Daniel Hughes

Short Name: Daniel Hughes
Full Name: Hughes, Daniel
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Texts by Daniel Hughes (191)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
And art Thou come with us to dwellD. H. (Translator)English1
Who would true valor seeD. H. (Translator)English1
These things shall be, a loftier raceD. H. (Translator)English1
O worship the King all glorious aboveD. H. (Translator)English1
Agorwyd teml yr Arglwydd yn y nefD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Alleluia! Alleluia! See our Guide and Saviour goDaniel Hughes (Author)2
Am fod fy Iesu'n fyw (Because my Jesus reigns)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
For all the Saints, who from their labor restD. H. (Translator)English1
Â'n ddi-ddim holl bwerau'r byd (All realms of earth and time go by)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Immortal Love, for ever fullD. H. (Translator)English1
Ar ddiwedd llafur blwyddyn gron (Another year of labor gone, And now, O Lord, we meet)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordD. H. (Translator)English1
Arglwydd arwain trwy'r anialwchD. H. (Translator (stanza 3))Welsh1
Arglwydd, danfon dy leferyddD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Arglwydd, gad im' dawal orphwysD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Arglwydd Iesu, arwain f'enaidD. H. (Author (stanza 3))Welsh2
Lord of all being; throned afarD. H. (Translator)English1
Arise, ye sons of laborDaniel Hughes (Author)2
Arnat, Iesu, boed fy meddwlD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
We come unto our fathers' GodD. H. (Translator)English1
At the cross her vigil keeping, Where the Lord and Savior diedD. H. (Author)English2
Behold the NazareneDaniel Hughes (Author)2
God bless our native land, May heaven's protecting handD. H. (Translator)English1
Beth yw'r udgorn glywai'n seinio?D. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Bless our homeland, Lord of nationsD. H. (Author)2
Blest are the pure in heart, For they shall see our GodD. H. (Translator (stanza 5))English1
Boed fy nghalon iti'n demel (Make my heart thy holy temple)D. H. (Translator)Welsh3
Praise to the Holiest in the heightD. H. (Translator)English1
Blest be the tie that bindsD. H. (Translator)English1
Braint, braint Yw cael cymdeithas gyda'r saintD. H. (Translator (stanzas 2, 3))Welsh1
Bugail Israel sydd ofalusD. H. (Author (stanzas 4, 5))Welsh1
Bydd mrydd o ryfeddodauD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Caed trefn i faddau pechodD. H. (Translator (stanzas 2, 3))Welsh1
Cân sêr y wawr yn bêr y sydd (The stars of dawn,--what sweet accord!)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Canaf am yr addewidion (Songs of hope while onward pressing)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Caned nef a daear lawrD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Canwn am ieuenctid tynerDaniel Hughes (Author)Welsh2
Come, ye thankful people, comeD. H. (Translator (stanza 3))English1
Come sacred lance that heals the wound it makesD. H. (Author)2
Christ, Whose glory fills the skiesD. H. (Translator)English1
Cyfammod hedd, cyfammod cadarn DuwD. H. (Author (stanza 3))Welsh2
Cyfodwch, feibion llafurD. H. (Author)Welsh2
Cyhoeddir Mab y SaerD. H. (Author)Welsh2
Cymer, Iesu, fi fel 'r ydwyf Daniel Hughes (English words, tr. (stanza 4))Welsh2
Cyn llunio'r byd, cyn, lledu'r nefoedd wen (Before the world was formed, or heav'n outspread)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
The summer days are come againD. H. (Translator)English1
Daeth ffrydiau melus iawnD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Daeth Gwaredwr gwiw i ddynion (Praise, O Zion's captive daughter)Daniel Hughes (Translator (stanzas 1, 3))English, Welsh2
Daeth hydref eto yn ei dro (The autumn day, his journey done)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Daeth trwy Yr Iesu glân a'i ddwyfol glwy (More, more Of myriad blessings shall outpour)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Dal fi'n agos at yr IesuDaniel Hughes (Translator (stanza 2))2
Daw eto ddengmil miloeddDaniel Hughes (Author)Welsh2
Daw plant y gaethglud adre (The captives' brighter morrow)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
We bear the strain of earthly careD. H. (Translator (stanza 4))English1
Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is brightD. H. (Translator)English1
Great God, what do I see and hear!D. H. (Translator of English text (stanza 3))English2
Dechreu canu, dechreu canmolD. H. (Translator)Welsh2
Deffro, f'enaid, deffro'n ufuddD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Diolch i Ti yr Hollalluog DduwDaniel Hughes (English (Trans.))Welsh4
Dowch, dowch, o fawr i fânD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Dragwyddol Dad, anfeidrol IôrD. H. (Author (stanzas 2, 3))English, Welsh2
Dragwyddol, Hollalluog Iôr (Eternal God of heav'n and earth)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Draw mi welaf ryfeddodau (Far I see the respendent wonders)Daniel Hughes (Translator (stanza 1))English, Welsh2
Drwy'r Ysbryd heddiw awnD. H. (Author (stanza 3))Welsh2
The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned aboveD. H. (Translator)English1
God of the changing year, whose arm of powerD. H. (Translator)English1
God be with you till we meet againD. H. (Translator)English1
God of grace and God of gloryD. H. (Translator)English1
Duw yw fy nerth a'm noddfa lawn (God is my strength in all my woe)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Dy eiddo, 'r Iôr, yw'r ddaear honDaniel Hughes (Author)Welsh2
Dy fawr drugaredd, Arglwydd Iôn (Our Lord, how great thy mercies are)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
'Tis good, Lord, to be hereD. H. (Translator)English1
Dyma Babell y cyfarfodD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Dyma Feibil annwyl IesuD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Dyma Geidwad i'r colledigD. H. (Translator)1
A mighty Fortress is our God, A trusty Shield and WeaponD. H. (Translator)English1
Ein Harglwydd da, â'r flwyddyn drawD. H. (Author)Welsh2
Ein hoffter a'n rhyfeddod yw (Our pleasure and our wonder are)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Ein llygaid agor, Dduw (Open our eyes, O Lord, Who wander in the night)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Though fatherland be vast and fairD. H. (Translator)1
Dear Lord and Father of mankindD. H. (Translator)English1
Er chwilio'r holl fyd (I sought through the earth)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Fierce raged the tempest over the deepD. H. (Translator)English1
Esgynnodd Crist i'r nefol wlad (The Christ ascended through the sky)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless waveD. H. (Author (stanzas 2, 3))English1
Eternity makes toll and callDaniel Hughes (Author)2
Judge eternal, throned in splendorD. H. (Translator)English1
I learned it in the meadow pathD. H. (Translator)English1
Faith of our fathers, living stillD. H. (Translator)English1
Fy Iesu, 'r wy'n gweled dy lun (My Jesus, portrayed I see here)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
My God, I thank Thee who hast madeD. H. (Translator)English1
Jesus calls us, o'er the tumultD. H. (Translator)English1
Gerllaw y ffynnon greigiog (Beside a rocky fountain)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Give me, O Lord, thy heavenly loveDaniel Hughes (Author)2
Glân Ysbryd Duw ollyngir (God gives his Holy Spirit)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Crown Him with many crownsD. H. (Translator)English1
Look, ye saints; the sight is gloriousD. H. (Translator)English1
Make me a captive, LordD. H. (Translator)English1
Haleliwia! Haleliwia! Wele'r Ceidwad yn ddi-frawD. H. (Author)Welsh2
Haleliwia! mawl i Dduw (Alleluia to our God)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Summer suns are glowingD. H. (Translator)English1
Hen afon yr IorddonenD. H. (Translator (stanza 1))Welsh1
Henffych ddydd, esgynnodd CristD. H. (Author)Welsh2
Henffych ddydd Nadolig llon!Daniel Hughes (Author (stanza 4))Welsh4
Joy to the world! the Lord is come!D. H. (Translator)English1
Holy [Holiest] Source of consolationD. H. (Translator (stanza 3))English1
I Galfaria tro'f fy wynebDaniel Hughes (English Words translated by)Welsh2
Jesus, still lead onD. H. (Translator)English1
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is endedD. H. (Translator)English1
Jesus comes when hopes are slenderD. H. (Author (stanza 1))2
Jesus wept! his pity flowingDaniel Hughes (Author)2
Let us sing the tender childhoodD. H. (Author)2
Llawenhewch, fynyddoedd uchel (Come, rejoice, ye highest mountains)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peaceDaniel Hughes (Trans. (verse 4))English2
Mae llais efengyl fwyn (I hear the gentle voice)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
There's a wideness in God's mercyD. H. (Translator)English1
Mae'n hyfryd meddwl ambell droD. H. (Translator)1
Mae'r gwaed a redodd ar y groesD. H. (Translator (stanza 1))Welsh1
The strife is o'er, the battle doneD. H. (Translator)English1
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, Bow down before Him, His glory proclaimD. H. (Translator)English1
Melys cofio y cyfamod (Sweet the covenant to ponder)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Mi dafla' maich oddi ar fy ngwàrD. H. (Translator (stanza 5))Welsh1
Mi wn fod fy Mhrynwr yn fywD. H. (Author (English, stanza 3))1
Mor ddedwydd yw y rhai trwy ffyddDaniel Hughes (Author (stanzas 4, 5))Welsh2
Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to TheeD. H. (Translator)English1
Standing at the portal, of the opening yearD. H. (Translator)English1
Stand up, stand up, for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross (Duffield)D. H. (Translator)English1
Na foed im feddwl, ddydd na nos (By day or night my thought is loss)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Na lwfwrha, mae bysedd (Despair not! God's own finger)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Ni allodd angau duD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
We love the place, O GodD. H. (Translator)English1
O agor fy llygaid I weledD. H. (Translator)1
O for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praiseD. H. (Translator)English1
O little town of BethlehemD. H. (Translator)English1
O, come to the waters overflowingD. H. (Translator (stanza 3))English1
O God, whose smile is in the skyD. H. (Translator)English1
O God, whose voice the angels hearD. H. (Translator)English1
O Dduw, O Dduw, O Dduw, rho im dy hedd (O God, O God, O God, Thy peace by mine)D. H. (Translator)Welsh1
O, deffro, deffro, gwisg dy nerth (Awake, awake, arm of the Lord)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
O come and mourn with me awhileD. H. (Translator)English1
The glory of the spring, how sweetD. H. (Translator)English1
O! ganu bendigedig (O! wonderful the music)Daniel Hughes (English Words, Translated by)English, Welsh Words3
O gariad, O gariad mor rhâd! O! foroedd o gariad mor fawrD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
O happy band of pilgrimsD. H. (Translator)English1
O, have you seen Him?Daniel Hughes (Translator (stanza 4))2
O, pryn y gwir, fy enaid, pryn (O, buy the truth, my soul, buy well)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
O tyn Y gorchudd yn y myn'ydd hynD. H. (Translator (stanza 3))Welsh1
Once to every man and nationD. H. (Translator (stanzas 1, 2))English1
One there is, above all others, Well deserves the name of FriendD. H. (Translator (stanzas 2, 3))English1
Our blessed Redeemer we'll followD. H. (Translator (stanza 3))2
Pan fwy'n nyffryn cysgod angau (Though in death's dark vale repining)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Pechadur wyf, O Arglwydd!D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh1
Pwy a'm dwg i'r Ddinas gadarnD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Pwy welaf o Edom yn d'odD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
Pwy yw Hwn sy'n rhodio'r tonnauD. H. (Author (stanza 5))Welsh2
'R wyf innau'n filwr bychan (I am a little soldier)Daniel Hughes (Translator)Welsh3
Rho im', fy Nuw, dy gariad drudDaniel Hughes (Author)Welsh2
Now thank we all our God With heart and hands and voicesD. H. (Translator)English1
I love to tell the story Of unseen things aboveD. H. (Translator)English1
Sain clychau ffydd! o gopa mynydd draw (Ring bells of faith! from mountain summit bright)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Savior, Who Thy flock art feedingD. H. (Author (stanza 4))English1
See the twelve with anxious facesDaniel Hughes (Author)2
Sound the battle cry! See, the foe is nighD. H. (Translator)English1
Spirit divine, attend our prayersD. H. (Author (stanza 3))English1
Sweet the moments, rich in blessingD. H. (Author (stanzas 2-5))English1
Ten thousand times ten thousand, From every clime and clanDaniel Hughes (Author)2
The earth is thine from pole to poleDaniel Hughes (Author)2
This is the dearest heavenliest placeDaniel Hughes (Translator (stanza 1))English2
Thy terror, O death, now is vanquishedD. H. (Translator (stanza 1))2
Dear Friend, whose presence in the houseD. H. (Translator)English1
Transgression is forgivenDaniel Hughes (English (stanzas 2 and 3))English2
O Thou eternal One, whose presence brightD. H. (Translator)English1
Tyrd bicell bur sy'n gwella'r briw a roiDaniel Hughes (Author)Welsh2
Come, Thou Fount of every blessingD. H. (Translator)English1
Tyred, Iesu, i'r anialwch At bechadr gwael ei lunD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
We believe in births of BeautyD. H. (Author)2
Wele'r deuddeg yn eu pryderDaniel Hughes (Author)Welsh2
When I survey the wondrous cross (Watts)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English2
Who, living, leave the world behind (Y sawl sy'n gadael esmwyth rawd)D. H. (Translator)English, Welsh2
Man of Sorrows, wrapt in griefD. H. (Translator (into Welsh))English1
Wrth y groes a'i gwae yn gwylioDaniel Hughes (Author)Welsh2
Wylodd Iesu! Dagrau'n ffrydioDaniel Hughes (Author)Welsh2
Men whose boast it is, that yeD. H. (Translator)English1
Y nefoedd uwch fy mhen (The heav'ns above my head)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Within the Father's house, the Son hath found His homeD. H. (Translator)English1
I bow my forehead to the dustD. H. (Translator)English1
Yn y dyfroedd mawr a'r tonnauD. H. (Translator)Welsh1
In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering over the wrecks of timeD. H. (Translator)English1
Yr Arglwydd a feddwl amdanaf (O grant Lord, the vision resplendent)Daniel Hughes (English Words translated by)Welsh2
Yr wyffyn ffrind i'r Iesu (I am a friend to Jesus)Daniel Hughes (Translator)English, Welsh2
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, Taught by Thee we covet mostD. H. (Translator)English1
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