1 To the world in its sorrow, sing of hope today;
Tell of Christ who knows, tell of Christ who cares,
Of the hand with its touch of healing by the way,
Of the love that the burden shares.
Send the word afar o’er ev’ry land and sea,
Hope for all, hope for all!
Christ the only hope for all the world shall be,
When its kingdoms and thrones shall fall.
Send the word afar o’er ev’ry land and sea,
Hope for all, hope for all!
On from age to age, with a light divine,
That star of hope shall ever shine.
2 To the world in its groping, point the upward way,
Tell of Christ our guide, tell of Christ our light,
Of the One who will follow all who go astray
Thru the depths of the darkest night. [Refrain]
3 To the world in its doubting, sing of heav’n above,
Tell of Christ on earth, tell of Christ on high,
Of the life that is promised thru redeeming love,
And the hope that can never die. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #40