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Presbyterian-Reformed Hymnals:

HymnalAsPublication Date
A Collection of Hymns for Public and Private Worship approved by the Presbytery of CharlestonPresbyterian hymnals (general)1796
A Collection of Hymns: Supplementary to the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. WattsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1859
A Few Specimens of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: which are deemed suitable for French schools and congregations in AmericaPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1851
A Manual of Devotion for Soldiers and Sailors: comprising I. forms of prayer, public and private, II. a compend of Bible truth, III. The Assembly's shorter catechism, IV. A selection of psalms and...Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1847
A Pastor's Selection of Hymns and Tunes: for Worship in the Church and FamilyPresbyterian hymnals (general)1859
A Prayer Meeting and Revival Hymn Book. 5th ed.Churches of God in North America1830
A Selection of Hymns: designed as a supplement to the "psalms and hymns" of the Presbyterian churchPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1861
A Selection of Hymns: printed only for the use of the sabbath school of the Tenth Presbyterian Church, of PhiladelphiaPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1864
A Selection of Spiritual Songs: with music for the Church and the ChoirPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1878
Additional Hymns, Adopted by the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in North America, at their Session, June 1846, and authorized to be used in the churches under their careReformed Protestant Dutch Church in North America1847
Alleluia: a hymnal for use in schools, in the home, in young people's societies in devotional meetingsPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1916
Assembly Songs: for use in evangelistic services, Sabbath schools, young peoples societies, devotional meetings, and the homePresbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1910
Ausgewaehlte Psalmen und Lieder fuer kirchlichen und haeuslichen Gebrauch(German) Reformed Church in the US1907
Bible Songs No. 4: a selection of psalms set to music, for use in sabbath schools, adult Bible classes, young people's societies, prayer meetings, evangelistic services, and family worship (4th ed.)United Presbyterian Church of North America1917
Bible Songs: a collection of psalms set to music for use in church and evangelistic services, prayer meetings, Sabbath schools, young people's societies, and family worship (Rev. and enl.ed)United Presbyterian Church of North America1901
Bible Songs: a Selection of Psalms Set to Music for Use in Sabbath Schools, Adult Bible Classes ... 7th ed.Presbyterian hymnals (general)1924
Bible Songs: consisting of selections from the Psalms set to music suitable for Sabbath Schools, prayer meetings, etc.Presbyterian hymnals (general)1891
Bible Songs: consisting of selections from the psalms, set to music, suitable for Sabbath Schools, Prayer Meetings, etc.Untied Presbyterian Church of North America1879
Bless the LordUnited Church of Canada. Congregational churches1967
Book of Hymns and Tunes, comprising the psalms and hymns for the worship of God, approved by the general assembly of 1866, arranged with appropriate tunes... by authority of the assembly of 1873Presbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1874
Book of Worship: containing orders of worship, scripture selections for responsive reading, hymnsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1901
Cân a Mawl: llyfr hymna a thonau Methodistiaid Calfinaidd Unol Dalaethau yr America=Song and Praise: the hymnal of the Calvinistic Methodist Church of the United States of AmericaCalvinistic Methodist Church in the U.S.A.1918
Centennial Hymns, Written for Special Church Services in Connection with the Centennial Celebration of the General Assembly 1888Presbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1888
Chapel Treasures (Christ Chapel Sabbath-School, Lebanon, PA)Presbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1873
Children's HosannasCumberland Presbyterian Church1880
Children's Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in CanadaPresbyterian Church in Canada1884
Children's PraisePresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1867
Choix de Cantiques a l'Usage du Culte de l'Eglise Presbyterienne Francaise du CanadaPresbyterian Church in Canada1844
Choral Harmonie: enthaltend Kirchen-Melodien(German) Reformed Church in the US1822
Church Hymnary (4th ed.)Church of Scotland2005
Church music: with selections for the ordinary occasions of public and social worship, from the Psalms and hymns of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of AmericaPresbyterian Church in the United States1855
Church Psalmist: or Psalms and Hymns Designed for the Public, Social, and Private Use of Evangelical Christians ... with Supplement. 53rd ed.Presbyterian hymnals (general)1847
Church Psalmist: or psalms and hymns for the public, social and private use of evangelical Christians (5th ed.)Presbyterian hymnals (general)1845
Church Psalmist: or, psalms and hymns, for the public, social and private use of Evangelical Christians. With Supplement. (53rd ed.)Presbyterian hymnals (general)1857
Common Praise: hymns with tunes for Christian worshipFifth Avenue Presbyterian Church (New York, N.Y.)1913
Crescent Service Program No. 12Presbyterian hymnals (general)1915
Crescent Service Program No. 13Presbyterian hymnals (general)1916
Crescent Service Program No. 15Presbyterian hymnals (general)1917
Cumberland Hymns, a Collection of "Whosoever Will" Songs. Centenary ed.Cumberland Presbyterian Church1909
Cumberland Presbyterian hymnal: a selection of spiritual songs for use in the Cumberland Presbyterian ChurchCumberland Presyberian Church1889
Dale Hymns No. 3Presbyterian Church in Canada1917
Das neue und verbesserte Gesangbuch, worinnen die Psalmen Davids samt iner Sammlung alter und neuer Geistreicher Lieder, sowohl für privat und Hausandachten, als auch für den öffentlichen..(5th Aufl.)German Reformed Church of North America1814
Deutsches Gesang- und Choralbuch: eine Auswahl geistlicher Lieder ... Neue, verbesserte und verhmehrte Aufl.(German) Reformed Church in the US1874
Devotional hymns adapted to social, private and public worshipPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A1842
Die Psalmen Davids: nebst einer Sammlung Geistlicher lieder für Oeffentlichen und Privat-GottesdienstReformed Protestant Dutch Church (U.S.)1863
Enekeskonyv. Amerikai Magyar Reformatusok Hasznalatara. Harmadik KiadasHungarian Reformed Church in America1960
Evangelistic and Worship HymnsPresbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1932
Faith and Hope Hymns(German) Reformed Church in the US1912
For God and Country: Hymns for use in War TimePresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1918
Forms and Hymns for Christmas: for the use of Sunday schools and chruchesReformed Church in the United States1906
Free Church Hymn BookFree Church of Scotland1896
French and English Hymns: Recueil de Cantiques Francais Traduits de l'Anglais avec la Version Anglaise AjouteePresbyterian Church in Canada1891
French Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: with a pure prose pronunciation, in accordance with the usage of the cognate languages...Presbyterian hymnals (general)1854
Global Songs for WorshipChristian Reformed Church2010
Glory to God: the Presbyterian HymnalPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)2013
Gospel HymnsReformed Presbyterian Church in North America (Old1871
Gospel Melodies: a New Collection of Gospel Hymns and SongsCumberland Presbyterian Church1890
Gospel Tent SongsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1903
Harfen-Klaenge: Liederbuch fuer Evangelische Sonntagsschulen und Erbauungs-StundenPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1882
Helps for Worship: for Use in the Sunday School, the Prayer Meetings and the HomePresbyterian hymnals (general)1908
Hymnal for Christian WorshipPresbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1940
Hymnal for Juniors in Worship and StudyPresbyterian hymnals (general)1961
Hymnal of the Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A1866
Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in CanadaPresbyterian Church in Canada1880
Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in Canada with Accompanying TunesPresbyterian Church in Canada1881
Hymnal: a compilation of familiar hymns for use at meetings where the larger collections are not available.Presbyterian Church in the U.S1901
Hymnal: selected pagesPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A1895
Hymnal: selected pagesPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A1895
Hymns and services of the Sunday-school of the West Spruce Street Presbyterian Church, PhiladelphiaPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1800
Hymns and Songs for Children's Worship, Together with Selections for Anniversary and Festive OccasionsPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1869
Hymns for Junior WorshipPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1940
Hymns for Primary WorshipPresbyterian hymnals (general)1946
Hymns for Social Worship: collected from various authorsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1817
Hymns for social worship: collected from various authorsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1817
Hymns for the Reformed Church in the United States(German) Reformed Church in the US1874
Hymns for the use of Sabbath schools in Connection with the Canada Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian Church in Canada1862
Hymns for the use of the Sabbath School of the Second Reformed Church, Albany N. Y.Reformed Church in America1868
Hymns for the Worship of God: selected and arranged for the congregations connected with the Church of ScotlandPresbyterian Church of Canada in Connection with the Church of Scotland. Synod.1863
Hymns for Worship: for Use in the Sunday School, the Prayer Meeting and HomePresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1908
Hymns for Young Children Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1800
Hymns for Youth, Suitable to be Used in Sabbath and Parochial SchoolsPresbyterian hymnals (general)1848
Hymns of praisePresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1867
Hymns of the Ages: for Public and Social WorshipPresbyterian Church in the U.S.1891
Hymns of the Ages: for Public and Social Worship, Approved and Recommended ... by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. (Second ed.)Presbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1893
Hymns of the Church, Ancient and Modern: for the use of all who love to sing the praises of God in Christ, in the family, the school, or the church; with a discourse on music as a divine ordinance...Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1872
Hymns of the church: with tunesReformed Church in America1869
Hymns of The Voice of PraisePresbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1872
Hymns on Ecumenical Mission and RelationsPresbyterian hymnals (general)1958
Junior Church School Hymnal: for use in the junior section of the church school, in the home, and in junior congragations (Teacher's Edition)Presbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1927
Junior Hymns and Songs: for use in the church school: Sunday, weekday and vacation sessionsPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)1938
Let Youth Praise Him. 2nd ed.Christian Reformed Church1967
Life and Service HymnsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.1917
Lift Up Your Hearts: psalms, hymns, and spiritual songsChristian Reformed Church in North America2013
Lift Up Your Hearts: psalms, hymns, and spiritual songsReformed Church in America2013
Mawl a chân = praise and song : llyfr hymnau a thonau i Gymru ar Wasgar = hymnal for Welsh and English church worship / crynhoad pwyllgor Eglwys Gymraeg, Detroit, MichiganPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1952
Minstrelsy In Verse and Song: Being a collection of Original Psalms, Hymns and Poems for the Home, covering a period of more than fifty years in their productionCumberland Presbyterian Church1923
Missionary HymnsPresbyterian Church in the USA1874
More VoicesUnited Church of Canada2007
My Camp Book: Westminster FellowshipPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1957
Neu-vermehrtes und vollstaendiges Evangelisch-Reformirtes Gesang-Buch ... Gebrauch derer deutschen Gemeinden ... mit einem Anhang(German) Reformed Church in the US1801
Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids(German) Reformed Church in the US1829
Neuestes Gemeinschaftliches Gesangbuch: zum gotttesdienstlichen Gebrauch der Lutherischen und Reformierten Gemeinden in Nord-Amerika: eine sammlung von 652 liedern mit dem dazu gehörigen anhang...Reformed Church in the United States1881
New Church PraiseThe United Reformed Church in England and Wales1975
Old Choir SelectionsPresbyterian Church in Canada1942
Our Cumberland Presbyterian HymnalCumberland Presbyterian Church1911
Parish PsalmodyPresbyterian hymnals (general)1844
Parish PsalmodyPresbyterian hymnals (general)1848
Poetischer Himmelsweg, oder kleine, geistliche Lieder Sammlung ... 1. Aufl.(German) Reformed Church in the US1828
Praise WaysPresbyterian Church in Canada1975
Primary Music and WorshipPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1930
Program and Song Book of the twelfth annual convention of the Young People's Christian UnionPresbyterian hymnals (general)1900
Psalms and Hymns Adapted to Public Worship, and Approved by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of AmericaPresbyterian hymnals (general)1830
Psalms and Hymns Adapted to Social, Private and Public WorshipCumberland Presbyterian Church1848
Psalms and Hymns Adapted to Social, Private and Public Worship in the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.Presbyterian hymnals (general)1843
Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs: a manual of worship for the church of ChristPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1875
Psalms and hymns for the use of the First General Assembly of the re-united Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America: held in the First PPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A1870
Psalms and Hymns for the Worship of GodPresbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1866
Psalms and Hymns, Adapted to Public Worship: and approved by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America: the latter being arranged according to subjects...Presbyterian hymnals (general)1835
Psalms and Hymns, for the Use of the German Reformed Church, in the United States of America. (2nd ed.)German Reformed Church in the United States of America1834
Psalms and Hymns: adapted to social, private and public worship in the Cumberland Presbyterian ChruchCumberland Presbyterian Church1872
Psalms for All Seasons: a complete Psalter for worshipChristian Reformed Church in North America2012
Psalms of David in metreChurch of Scotland1798
Psalms of David in metrePresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1798
Psalms: carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America: being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of DavidPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1793
Psalter Hymnal (Blue)Christian Reformed Church1976
Psalter Hymnal (Gray)Christian Reformed Church1987
Psalter Hymnal (Red): doctrinal standards and liturgy of the Christian Reformed ChurchChristian Reformed Church in North America1934
Református énekes-könyv: közøonséges isteni tiszteletre, vasárnapi iskola és alkalmi vallásos összejövetelekreHungarian Reformed Church in America1918
Reformed Worship CollectionChristian Reformed Church in North America2012
Reformirtes Gesangbuch erste Auflage(German) Reformed Church in the US1829
Rejoice in the LordReformed Church in America1985
Revival Hymns and ChorusesBible Presbyterian Church of Singapore1970
Sabbath School PsalmodistPresbyterian hymnals (general)1866
Sabbath-School Hymn-BookPresbyterian Church in Canada1872
Sacred lyrics, or Select hymns: particularly adapted to revivals of religion, and intended as a supplement to Watts. Presbyterian hymnals (general)1832
Scottish Psalter and ParaphrasesChurch of Scotland1800
Select Hymns for the use of the Mission School of the Madison Square Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1861
Select Psalms and Hymns for the use of Mr. Adgate's pupils: and proper for all singing-schoolsPresbyterian hymnals (general)1787
Select Psalms and hymns: adapted to the use of Presbyterian churchesPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1868
Select Psalms and hymns: adapted to the use of Presbyterian churchesPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1868
Selected Songs: for the Primary Dept. of the Market Square Presbyterian Sunday School, Harrisburg, Pa.Presbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1882
SingUnited Church of Canada1972
Sing the FaithPresbyterian Church (USA)2003
Sing With MeChristian Reformed Church2006
Sing! A New CreationChristian Reformed Church2002
Singing the New TestamentChristian Reformed Church in North America2008
Slovensky Kalvinsky SpevnikSlovak Calvinistic Presbyterian Union1918
Social Hymn and Tune Book: for the Lecture Room, Prayer Meeting, Family Circle, and Mission ChurchPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1865
Social Hymn Book: Being the Hymns of the Social Hymn and Tune Book for the Lecture Room, Prayer Meeting, Family, and Congregation (2nd ed.)Presbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1866
Social Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: adapted to private and public worship, selected from various authorsCumberland Presbyterian Church1839
Songs for LifeChristian Reformed Church1995
Songs for Little ChildrenUnited Church of Canada. Congregational churches1937
Songs for the Sanctuary: or hymns and tunes for Christian WorshipPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1875
Songs for the sanctuary: or Hymns and tunes for Christian worshipPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1893
Songs of PraisePresbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1870
Songs of Praise for Sabbath Schools and Families. New ed.Presbyterian Church in Canada1851
Songs of Praise Number OnePresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)1904
Songs of Praise: Number TwoPresbyterian hymnals (general)1905
Songs of the Church: or, hymns and tunes for Christian worshipPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1879
Songs of the Covenant: for the Sabbath School, Prayer Meetings, etc.Presbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1892
Songs of the GospelUnited Church of Canada. Congregational churches1948
Songs of WorshipPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Sonntagsschul-Gesangbuch der Reformirten Kirche in den Vereinigten StaatenReformed Church in the United States1876
Sonntagsschul-Gesangbuch der Reformirten Kirchen in den Vereinigten Staaten(German) Reformed Church in the US1876
Standard Songs. Special ed.Presbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1900
Sunday Songs for Little ChildrenPresbyterian hymnals (general)1899
The Army Hymn BookPresbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America1863
The Army Hymn Book. 2nd ed.Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America1864
The Best Church HymnsPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1898
The Bible Songs Hymnal: a Selection of Psalms and Hymns for use in the church, the Bible school, the young people's society, and the homePresbyterian hymnals (general)1927
The Book of PraisePresbyterian Church in Canada1972
The Book of PraisePresbyterian Church in Canada1918
The Book of Psalms Rendered in Metre and Set to MusicReformed Presbyterian Church of North America1950
The Book of Psalms Rendered in Metre and Set to MusicReformed Presbyterian Church of North America1929
The Brick Church Hymns, Designed for the Use of Social Prayer Meetings and Families, selected from the most approved authorsPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)1823
The Canadian Youth HymnalUnited Church of Canada. Congregational churches1939
The Chapel hymn book, with tunes: for the worship of GodPresbyterian Church in the United States1878
The Chapel HymnalPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1910
The Chapel HymnalPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1898
The Children's Hymnal: with Accompanying TunesChurch of Scotland1881
The Church Hymn BookChurches of God in North America1859
The Church Hymnary (3rd Ed.)Church of Scotland1973
The Church Hymnary: a collection of hymns and tunes for public worshipPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1893
The Church of God Selection of Spiritual Songs for the Church and ChoirChurches of God in North America1887
The Churches of God Hymnal.Churches of God in North America1953
The Convention Hymnal: a compilation of familiar hymns for use at meetings where the larger collections are not availablePresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1903
The Extra Hymn BookPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1864
The Gospel Shower; a Collection of Gospel HymnsCumberland Presbyterian Church1887
The Harp of Glory: The Best Old Hymns, the Best New Hymns, the cream of song for all religious work and workship (With supplement)Cumberland Presbyterian Church1911
The Hymn Book of the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of CanadaUnited Church of Canada1971
The HymnalPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1950
The Hymnal : published in 1895 and revised in 1911 by authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America : with the supplement of 1917Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1921
The Hymnal for YouthPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1941
The Hymnal of the Reformed Church in the United States(German) Reformed Church in the US1890
The Hymnal: published by the Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.Presbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1895
The Hymnal: published in 1895 and revised in 1911 by authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of AmericaPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1912
The HymnbookReformed Church in America1955
The HymnbookPresbyterian Church in the U.S.1955
The HymnbookUnited Presbyterian Church of North America1955
The Presbyterian Book of Praise: approved and commended by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, with TunesPresbyterian Church in Canada1897
The Presbyterian Book of Praise: approved and commended by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada; With tunes; Part I. Selections from the Psalter. Part II. The Hymnal, rev, and en.Presbyterian Church in Canada1915
The Presbyterian HymnalPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1878
The Presbyterian HymnalPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1874
The Presbyterian HymnalPresbyterian Church in the U.S.1929
The Presbyterian Hymnal: hymns, psalms, and spiritual songsPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)1990
The Presbyterian Juvenile PsalmodistPresbyterian hymnals (general)1856
The Presbyterian Psalmodist: a collection of tunes adapted to the psalms and hymns of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of AmericaPresbyterian Church in the United States of America1852
The Psalms and Hymns, with the Catechism, Confession of Faith, and Liturgy, of the Reformed Dutch Church in North AmericaReformed Dutch Church in North America1839
The Psalms and Hymns: with the catechism, confession of faith and liturgy of the Reformed Dutch Church in North AmericaReformed Dutch Church in North America1814
The Psalms of David, in Metre: allowed by the Authority of the Kirk of Scotland and Used in Several Branches of the Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian hymnals (general)1849
The Psalms of David: with hymns and spiritual songs: also, the catechism, confession of faith, and liturgy of the Reformed Church in the NetherlandsReformed Protestant Ducth Church1789
The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New YorkReformed Protestant Dutch Church1767
The Psalter Hymnal: The Psalms and Selected HymnsPresbyterian hymnals (general)1927
The Psalter: Psalms and Canticles for SingingPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)1993
The Psalter: the Scottish Version of the Psalms Revised, and New Versions Adopted by the United Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian hymnals (general)1872
The Psalter: with responsive readingsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1912
The Psalter: with responsive readingsAssociate Presbyterian Church of North America1912
The Psalter: with responsive readingsPresbyterian Church in Canada1912
The Psalter: with responsive readingsUnited Presbyterian Church of North America1912
The Psalter: with responsive readingsReformed Presbyterian Church in North America, General Synod1912
The Psalter: with responsive readingsAssociate Reformed Presbyterian Church 1912
The Psalter: with responsive readingsReformed Church in America1912
The Psalter: with responsive readingsReformed Presbyterian Church of North America, Synod (Old Light)1912
The Psalter: with responsive readingsChristian Reformed Church in North America1912
The Revivalist: Containing One Hundred Choice Revival Hymns, and One Hundred and Twenty-five Choruses: Designed for Use On Revival Occasions. (1st ed)Cumberland Presbyterian Church1880
The Sabbath School Hymn BookPresbyterian hymnals (general)1860
The Sacrifice of Praise. psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs designed for public worship and private devotion, with notes on the origin of hymns.Presbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1869
The Saint John's Church Sunday School Hymn BookPresbyterian Church in Canada1870
The School HymnalPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1899
The School Hymnal: a book of worship for young peoplePresbyterian Church in the U.S.A1920
The Scottish Hymnal: (Appendix incorporated) with tunes for use in churchesChurch of Scotland1892
The Social Harp: Comprising the Richest Variety of Spiritual Songs ...Cumberland Presbyterian Church1849
The Social Harp. Rev.Cumberland Presbyterian Church1854
The Soldier's Pocket BookPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1861
The Songs of Zion: the new official hymnal of the Cumberland Presbyterian ChurchCumberland Presbyterian Church1915
The Tabernacle ChorusPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1874
The Tabernacle Chorus (Trinity ed.)Presbyterian Church in the USA1877
The Westminster Hymnal for congregational and social use and for the Sunday SchoolPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1911
The Westminster Primary QuarterlyPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1914
The Westminster Primary QuarterlyPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1918
The Westminster Primary QuarterlyPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1915
The Worshipbook: Services and HymnsPresbyterian hymnals (general)1972
Trinity HymnalOrthodox Presbyterian Church1961
Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.)Orthodox Presbyterian Church1990
Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.)Presbyterian Church in America 1990
Trinity Psalter HymnalUnited Reformed Churches in North America2018
Trinity Psalter HymnalOrthodox Presbyterian Church2018
Twenty-Fifth National Convention of the Young People's Christian Union of the United Presbyterian Church of North AmericaPresbyterian Church in the USA. Northern Presbyter1916
Vesper ChimesPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1930
Voices United: The Hymn and Worship Book of The United Church of CanadaThe United Church of Canada1996
Wartburg Hymnal: for church, school and homeNorwegian Lutheran Church of America1918
Westminster Sabbath School Hymnal, a collection of hymns and tunes for use in sabbath-schools and social meetingsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1883
Westminster Sabbath-School hymns: the hymns contained in the Westminster Sabbath-school hymnal for use in Sabbath-schools and social meetings.Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1899
Winona Hymns: with SupplementPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A.1906
Worship and Conduct Songs: for beginners and primariesPresbyterian Church in the US, 1861- . Southern Pr1929
Worship and Hymns for All OccasionsPresbyterian hymnals (general)1968
Worship in the city: prayers and songs for urban settingsUnited Church of Canada2015
Young Singer's Friend: or, the Lee Avenue collection of hymns and songs, sacred and secular, suitable for Sabbath schools, social circles, children's meetings, concerts, anniversaries, etc. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church1859
찬송과 예배 = Chansong gwa yebae = Come, Let Us Worship: the Korean-English Presbyterian hymnal and service bookPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)2001
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