The Worshipbook: Services and Hymns

Publisher: The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1972
Denomination: Presbyterian hymnals (general)
Language: English
Notes: Prepared by The Joint Committee on Worship for Cumberland Presbyterian Church • Presbyterian Church in the United States • The United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
446Joyful, joyful, we adore theeHYMN TO JOYTextPage Scan
447Judge eternal, throned in splendorRHUDDLANTextPage Scan
448Lead on, O King eternalLLANGLOFFANTextPage Scan
449Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDYTextPage Scan
450Let all together praise our GodLOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTENText
451Let there be light, Lord God of HostsSONG 34TextPage Scan
452Let us break bread together on our knees[Let us break bread together on our knees]TextPage Scan
453Let us with a gladsome mindMONKLANDTextPage Scan
454Lift up your heads, O mighty gatesTRUROTextPage Scan
455Lo, how a Rose e'er bloomingES IST EIN' ROS'TextPage Scan
456Lord, bless and pity usST. MICHAELTextPage Scan
457Lord, by whose breath all souls and seedsZU MEINEM HERRN
458Lord, dismiss us with your blessingTextPage Scan
459Lord, from the depths to you I crySONG 67TextPage Scan
460Lord God of hosts, whose purpose never swervingWELWYNTextPage Scan
461Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord most dearVOM HIMMEL HOCHTextPage Scan
462Lord, look upon our working daysAUDREYText
463Lord of all being, throned afarLOUVANTextPage Scan
464Lord of all majesty and mightVATER UNSER
465Lord of all nations, grant me graceBEATUS VIR
466Lord of the strong, when earth you trodCHARLOTTEText
467Lord our God, with praise we come before you!GUD ER GUD
468Lord, we thank you for our brothersBLAENHAFREN
470Lord, who throughout these forty daysST. FLAVIANTextPage Scan
471Love divine, all loves excellingHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
473Lovely Child, holy childBETHLEHEM
474Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordBATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLICTextPage Scan
476My country, 'tis of theeAMERICATextPage Scan
477My Shepherd will supply my needRESIGNATIONText
479Not alone for mighty empireGENEVATextPage Scan
480Now, on land and sea descendingVESPER HYMNTextPage Scan
481Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKETTextPage Scan
482O be joyful in the Lord!ROCK OF AGES (MOOZ TSUR)
483O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNATextPage Scan
484O brother man, fold to thy heart your brotherWELWYNTextPage Scan
485O Christ, whose love hast sought us outDAS NEUGEBORNE KINDELEINTextPage Scan
486O come, all ye faithfulADESTE FIDELESTextPage Scan
488O come and sing unto the LordIRISHTextPage Scan
489O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI EMMANUELText
490O come, O come, Emmanuel![O come, O come, Emmanuel!]Text
492O Day of God, draw nighST. MICHAEL
493O for a thousand tongues to singAZMONTextPage Scan
494O gladsome Light, O GraceNUNC DIMITTISTextPage Scan
495O God, beneath your guiding handDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
496O God of Bethel, by whose handDUNDEE (FRENCH)TextPage Scan
497O God of earth and altarLLANGLOFFANTextPage Scan
498O God of every nationLLANGLOFFANTextPage Scan
499O God of light, your Word, a lamp unfailingCHARTERHOUSETextPage Scan
500O God, our faithful GodO GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTTTextPage Scan
501O God, this child from you did comeSHEPHERDS' PIPES
502O God, who by a star did guideST. BERNARDTextPage Scan
503O God, whose will is life and peaceTHIRD MODE MELODY
504O God, you are the FatherGOSTERWOODTextPage Scan
505O holy city, seen of JohnMORNING SONGText
506O how shall we receive youST. THEODULPHText
507Did ever you see the like before[Did ever you see the like before]TextPage Scan
509O Jesus Christ, to you may hymns be risingCITY OF GODText
510O Jesus, joy of loving heartsFEDERAL STREET
511O little town of BethlehemST. LOUISTextPage Scan
512O Lord of every shining constellationLOMBARD STREET
513O Lord of life, where'er they beGELOBT SEI GOTTTextPage Scan
514O Lord, our God, most earnestlySTRACATHROText
515O Lord, our Lord, in all the earthDUNFERMLINETextPage Scan
516O Lord, whose gracious presence shonePUER NOBIS (Praetorius)
517O Lord, you are our God and KingDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
518O love, how deep, how broad, how high!DEO GRACIASText
519O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARETTextPage Scan
520O Master, let me walk with thee [you]MARYTONTextPage Scan
521O Morning Star, how fair and brightFRANKFORTTextPage Scan
523O my soul, bless God, the FatherSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
524O sacred Head, now woundedPASSION CHORALETextPage Scan
525O sing a new song to the LordSONG 67TextPage Scan
526O sing a song of BethlehemKINGSFOLDTextPage Scan
527O sons and daughters, let us sing!O FILII ET FILIAETextPage Scan
528O Spirit of the living GodWINCHESTER NEWTextPage Scan
529O splendor of God's glory brightWAREHAMTextPage Scan
530O where are kings and empires nowST. ANNETextPage Scan
531O wondrous type, O vision fairDEO GRACIASText
532O Word of God incarnateMUNICHTextPage Scan
533O worship the King, all-glorious aboveLYONSTextPage Scan
534Of the Father's love begottenDIVINUM MYSTERIUMText
535Oh, freedom! oh, freedom! oh, freedom for me![Oh, freedom! oh, freedom! oh, freedom for me!]Text
536On a Bethlehem hill the shepherds were sleeping[On a Bethlehem hill the shepherds were sleeping]
538On this day earth shall ringPERSONENT HODIE
539Once in royal David's cityIRBYTextPage Scan
540Once to every man and nationEBENEZER (TON-Y-BOTEL)TextPage Scan
541One table spread throughout the whole wide earthMANNITTO
542Onward, Christian soldiersST. GERTRUDETextPage Scan
544Open now the gates of beautyNEANDER (UNSER HERRSCHER)TextPage Scan
545Our faith is in the Christ who walksWAREHAMTextPage Scan
546Our Father, by whose nameRHOSYMEDRE
547Our Father, which art in heaven[Our Father, which art in heaven]
549Our God, our help in ages pastST. ANNETextPage Scan
550Pardoned through redeeming graceAUS DER TIEFETextPage Scan
551Praise, my soul, the King of heavenLAUDA ANIMA (PRAISE, MY SOUL)TextPage Scan
552Praise the Lord, his glories showLLANFAIRText
553Praise the Lord, who reigns aboveAMSTERDAMTextPage Scan
554Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore himAN DIE FREUDETextPage Scan
556Praise to God, immortal praiseORIENTIS PARTIBUSTextPage Scan
557Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!LOBE DEN HERRENTextPage Scan

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