Behold the man of sorrows, The thorn crown on His brow | Hattie H. Pierson (Author) | English | 1 |
Beyond the veil that lies between | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
Bright visions that lured our longing eyes | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Christ's royal banner over us is love | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 5 |
Closely around us on every side | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Cristo a los niños quiere | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | Spanish | 2 |
Daylight is breaking, earth is awaking | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Den hand, som blef naglad vid korsets stam | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | Swedish | 2 |
Die Hand, einst durchstochen am Kreuz für mich | Hattie H. Pierson. (Author) | German | 1 |
Do not be discouraged though the way is drear | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Draw me closer, Lord, to thee, day by day | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Fair is the land I am longing to see | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Faith has overcome temptation | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
Far across the hills | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Far from my home I've wandered | Hattie H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Father of mercies, I come to Thee | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Forward in the name of Jesus | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
From the holy city's gateway | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Gird thy sword and make thine armor strong | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 9 |
Give Jesus the best, your very best | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Give me the Bible, God's message divine | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Give of your best endeavor | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Go forth in shining armor to conquer in the strife | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Go forth with banners | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Greif' zum Schwert und leg' die Rüstung an | Hattie H. Pierson (Author) | German | 3 |
Have you met with grief and loss | Miss Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | | 3 |
Hear the call to service in the army of the Lord | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Hear ye the voice of the Master call | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Hope for the weary the promise of God | H. H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
I am longing for the day | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
I know that my Father is caring | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 10 |
I trust my life, O, Lord, to thee | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
I was praying for the peace | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 5 |
I would not choose, dear Lord | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
In my heart new songs are singing | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Just as the stars are shining | H. H. Pierson (Author) | English | 26 |
Life may bring sorrow and weariness now | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Lift up the cross! tell the word over and over | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Lift up your heads, O eternal gates | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Listen to the wondrous story, Old, so old, yet ever new | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
Lo, a stranger at the portal stands | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Los niños son de Cristo | H. Pearson (Author) | Spanish | 3 |
My heart recalls the days of yore | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | | 3 |
No more I fear the longest night | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
O, die Liebe meines Heilands | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | German | 1 |
O precious seal of love divine | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
O tell the love of Jesus | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
O 'twas love that brought my Savior | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
On my willing lips is a hymn of praise | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
On the shore of life's wide ocean | H. H. Pierson (Author) | English | 5 |
Once again the world rejoices | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
One life reclaimed from death and sin | Hattie H. Pierson (Author) | English | 4 |
Open wide thy heart today | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 5 |
Out in the darkness and gloom of night | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Over my heart there steals a memory | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Over the earth glad songs are ringing | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Praise to His name, the Father, high and holy | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
Praise to our great Commander | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Rouse from your slumbers | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
Send me a message from heaven, I pray | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 4 |
Shall we gather at home | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 1 |
Si triste está mi sendra | H. H. Pierson (Author) | Spanish | 2 |
Slowly the web of life unrolls | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
Soul, aweary and worn and sad | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Sprich nur ein Wort aus den himmlischen Höh'n | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | German | 3 |
The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 56 |
The heavy clouds obscure the sky | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
The tempests of life sweep over the soul | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
There's a loving invitation in the Book of Life divine | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
There's a shout in my heart, a song in my soul | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Though the marching feet are weary | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
Though today a weary road thy feet have trod | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
Through every day my heart may know | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 3 |
To the world in its sorrow, sing of hope today | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
We are lights for Jesus | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
We are marching forth to battle | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 14 |
We are marching onward, Soldiers of the Lord | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
We are soldiers of the army of the Lord | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |
What though the way be lonely | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 17 |
When our Christmas Day | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | | 2 |
When the clouds gather thickly, and the shadows lie | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 3 |
When the day is sad and drear | Harriett H. Pierson (Author) | English | 4 |
When the days are gloomy, sing a song of cheer | Harriet H. Pierson (Author) | English | 2 |