1 Let us cheer and help each other,
On our pilgrim way;
Let us hearten one another,
Thru the toilsome day.
Let us prove a friend or brother
Wheresoe’er we may,
It is what our Lord would do.
It is what our Lord would do,
This He asks of me, of you;
Let us each to each be true, be true,
As our Lord would do.
2 There are those who sit in sorrow,
Sing a song of cheer;
Those who grief and trouble borrow,
Drive away their fear.
Tell them clouds will life tomorrow,
And the skies will clear;
It is what our Lord would do. [Chorus]
3 Let us go where duty leads us,
Be it far or near;
Knowing that the Father heeds us,
Neither doubt nor fear.
When or wheresoe’er He needs us,
Let us answer: “Here;”
It is what our Lord would do. [Chorus]
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #173