1 We will strive to do the best we can,
The great things or the small,
Whatsoe’er the Lord would have us do,
We will faithful be in all,
We will do our best, leave to Him the rest,
Whatsoe’er our task may be,
At the Master’s call saying one and all,
“Here am I, oh, Lord, use me.”
“Here am I, oh, Lord, use me,
Here am I, oh, Lord, use me;
In Thy blessed will I my place would fill,
Here am I, oh, Lord, use me.”
2 There is need today of willing hands,
The laborers are few,
And a willing heart some task will find;
Has the call not come to you?
By the Master’s grace let us find our place,
Whatsoe’er that place may be,
With a stout heart say to the Lord today,
“Here am I, oh, Lord, use me.” [Refrain]
3 Soon the day will end when work is o’er,
How swift the moments fly,
Let us haste away our place to find,
For the night is drawing nigh;
If our place we fill with a right good will,
We shall well rewarded be;
When the call we hear, let us answer clear,
“Here am I, oh, Lord, use me.” [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #132