1 O ye who are walking in pathways drear,
O’erburdened with sorrow, oppressed with fear,
The world cannot comfort nor give you cheer;—
Take Jesus, for He know the way.
Take Jesus, for He know the way;
With Jesus you never can stray;
In weal or in woe,
Wherever you go,
Take Jesus, for He know the way.
2 The pathway of evil is fraught with care,
It leads you astray into dark despair;
There’s no one to help you the load to bear—
Take Jesus, for He know the way. [Refrain]
3 His love is a refuge for souls oppressed,
He offers you mercy and peace and rest;
The souls that rely on Him shall e blest—
Take Jesus, for He know the way. [Refrain]
4 Let Jesus go with you where’er you go,
The pathway is dang’rous and fraught with woe;
There’s no one can guide you and cheer you so—
Take Jesus, for He know the way. [Refrain]
Source: The Modern Hymnal #286