And art Thou come with us to dwell | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Who would true valor see | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
These things shall be, a loftier race | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
O worship the King all glorious above | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Agorwyd teml yr Arglwydd yn y nef | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Alleluia! Alleluia! See our Guide and Saviour go | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
Am fod fy Iesu'n fyw (Because my Jesus reigns) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
For all the Saints, who from their labor rest | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Â'n ddi-ddim holl bwerau'r byd (All realms of earth and time go by) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Immortal Love, for ever full | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Ar ddiwedd llafur blwyddyn gron (Another year of labor gone, And now, O Lord, we meet) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Arglwydd arwain trwy'r anialwch | D. H. (Translator (stanza 3)) | Welsh | 1 |
Arglwydd, danfon dy leferydd | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Arglwydd, gad im' dawal orphwys | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Arglwydd Iesu, arwain f'enaid | D. H. (Author (stanza 3)) | Welsh | 2 |
Lord of all being; throned afar | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Arise, ye sons of labor | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
Arnat, Iesu, boed fy meddwl | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
We come unto our fathers' God | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
At the cross her vigil keeping, Where the Lord and Savior died | D. H. (Author) | English | 2 |
Behold the Nazarene | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
God bless our native land, May heaven's protecting hand | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Beth yw'r udgorn glywai'n seinio? | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Bless our homeland, Lord of nations | D. H. (Author) | | 2 |
Blest are the pure in heart, For they shall see our God | D. H. (Translator (stanza 5)) | English | 1 |
Boed fy nghalon iti'n demel (Make my heart thy holy temple) | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 3 |
Praise to the Holiest in the height | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Blest be the tie that binds | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Braint, braint Yw cael cymdeithas gyda'r saint | D. H. (Translator (stanzas 2, 3)) | Welsh | 1 |
Bugail Israel sydd ofalus | D. H. (Author (stanzas 4, 5)) | Welsh | 1 |
Bydd mrydd o ryfeddodau | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Caed trefn i faddau pechod | D. H. (Translator (stanzas 2, 3)) | Welsh | 1 |
Cân sêr y wawr yn bêr y sydd (The stars of dawn,--what sweet accord!) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Canaf am yr addewidion (Songs of hope while onward pressing) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Caned nef a daear lawr | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Canwn am ieuenctid tyner | Daniel Hughes (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Come, ye thankful people, come | D. H. (Translator (stanza 3)) | English | 1 |
Come sacred lance that heals the wound it makes | D. H. (Author) | | 2 |
Christ, Whose glory fills the skies | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Cyfammod hedd, cyfammod cadarn Duw | D. H. (Author (stanza 3)) | Welsh | 2 |
Cyfodwch, feibion llafur | D. H. (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Cyhoeddir Mab y Saer | D. H. (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Cymer, Iesu, fi fel 'r ydwyf | Daniel Hughes (English words, tr. (stanza 4)) | Welsh | 2 |
Cyn llunio'r byd, cyn, lledu'r nefoedd wen (Before the world was formed, or heav'n outspread) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
The summer days are come again | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Daeth ffrydiau melus iawn | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Daeth Gwaredwr gwiw i ddynion (Praise, O Zion's captive daughter) | Daniel Hughes (Translator (stanzas 1, 3)) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Daeth hydref eto yn ei dro (The autumn day, his journey done) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Daeth trwy Yr Iesu glân a'i ddwyfol glwy (More, more Of myriad blessings shall outpour) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Dal fi'n agos at yr Iesu | Daniel Hughes (Translator (stanza 2)) | | 2 |
Daw eto ddengmil miloedd | Daniel Hughes (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Daw plant y gaethglud adre (The captives' brighter morrow) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
We bear the strain of earthly care | D. H. (Translator (stanza 4)) | English | 1 |
Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Great God, what do I see and hear! | D. H. (Translator of English text (stanza 3)) | English | 2 |
Dechreu canu, dechreu canmol | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 2 |
Deffro, f'enaid, deffro'n ufudd | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Diolch i Ti yr Hollalluog Dduw | Daniel Hughes (English (Trans.)) | Welsh | 4 |
Dowch, dowch, o fawr i fân | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Dragwyddol Dad, anfeidrol Iôr | D. H. (Author (stanzas 2, 3)) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Dragwyddol, Hollalluog Iôr (Eternal God of heav'n and earth) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Draw mi welaf ryfeddodau (Far I see the respendent wonders) | Daniel Hughes (Translator (stanza 1)) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Drwy'r Ysbryd heddiw awn | D. H. (Author (stanza 3)) | Welsh | 2 |
The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
God of the changing year, whose arm of power | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
God be with you till we meet again | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
God of grace and God of glory | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Duw yw fy nerth a'm noddfa lawn (God is my strength in all my woe) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Dy eiddo, 'r Iôr, yw'r ddaear hon | Daniel Hughes (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Dy fawr drugaredd, Arglwydd Iôn (Our Lord, how great thy mercies are) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
'Tis good, Lord, to be here | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Dyma Babell y cyfarfod | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Dyma Feibil annwyl Iesu | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig | D. H. (Translator) | | 1 |
A mighty Fortress is our God, A trusty Shield and Weapon | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Ein Harglwydd da, â'r flwyddyn draw | D. H. (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Ein hoffter a'n rhyfeddod yw (Our pleasure and our wonder are) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Ein llygaid agor, Dduw (Open our eyes, O Lord, Who wander in the night) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Though fatherland be vast and fair | D. H. (Translator) | | 1 |
Dear Lord and Father of mankind | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Er chwilio'r holl fyd (I sought through the earth) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Fierce raged the tempest over the deep | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Esgynnodd Crist i'r nefol wlad (The Christ ascended through the sky) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave | D. H. (Author (stanzas 2, 3)) | English | 1 |
Eternity makes toll and call | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
Judge eternal, throned in splendor | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
I learned it in the meadow path | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Faith of our fathers, living still | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Fy Iesu, 'r wy'n gweled dy lun (My Jesus, portrayed I see here) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
My God, I thank Thee who hast made | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Gerllaw y ffynnon greigiog (Beside a rocky fountain) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Give me, O Lord, thy heavenly love | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
Glân Ysbryd Duw ollyngir (God gives his Holy Spirit) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Crown Him with many crowns | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Look, ye saints; the sight is glorious | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Make me a captive, Lord | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Haleliwia! Haleliwia! Wele'r Ceidwad yn ddi-fraw | D. H. (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Haleliwia! mawl i Dduw (Alleluia to our God) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Summer suns are glowing | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Hen afon yr Iorddonen | D. H. (Translator (stanza 1)) | Welsh | 1 |
Henffych ddydd, esgynnodd Crist | D. H. (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Henffych ddydd Nadolig llon! | Daniel Hughes (Author (stanza 4)) | Welsh | 4 |
Joy to the world! the Lord is come! | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Holy [Holiest] Source of consolation | D. H. (Translator (stanza 3)) | English | 1 |
I Galfaria tro'f fy wyneb | Daniel Hughes (English Words translated by) | Welsh | 2 |
Jesus, still lead on | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Jesus comes when hopes are slender | D. H. (Author (stanza 1)) | | 2 |
Jesus wept! his pity flowing | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
Let us sing the tender childhood | D. H. (Author) | | 2 |
Llawenhewch, fynyddoedd uchel (Come, rejoice, ye highest mountains) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace | Daniel Hughes (Trans. (verse 4)) | English | 2 |
Mae llais efengyl fwyn (I hear the gentle voice) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
There's a wideness in God's mercy | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Mae'n hyfryd meddwl ambell dro | D. H. (Translator) | | 1 |
Mae'r gwaed a redodd ar y groes | D. H. (Translator (stanza 1)) | Welsh | 1 |
The strife is o'er, the battle done | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, Bow down before Him, His glory proclaim | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Melys cofio y cyfamod (Sweet the covenant to ponder) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Mi dafla' maich oddi ar fy ngwàr | D. H. (Translator (stanza 5)) | Welsh | 1 |
Mi wn fod fy Mhrynwr yn fyw | D. H. (Author (English, stanza 3)) | | 1 |
Mor ddedwydd yw y rhai trwy ffydd | Daniel Hughes (Author (stanzas 4, 5)) | Welsh | 2 |
Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to Thee | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Standing at the portal, of the opening year | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Stand up, stand up, for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross (Duffield) | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Na foed im feddwl, ddydd na nos (By day or night my thought is loss) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Na lwfwrha, mae bysedd (Despair not! God's own finger) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Ni allodd angau du | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
We love the place, O God | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
O agor fy llygaid I weled | D. H. (Translator) | | 1 |
O for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praise | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
O little town of Bethlehem | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
O, come to the waters overflowing | D. H. (Translator (stanza 3)) | English | 1 |
O God, whose smile is in the sky | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
O God, whose voice the angels hear | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
O Dduw, O Dduw, O Dduw, rho im dy hedd (O God, O God, O God, Thy peace by mine) | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
O, deffro, deffro, gwisg dy nerth (Awake, awake, arm of the Lord) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
O come and mourn with me awhile | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
The glory of the spring, how sweet | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
O! ganu bendigedig (O! wonderful the music) | Daniel Hughes (English Words, Translated by) | English, Welsh Words | 3 |
O gariad, O gariad mor rhâd! O! foroedd o gariad mor fawr | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
O happy band of pilgrims | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
O, have you seen Him? | Daniel Hughes (Translator (stanza 4)) | | 2 |
O, pryn y gwir, fy enaid, pryn (O, buy the truth, my soul, buy well) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
O tyn Y gorchudd yn y myn'ydd hyn | D. H. (Translator (stanza 3)) | Welsh | 1 |
Once to every man and nation | D. H. (Translator (stanzas 1, 2)) | English | 1 |
One there is, above all others, Well deserves the name of Friend | D. H. (Translator (stanzas 2, 3)) | English | 1 |
Our blessed Redeemer we'll follow | D. H. (Translator (stanza 3)) | | 2 |
Pan fwy'n nyffryn cysgod angau (Though in death's dark vale repining) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Pechadur wyf, O Arglwydd! | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 1 |
Pwy a'm dwg i'r Ddinas gadarn | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Pwy welaf o Edom yn d'od | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
Pwy yw Hwn sy'n rhodio'r tonnau | D. H. (Author (stanza 5)) | Welsh | 2 |
'R wyf innau'n filwr bychan (I am a little soldier) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | Welsh | 3 |
Rho im', fy Nuw, dy gariad drud | Daniel Hughes (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Now thank we all our God With heart and hands and voices | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
I love to tell the story Of unseen things above | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Sain clychau ffydd! o gopa mynydd draw (Ring bells of faith! from mountain summit bright) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Savior, Who Thy flock art feeding | D. H. (Author (stanza 4)) | English | 1 |
See the twelve with anxious faces | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
Sound the battle cry! See, the foe is nigh | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Spirit divine, attend our prayers | D. H. (Author (stanza 3)) | English | 1 |
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing | D. H. (Author (stanzas 2-5)) | English | 1 |
Ten thousand times ten thousand, From every clime and clan | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
The earth is thine from pole to pole | Daniel Hughes (Author) | | 2 |
This is the dearest heavenliest place | Daniel Hughes (Translator (stanza 1)) | English | 2 |
Thy terror, O death, now is vanquished | D. H. (Translator (stanza 1)) | | 2 |
Dear Friend, whose presence in the house | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Transgression is forgiven | Daniel Hughes (English (stanzas 2 and 3)) | English | 2 |
O Thou eternal One, whose presence bright | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Tyrd bicell bur sy'n gwella'r briw a roi | Daniel Hughes (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Tyred, Iesu, i'r anialwch At bechadr gwael ei lun | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
We believe in births of Beauty | D. H. (Author) | | 2 |
Wele'r deuddeg yn eu pryder | Daniel Hughes (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
When I survey the wondrous cross (Watts) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English | 2 |
Who, living, leave the world behind (Y sawl sy'n gadael esmwyth rawd) | D. H. (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Man of Sorrows, wrapt in grief | D. H. (Translator (into Welsh)) | English | 1 |
Wrth y groes a'i gwae yn gwylio | Daniel Hughes (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Wylodd Iesu! Dagrau'n ffrydio | Daniel Hughes (Author) | Welsh | 2 |
Men whose boast it is, that ye | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Y nefoedd uwch fy mhen (The heav'ns above my head) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Within the Father's house, the Son hath found His home | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
I bow my forehead to the dust | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Yn y dyfroedd mawr a'r tonnau | D. H. (Translator) | Welsh | 1 |
In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering over the wrecks of time | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |
Yr Arglwydd a feddwl amdanaf (O grant Lord, the vision resplendent) | Daniel Hughes (English Words translated by) | Welsh | 2 |
Yr wyffyn ffrind i'r Iesu (I am a friend to Jesus) | Daniel Hughes (Translator) | English, Welsh | 2 |
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, Taught by Thee we covet most | D. H. (Translator) | English | 1 |