Alfred Barratt

Alfred Barratt
Short Name: Alfred Barratt
Full Name: Barratt, Alfred, lyricist
Birth Year: 1879
Death Year: 1968

Barratt, Alfred. (New Springs, Wigan, Lancashire, England, October 25, 1879--December, 1968). Coming to the United States as a young man, he studied at Gordon College, Massachusetts, and Newton Theological Seminary, Mass. He was ordained in December, 1913, by the Baptists in Connecticut, then by the Wheeling WV Presbytery, Presbyterian Church in the USA, in 1924. He was pastor of Dallas, West Virginia, then of a series of churches in the Presbytery of Clarion, Pennsylvania. In 1937 he was awarded the Doctor of Literature degree by Bob Jones College.

On November 26, 1962, he wrote the undersigned: "For 39 long years I have labored hard and steady writing sermons, children's story sermons, and hymns. Up to the present day I have written 4,477 hymns. 80 percent of my sermons are published in books and magazines."

--William J. Reynolds, DNAH Archives

Texts by Alfred Barratt (779)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A fountain clear is flowing from yonder throne aboveRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Abide with us dear JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
All hail to Christ, the Christmas KingAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
All my fears are goneRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
All my sadness changed to gladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
All the griefs and fears that filled my soulAlfred Barratt (Author)2
All the many heavy burdens we have carriedAlfred Barratt (Author)2
All the shadows pass away, all your night will turn todayRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
All the world around is bright to meRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
All through the day, All over the wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Amid the strain and stress of life, In weal or woe, in peace or strifeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Among those mansions over thereRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Are the burdens you carry too heavy to bearAlfred Barratt (Author)English9
Are you burdened with a heavy loadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Are you burdened with grief and careAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Are you burdened with your sinAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Are you despondent, discouraged and sadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Are you discouraged o'er burdened with fearAlfred Barratt (Author)4
Are you living alone in sorrowAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Are you living yet in bondageAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Are you lone and weary, burdened with your sinAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Are you lonely, despondent, and sad?Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Are you lonely, sad and wearyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Are you selling the dear, precious SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Are you sore afraid in your storm tossed lifeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Are you telling of Jesus as onward you goAlfred Barratt (Author)3
Are you walking in the path of wrongAlfred Barratt (Author)3
Are you wandering still in sorrowAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Are you weary, heavy laden, Is your herat with sorrow tried?Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Around the manger cradleAlfred Barratt (Author)2
As I press along to that shining goalRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
As I tread the narrow way, trusting Jesus every dayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
As we journey through this life, 'mid the days of toil and strifeRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
As you journey day by day all along the narrow wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
As you tread life's dusty wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
As you tread life's way through the toilsome dayRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
As you walk the narrow way, pressing onward day by dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
At the Lord's command, come and take your standAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Be faithful to JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Be loving and cheerfulAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Be not discouraged when dark is the wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Be not discouraged, God is your FriendAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Be not discouraged whate'er befallAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Be not discouraged when dark your wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Be not discouraged when pathways are drearyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Be not discouraged when troubles assailRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)2
Be not dismayed when cares oppressRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Be not impatient, though God tarries longAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Be of good courage, be brave, and be strongAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Be Thou my helper on life's lonely roadAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Bear the cross with patience day by dayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Bells of joy will ringAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Beyond this world of sin and strife, Of things that mar my checkered lifeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Beyond this world of sin and strife, Where woes abound and grief is rifeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Billows of blessing are floodingAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Bless me, dear Savior, while pressingAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Bravely take your stand at the Lord's commandAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Bring your burden to the SaviorRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Bring your sorrows to JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Bring your wounded heart to JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Christ the Lord is very nearAlfred Barratt (Author)6
Close to the Savior I would abideRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Close to thee, my precious SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Come boldly to the throne of grace, And bow in deep humilityAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Come just as you are (Barratt)Alfred Barratt (Author)2
Come ye sad and wearyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Dear Savior, walk alongAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Do not falter, do not stumbleRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Do not falter on the pathwayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Do not journey alone on the path belowAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Do not murmur when the day is drearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Do not walk alone over life's dark wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Do you know that Jesus loves you with a heart both kind and true?Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Do you need someone to guide youAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Does your sad heart for pardon yearnRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Draw me nearer gentle SaviorRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Every moment of the day, as I tread the homeward wayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Every day I love my Savior more and moreRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Everywhere I go there is grief and woeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Far beyond the stars of nightAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Father of Love Thy tender love bestowRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Flowers in the gardenAlfred Barratt (Author)2
For years you have slighted the Savior of menRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
From sin my Savior set me freeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
From the Lord I wandered into sin astrayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
From the strain and stressAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Give us patience blessed MasterRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Go and tell Jesus your sorrowAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Go forth from darkness into lightAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Go quickly and tell the glad story To those who have wandered astrayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
God of mercy, guard and guide usAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
God's blessings are scattered around usAlfred Barratt (Author)4
Golden bells are ringing, In that shining landRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Golden sunbeams pure and brightRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Gone is my burden of sorrow and shameAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Gospel song jewels are winging their wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Hark the song of gladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Has the Lord in mercy saved your soulAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Have you been saved from sorrow and sin?Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Have you done nothing here belowAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Have you drifted away from your mother's sweet prayers?Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Have you heard the blessed proclamationRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English5
Have you heard the loving voice of jesusAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Have you said yes to the SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Have you wandered in the gloom and coldRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Have your sins all been removedAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
He is leading me, though I cannot seeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Help us be sincere and trueAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Helping just a little as we pass alongAlfred Barratt (Author)3
Hold fast thy Faith dear heart opprestAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Hold fast your faith, faint not nor fearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
How sweet it will be at the close of life's dayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
How thoughtless are thy people, LordRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am free from condemnation, For my Savior makes me freeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am gonna take a heavenly journeyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am happy every day, as I journey on my wayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I am happy every moment in the shadowsAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I am in love with Christ my KingAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am living in comfortAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I am living now in Love-landRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am never discouraged when dark is the dayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I am pressing day by dayAlfred Barratt (Author)3
I am pressing onward, day by dayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am pressing onward to my home so fairAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am ready to follow my Savior todayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am resting in my Father's loving careAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am safely resting in His controlAlfred Barrett (Author)2
I am sailing life's troublesome seaAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am singing and rejoicingAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I am singing as I press alongRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am singing in the shadowsRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am singing on my way to that land aboveAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am sweetly trusting in the LordAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I am trusting in the Lord and believing in His wordRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am trusting in the Lord and relying on His word (Barratt)Alfred Barratt (Author)English4
I am walking day by day, On the straight and narrow wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I am walking in the light and the path is clear and brightAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
I am walking in the narrow wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English9
I am walking with Jesus my SaviorRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I believe in God and trustAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I belong to the LordAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I cannot forget all the sorrow and woeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I cannot tell from whence it cameRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I cannot walk one step without the SaviorRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
I have a dear Savior kind and trueAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
I have a friend who is faithful and true, ever on Him I dependAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I have a kind, loving SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I have a Savior who loves me I know, Guarding and guiding wherever I goAlfred Barratt (Author)English6
I have a story, wonderful storyAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I have been invited to a marriage feastAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I have everlasting joy that nothing ever can destroyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I have found a perfect joy, nothing ever can destroyRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I have found a resting place in the sweetness of His graceRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
I have found in Christ my Savior Grace to live for Him each dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
I have found relief from griefAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I have given my heart to the Savior todayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I have heard my Savior's voiceAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I have left the path of darknessAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I have reached the land of Canaan, where the silver sunlight gleamsAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I have tasted the love of my Savior aboveAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I have wandered far from the good old wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I know there's a beautiful cityAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
I love my Savior better stillAlfred Barratt (Author)3
I love to be with God aloneRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I met my loving Savior at the crossRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I never saw a sunny dayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I often pause and wonder whyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I press on my journey with jubilant songAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I shall see the King in His beauty (Barratt)Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I shall wear a crown in gloryRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English4
I traveled on life's lonely roadAlfred Barratt (Author)2
I want to be like Him, my Lord and my KingAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I want to keep closer to Jesus, my KingAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
I was lone and sadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I was sin-sick sore and wearyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I was sunk in depths of sin and shameRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I was weak and heavy laden with my griefAlfred Barratt (Author)4
I was weary and discouraged with my weight of woeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
If Jesus has pardoned all your sin, Tell somebody todayAlfred Barratt (Author)English8
If the pathway is lonely as onward you goAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
If the Savior came in lowly guiseRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
If we walk the straight and narrow wayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
If you are despondent, discouraged and sadRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
If you have a cheerful songAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
If you have trod the downward wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
If you know a kindly wordAlfred Barratt (Author)2
If you would know the joy of livingRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
If you would rejoice the whole day longAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
I'll tell to all the sad and loneRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I'm gonna move away to my new home aboveAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
I'm happy in Jesus as onward I goAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I'm singing with gladness each step of the wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
I'm trusting Jesus day by dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English6
In a blaze of golden glory brightly shining through the nightRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In a lowly manger once a little strangerAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
In green pastures Jesus feeds usRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
In my childhood days I would wend my wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)4
In my Father's house are many mansions, There is perfect peace and restRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English4
In my heart there rings a song, as with joy I press alongRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In sin I had wandered along the dark roadAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
In sorrow's night the Savior found meAlfred Barratt (Author)2
In tender love the SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)2
In that home of many mansionsRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In that land beyond the Jordan RiverRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In that land of light and song, with the happy ransomed throngRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In the glory way every passing dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
In the lonely moment of temptationRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In the Lord abiding, follow his guidingAlfred Barratt (Author)2
In the moment of temptationsRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English5
In the moments of temptationAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
In the path of sin I could not stayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English11
In the service of the Lord, trusting only in His WordRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In the sheltering Rock of agesRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In the valley of decision, Weary souls with sin opprestAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
In these days of sin and superstitionAlfred Barratt (Author)2
In this dreary world of tribulationRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English4
In this lonely world of grief and sorrowRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English7
In this world full of sighs, and of sad weeping eyesRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In this world of strife and tribulationRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In this world of turmoil, with its grief and woeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
In this world there are burdens we must bearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)2
In those mansions bright above, where there's glory light and loveRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Into paths of sin my feet were driftingAlfred Barratt (Author)3
Is the pathway fraught with woeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Is your heart burdened with sorrow and fearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Is your heart overburdened with its grief and care?Alfred Barratt (Author)English6
Is your heart weary and burdened with sin?Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Is your path dark as nightRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Is your pathway dark and lonelyAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Is your pathway lonely dark and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Is your spirit opprest, are you longing for restRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Is your weary heart overburdenedRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
"It is finished," the loving Savior saidRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
It matters not how deep our sorrowAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
It matters not though shadows hover over my pilgrim wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
It's not imagination, I'm walking with the LordRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
I've a Savior whom you ought to knowAlfred Barratt (Author)3
I've found at last life's sweetest joyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)3
Jesus came in love, From the realms aboveAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus Christ is coming back to reign in peaceAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Jesus Christ the King of Glory will return to earth againAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus dwells with me, wheresoever I beAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Jesus dwells within my heartAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus has promised my burdens to bearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus is calling, and his voice seems very nearAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Jesus is more than a friend to meAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus is my Guide, And will ever beRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English7
Jesus is my helper on life's lonely roadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus is my precious Savior, Guarding, guiding day by nightRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus is my precious Savior, Filling me with great delightAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Jesus is my Savior, bringing joy each dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus is near to guard and guideAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus is pleading, O hear his sweet voiceAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Jesus is waiting outside the doorAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Jesus is waiting to pardon your sinAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus leads the way every passing dayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Jesus, Lord and Master, Thou art love divineRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus Lord and Master reigning now aboveAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus Lord and Savior dwell in meRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus loves the little children (Barratt)Alfred Barratt (Author)2
Jesus, my Savior, give me Thy grace, Moment by moment show me Thy faceAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Jesus my Savior is constantly nearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus, my Savior, is leading meAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Jesus, my Savior, wonderful FriendRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus, my Savior, is so precious to me, Since by His grace from every sin I am freeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus my wonderful SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus now stands at your heart's fast closed doorAlfred Barratt (Author)3
Jesus our Master calls usAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus, Savior, Lord and MasterAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Jesus, the Shepherd, is seeking the sheepAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus walks with me and my heart is freeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Jesus won my heart, Jesus won my heartRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English5
Just when you bear a heavy loadAlfred Barratt (Author)English9
Keep a gleam of sunshineRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Keep climbing with gladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Keep in step with Jesus everywhere you goRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Keep my heart pure, O God, I prayAlfred Barratt (Author)English9
Keep on rowing down the riverRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)2
Keep on, ye faithful soulsAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Keep the cables firm my brotherAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Keep the love of Jesus in your heart todayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Keep your armor shiningAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Keep your glad heart singing as on you goRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Lead us, dear Savior, over life's stormy seaAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Lean on the Lord when days are dark and drearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Lean on the Savior's mighty armsRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Leaning on Jesus when I am weakRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let me live to helpAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Let the love in your heart shine wherever you goRev. Alfred Barrett (Author)English2
Let those who love the SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Let us be strong and courageousRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Let us cheerful beRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us do our best for Jesus, As we travel on life's wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us do some good each passing dayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Let us hasten to the rescueRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Let us keep our lamps well filledAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Let us never, never wearyAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Let us press along the royal highway, in the service of the KingRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us press along with a courage strongRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us press along with a joyful song, In paths that our fathers trodAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Let us press along with a joyful song, There are better, brighter day in storeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us press along with singing, as we tread life's pilgrim wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us return to JesusRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Let us scatter rosesAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us shout and sing the praisesAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us trust in God and never fearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us trust in God, as we onward plodAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us walk the royal highwayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let us watch and pray, When the skies are greyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let your cheerful song echo all day longAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Let your light shine bright over the restless waveDr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Let your lovelight glow everywhere you goRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Let your own light shine o'er the rugged wayAlfred Barratt (Author)3
Life has been transfiguredAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Like a breeze from the ocean Thy love comes to meAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Like a mighty river, flowing full and freeDr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Like radiant sunshine that comes after rainRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English10
Linger no longer at the border of the landAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Living each moment for Jesus, Leaning on Him as my stayAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Living only for Jesus I have wonderful peaceRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Looking unto Jesus when my heart is weakAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Looking upward, pressing onwardRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Make the pathway brighter as you journeyAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Many are walking where pathways are drearAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Many times on my journey the pathway is drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Master of Galilee, Savior of menAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Mother is your loyal friendAlfred Barratt (Author)2
My days are frought with gladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My earthly path with light doth glowAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My heart is a palace for Jesus my KingAlfred Barratt (Author)2
My heart is no longer over burdened with careAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My heart is overflowing with gladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
My heart overflows with holy joyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My heart resounds with joy that nothing can annoyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My heart was discouraged despondent and sadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My heart was sad and weary, devoid of hope and cheerAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My heart was sad and weary, My soul had lost its songAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My heavy load is more than I can bearAlfred Barratt (Author)3
My hope of redemption forever is sureRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)2
My load of sin is hard to bearAlfred Barratt (Author)2
My mother is waiting for me, I knowRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
My mother's old Bible is pointing the wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English7
My only hope is in the LordAlfred Barratt (Author)2
My path resounds with gladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My path was dark and drearyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My path was lonely, dark and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
My pathway no longer is drearyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My pathway was drear, my heart filled with fearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
My Savior bore the heavy crossAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My Savior came from heaven above to do what no one else could doRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My Savior dear is ever nearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My Savior dear is kind and trueAlfred Barratt (Author)2
My Savior dear with thorn-crowned headRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My Savior has promised if I would believeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
My Savior sees the sparrow fallAlfred Barratt (Author)3
My Savior's love has reached my soulAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
My Savior dear, Now dwells with meRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
My Savior guides my erring feetRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My Savior has promised to guard and to keepRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My sinful heart was lone and sadAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
My sins were like a mountain standing there in dark arrayAlfred Barratt (Author)English5
My sin-sick soul was lone and sadRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My soul is burdened with sin and shameRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My soul is confiding in Jesus each dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
My soul was athirst and yearningAlfred Barratt (Author)3
My soul was filled with grief withinRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My trusting soul has lost its careAlfred Barratt (Author)3
My weary soul in sin was lostRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
My weary soul was sad and lowAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Nearing the homeland, that beautiful shoreRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Never lose your courage when the clouds hang lowAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Never to evil surrenderAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
No longer be sad when the pathway is drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
No matter how lonely and gloomy the dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Now my heart is free from doubt and fearAlfred Barratt (Author)1
Now my heart is light and my hope is brightRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Now my heart is overflowing with joy everydayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Now my soul is free from care, resting in green pastures fairAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Now my soul is saved from sinAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O come to the fountain of blessing so sweetAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
O comrade you know what service to show, keep trying your best to doRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O God my King, in realms aboveAlfred Barratt (Author)2
O God of all creation, Thy wonders we proclaimRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O God of Light, of Truth and graceAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O God of love in Thee we hideRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O God of love, of truth and mightAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O God of love, the source of life and graceAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O God of love, thy power displayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O God of mercy, God of loveAlfred Barratt (Author)English5
O God, our great Redeemer, bow down and hear our prayerAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O magnify the Lord with me, With joyful heart and voiceRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O my heart is full of gladness since by faith I saw the LordRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O praise the world's eternal KingAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O Savior dear Thou King of loveRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
O Savior dear, Thou Lord of LightRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O sing away your grief and careRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
O weary heart be not dismayed with sorrow sorely vexedRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O weary heart bowed down with griefAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O weary heart so oft dismayedAlfred Barratt (Author)2
O weary heart take time to prayAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
O what a beautiful morning, O what a beautiful dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O what joy is mine all the way alongAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O what joy is mine every step along the wayAlfred Barrett (Author)2
O what joy we all shall feelAlfred Barratt (Author)2
O why are you heart-sick and wearyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, Bow down before Him His praises now singRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
O ye who are fearful whatever may befallAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O ye who are plunged in darkest despairRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
O ye who are walking in pathways drearyAlfred Barratt (Author)2
O ye who have wandered away from the LordRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O ye who have wandered from mother and homeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
O ye who have wandered in sorrow awayAlfred Barratt (Author)6
O ye whose hearts are longingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
O hasten away with the gospel of lightRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
O Thou Whose love is everywhereRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
On darkest nights the stars shine brighterRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
On life's pathway I can never lonely beAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
On life's steep and lonely pathway, I have found a faithful guideAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
On my beautiful path falls a golden lightAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
On my path the light of love is shining, all His countless mercies I can traceRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
On my pathway lone and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)2
On that bright and golden shoreRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
On that lonely hill, there is pardon stillAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
On the long, long road to that bright abodeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
On the path of life, with its din and strifeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
On the pathway of lifeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
On this another Easter dayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
On yonder Golden shoreRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Once I found delightAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Once I struggled with a burdenRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Once I was living in doubts and fearsAlfred Barratt (Author)3
Once I was lost in ways of sinAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Once I was treading a drearisome roadAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Once my heart was filled with its grief and fearDr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Once my heart was overburdened with careAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Once my heart was sad and burdenedAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Once my heart was sad, but today I'm gladAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Once my life was wrecked with sorrowAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Once my path was drear, fraught with grief and careAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Once my path was dreary and my heart was wearyDr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Once my soul was stained with sin, now His love-light shines withinRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Once the day was dark and drearyAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Once the path I trod was dark as nightRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Out in the desert, lonely and drearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Out of your sin and your heart's miseryRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Over all the earth the bells of joy are pealingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Over the highwaysAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Over the path that I've trod for yearsAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Pray without ceasing, when the shadows lengthenRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Precious Savior guide my footstepsAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Precious Savior lead and keep meRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Press onward keep your banners flyingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Put your trust in Jesus, He is kind and trueRev. Rev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior dear, Thou art my helperRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior divine when worldly cares oppressRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior, fill me with Thy fullnessAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior, go with me where'er I goAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Savior, guide me with Thy counselRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Savior, let me walk beside TheeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior make us pure and holy, Cleanse our hearts from every sinAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior, precious Savior, Friend and Guardian trueAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior, precious Savior, guide usAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Savior be known to us in breaking breadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior divine we seek Thine aidRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Savior gently lead our footstepsRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Scatter cheer far and nearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Scatter joy and gladness as you goAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Scatter your kindness all over the wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Send out the beautiful sunshine of cheerRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Send out Thy light and let it shine before usAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Send out Thy truth O God of LightAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Shepherd Divine Thy tender love displayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Should the voice of the Lord come to you todayAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Si en tu sendero hallas cruento dolorAlfred Barratt (Author)Spanish2
Since Jesus came to dwell with meAlfred Barratt (Author)4
Since Jesus has pardoned all my sinAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Since Jesus has promised my Savior to beAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Since Jesus washed my sins away and banishedAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Since the Savior pardoned all my sin, It is now no longer dark withinAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Sing a song of gladness when the skies are grayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Some day we shall reap what we have sownDr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Some day when earth's sorrowsAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Some golden day when life is doneRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Some have never heard the storyAlfred Barratt (Author)English6
Some sunny day I'm going homeRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Somebody cares for me, somebody knowsAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Somebody comes and takes awayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Somebody loves you, and somebody caresAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Someone must go with a smiling faceRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Sometime I shall enter that beautiful placeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Sometimes my heart is longing for a FriendRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Sometimes my path is dark and drearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Sometimes my path is lone and drearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Sometimes my path is lonely, dark and drearyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Sometimes my path may be darker than nightAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Sometimes the journey is lonely and longAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Sometimes the pathway is lonely and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English7
Sometimes the skies overhead are grayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English5
Sorrows and toubles hover around usAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Speak a kind word to somebody todayAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Speak to my heart, dear SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)4
Spend a moment in prayer with the SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)English6
Spread the joyful tidings over all the landAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Step over the line from darkness to lightAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
Storms may be howling and blowingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English5
Sweetly the music is soundingAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Take a stand for ChristRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Take Jesus, your Savior, to be your GuideAlfred Barratt (Author)4
Take the Savior today as your guideAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Take the world with all its pleasureAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Tell others of Jesus as onward you goAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Tell the story of the Savior's love to every one you meetRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
The angel of death has bereft usAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
The Bells of Salvation are ringing todayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
The ground was stained with sacred bloodRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
The journey of life may be lonely and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
The love of Jesus is my song, When days are lone and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
The love of my Savior is precious to meAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
The love of my Savior is rollingAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
The loving Voice I would obeyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
The nearer I come to the end of lifeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
The news of salvation rings over the wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
The path I trod was dreary, my heart was sick and soreAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
The path of life is fraught with strifeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
The precious love that Jesus has for meAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
The Savior has knocked at your heart's door in vainAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
The Savior is knocking outside your heart's doorAlfred Barratt (Author)3
The Savior now bids us his loveAlfred Barratt (Author)2
The Savior of men is rejectedRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
The skies are dark and gloomyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
The story of the Savior's loveAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
The voice of God is calling comeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There are golden gleams of glory brightAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
There are golden glories in that landAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There are many bitter sorrowsAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There are many hearts of sorrow here belowAlfred Barratt (Author)4
There are many hearts waiting in sadness todayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
There are many precious momentsRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There are many sad hearts that have burdens to bearAlfred Barratt (Author)4
There are many souls in darkness, They are yearning for the light divineAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There are many souls that have gone astrayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There are many wayward sinners in the path of sin and wrongAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
There are rainbow rays of loveRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)2
There are stars of promiseRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There flows from His sideAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is a beautiful mansionAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There is a land of endless day, Beyond the bright blue skyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is a land of love beside the crystal seaRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is a light on life's long wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is a Light, that cheers my wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is a place of perfect peaceAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is a shrine within my heartRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is a song I love to hearAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There is a song within my heart, It makes my cares and fears departAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is a story more precious than goldRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English4
There is a thought that rings with songAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is an unseen hand that guidesAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is gladness in my soul, pressing onward to the goalAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is golden Lovelight now shining over life's wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is grace and mercy waiting meAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is light and glory shining like the morning beams so clearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is light and love shining from aboveAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is naught to fear, when the day is drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is need of love light, every passing dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is no one like Jesus to saveAlfred Barratt (Author)3
There is one I know, so good and kindAlfred Barratt (Author)3
There is one who has suffered and died in my steadAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is one who is filling my heartAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There is peace and contentment now filling my soulAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is peace and joy wherever I go, whether days are fraught with weal or woeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is peace today for the troubled soulAlfred Barrett (Author)2
There is perfect joy and gladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There is pleasure beyond measureRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is room for workersRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There is sunshine in my heart todayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There is work which I must doRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There will be a day of gladnessRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There'll be someone waiting thereAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There's a beautiful city of goldRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
There's a beautiful day that is not far awayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a beautiful Eden so sweetDr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
There's a beautiful hallowed retreatAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There's a beautiful mansion on yonder bright shoreRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a beautiful name that is radiant with lightAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
There's a beautiful song in my heartRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a chamber so tranquil and sweetAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There's a change in my heartRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a fountain flowing full and freeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There's a gentle whisper ringingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a glad day fast approaching, the most beautiful of daysAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a hand held out to you todayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a hope unfailing in my trusting soulAlfred Barratt, 1879-? (Author)English5
There's a house of many mansions Over on that golden strandAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a land far beyond the hills of lifeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a land of joy and gladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a land of love and gladness over on the golden shoreAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a light in Heaven's windowRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a light that shines on my path belowAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There's a little brick church in my childhood homeRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a little white cabin beyond the blue skyAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
There's a mansion, I know, in that city for meAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
There's a place of safety for the trusting soulRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a place where all the weary can unloadAlfred Barratt (Author)2
There's a sweet and wonderful retreatRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a wonderful Friend always ready to cheerAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a wonderful glorious countryRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
There's a wonderful peace in my heart every dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English6
These golden promises of GodAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
They grope in darkness all the wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
They tell us that Jesus once died on the treeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
This world of sin and strife will soon be overAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Though our hearts are filled with sadnessRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Though shadows may over our path appearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Though the path may lead neath a sunlit skyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English4
Though you have rejected the Savior of menRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Though you may walk in grief aloneRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Though you must tread life's lonely roadRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Thou art my refuge, O wonderful SaviorAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Though at times we meet with grief and sorrowAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Though drearisome shadows may hang o'er my wayAlfred Barratt (Author)3
Though my heart may sometimes weary growAlfred Barratt (Author)English5
Though my path at times is lone and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Though sorrow may take us sometimes by surpriseAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Though the powers of sin our pathway assailAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Though the skies above are grayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Though the storms of life may blow, they will sometime ceaseAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Through days of toil, amid the strifeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Through the day of toil and sorrow, when my weary heart doth failAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Through the long, long years He is near youAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
'Tis our festal day, Lord JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
'Tis sweet, O God, to steal awayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English6
To him that overcometh, When life on earth is pastRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
To the Lord, who has died to save usAlfred Barratt (Author)2
To the world in its sorrowAlfred Barratt (Author)3
True mothers are the guiding lightAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Trust in God with all thy heartRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Trust in the Savior and be not dismayedAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Trust in the Savior as onward you goDr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Trust in the strength of JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
'Twas love that led JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)2
'Twas mother's love, and mother's prayersRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Upward, onward winging, soaring through the skyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Wait on the Lord when you are weakAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Walking with Jesus, the morning is brightRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
We are in the Savior's armyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
We are kept each day all along the wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
We are on our way to the realms of day With the Savior Who made us wholdAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
We are outward boundAlfred Barratt (Author)2
We are pressing onward day by day, Guided by our Savior's handAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
We are singing as we go through the days of weal or woeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
We are traveling on life's journey (Barratt)Alfred Barratt (Author)2
We are waiting for the blessingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
We are walking in the blessed wayAlfred Barratt (Author)2
We believe this hour in the old-time powerAlfred Barratt (Author)2
We can see our God in the sunshine brightRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
We cannot see, nor do we knowAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
We need the love of JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
We often say the meanest wordAlfred Barratt (Author)2
We shall dwell where the angels are singingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
We shall lay aside the burdens that our hearts have had to bearRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
We shall sing with all the angels in the presence of the KingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)2
We shall walk with the Savior in robes pureAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
We shall wear robes of white, in that land of delightRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
We sing the praise of motherAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
Weary souls in paths of sin despairingAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When all our toilings and struggles are overAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When all the cares of earth are endedAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When at last I cross the silent riverRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When at last we cross the shining riverRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When at last we reach the sunset gateRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When dark shadows over my pathway creepRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When days are dark and the wavesAlfred Barratt (Author)3
When gloomy shadows dim your wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When heavy burdens sorely pressRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When I am lone and sad and skies are dark and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When I am sad and sore opprestAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When I am weary and left all aloneAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When I have finished the toils of the dayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When I kneel before the throneAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When I lay down my burden of careAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
When I need a Friend to help meAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When I need my Savior, he is nearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)3
When I tread this vale of shadowsAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When I walk the rugged pathwayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When I was lost in dark despairRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When life is over, my labors laid downRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When my heart is discouraged in pathways of woeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When my heart is sad and weary, with its sorrow, grief and careAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When my soul was sore and bleedingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When my spirit is weary and faintAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When my work on earth is done, At the setting of the sunRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
When our work on earth is done at the setting of the sunRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When over my path the storms of sorrow sweepAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When paths are gloomy and darker grownAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When paths are lone and drearyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When pathways are lonely and drearyRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When shadows darken the path I treadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When skies are dark and dreary and gloomy is the dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
When skies are gloomy, dark and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When sorrows on my path appearAlfred Barratt (Author)English7
When storm-clouds of evil shall gatherRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When storms around are raging a tender voice I hearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
When that glad morn shall banish nightAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the angels blow their trumpets at the coming of the LordRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the billows rise on life's stormy seaRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)3
When the cares of life are pressing And your heart is lone and lowRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the dark clouds spreadAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the dark shadows gather on life's rugged wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English4
When the darksome clouds hang over your wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English5
When the day is done at the set of sunRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)3
When the day of toil on earth is doneAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the day shall close and my work is doneDr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the evening shadows fall And I hearAlfred Barratt (Author)4
When the evening sun sinks in the westRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the golden sun sinks in the westAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the light of the Lord shines within my heartAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When the load is heavy you are called to bearAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When the Lord shall come on that great glad dayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the path is dark and cheerlessAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the path is dark and steep the roadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the path is drear there is naught to fearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the path is dreary and the skies are grayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the path is fraught with sorrowAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
When the path is lonely and the clouds hang lowAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the path is lonely, desolate and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the path is rough and steep and the valley dark and deepRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the path you tread is fraught with woeAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
When the storm is sweeping o'er my soulAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When the storm is wildly raging over our frail and helpless barkRev. Dr. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the storms on my pathway were ragingAlfred Barratt (Author)English7
When the tedious day of toil is doneAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the toils and cares of life are pressingRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the toils of earth are overAlfred Barratt (Author)9
When the waves of grief and sorrow on my pathway rollAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the way is drear, bringing sorrow and fearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When the way is lonely dark and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When this life is ended, and my work is doneAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When time down here is done, and comes the set of sunAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When we breathe the name of JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When we count our earthly richesAlfred Barratt (Author)3
When we hear the tempter's voice withinRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When we reach the Land of GladnessAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When we tread the vale of sorrowRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When worldly cares and troubles rollRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When you are burdened with sorrow and woeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When you are weary and burdened with fearRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When you need someone to help you in the time of grief and careAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When your heart is o'erburdened with sinAlfred Barratt (Author)2
When your heart is sad and lonely, and the night is dark and longRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
When your heart is sad From the grief it bearsAlfred Barratt (Author)5
When your path is lone and drearyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When your soul is yearning for a friendAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
When your weary heart is burdenedAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Whenever dark sorrows sweep over thy soulRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
Whenever the pathway is dreary and longAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Whenever your heart is lone and drearAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
While Jesus is broadcasting salvation full and freeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
While pressing on life's lonely roadRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
While through life I'm traveling alongAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
While we are gathered before HimAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
While we on earth our course pursueRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
While you are treading life's rugged wayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
While you are treading the ways of lifeAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Whisper a prayer when things go wrongAlfred Barratt (Author)2
Why are you sad and lonelyAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Why should I be lonely when the dark clouds roll?Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Why should I murmur and sigh in my heartAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
With gladness we toil in the work of the LordAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
With Jesus to guide me each step of the wayAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Words are only little thingsAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Would you cheerful be, from all sorrow freeAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
Would you live for Jesus, every passing dayRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English2
Ye men of God press onwardRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English3
You are drifting away over the restless tideRev. Alfred Barratt (Author)English4
You can make the dark days lightAlfred Barratt (Author)English3
You can make the moments brighterAlfred Barratt (Author)2
You can make the pathway lighterAlfred Barratt (Author)3
You need a great Savior to cheerAlfred Barratt (Author)3
You need the love of JesusAlfred Barratt (Author)English2
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