God of the mothers | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Though life's sky be overcast | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Though tempests of temptation sweep across life's sea | George O. Webster (Author) | | 3 |
Though trials throng my earthly way | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Though you may not do for Jesus just the thing you'd like to do | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Through the land a call is sounding | Rev. Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 41 |
Through life's changing fortunes, come what will | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Thy servants, Lord, before thee stand | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Tiny little flowers in a garden pot | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Tiny little tots are we | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
To all the world, the Son of God | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
To trust in our Father from day to day | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Trusting the promises precious | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
Underneath the banner of our Savior King | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
We are comrades of the cross | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
We know that God is on the throne | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 5 |
We love our country's starry flag | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
We march, we march to victory, With our leader, Christ, before us | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
We may journey with rejoicing | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
We praise the conquering might, Of Christ, our Savior King | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
We send the word to Africa | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
We sing today as well | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
We will strive to do the best we can | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
We'd like to sing | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
We're a band of boys, You would know by the noise | George Orlia Webster (Author) | | 4 |
What does the Master expect of me? | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
When at last the strife is ended | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
When burdens are pressing, When cares are distressing | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
When cares and toils are pressing | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
When I was sinking in despair | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | | 3 |
When in His beauty my Savior I see | Rev. Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 7 |
When sin is inviting | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
When the clouds have hid the skies of blue | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
When the clouds their darkness | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
When the days are dark and dreary, When the nights are long and weary | Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 5 |
When the shadows deepen | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
When the shadows gather dark | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
When the tempter calls you? | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
When the youth of our land shall arise in their might | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
When to the Savior you come with a prayer | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Whene'er the shadows gather | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Where the blessed Savior leads me I will go | G. O. W. (Author) | English | 2 |
Wherever the pathway of duty may lead | George Orlia Webster (Author) | | 2 |
Why go we mourning all the day | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
Why should we falter? Why should we fear? | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
With a firm and loving hand | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |
With loyal hearts we come again | Rev. Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 3 |
With souls aflame for deeds of fame | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Wonderful Word of our Father in heaven | George Orlia Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
Ye soldiers of the living God, His call out rings today | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 2 |
You ask what makes me happy, The whole day long | George O. Webster (Author) | English | 22 |
You may banish care and sadness | Rev. Geo. O. Webster (Author) | English | 4 |
Youth is the speeding | George O. Webster (Author) | | 2 |