1 Daylight is breaking, earth is awaking,
Bright is the Christmas morn;
Cometh salvation for ev’ry nation,
Jesus the King is born.
Hail Him, hail Him!
Loud let His praises ring;
Greet Him, greet Him!
Our Prophet and Priest and King;
Crown Him, crown Him!
Let ev’ry land and clime
Proclaim Him King of kings,
This Christmas time.
2 Come with rejoicing, glad praises voicing,
Earth’s kingdoms pass away;
Christ ever-glorious, Christ the victorious,
Cometh to reign for aye. [Refrain]
3 Come and adore Him, bow down before Him,
Earth’s monarchs rise and fall,
One faileth never, One reigneth ever,
Jesus, the Lord of all. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #225