The School Hymnal: a book of worship for young people

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!NICAEAPage Scan
2The hours of rest are overST. CHRISTOPHERPage Scan
3For the deep love that kept us through the nightADORATIONPage Scan
4Come, my soul, thou must be wakingHAYDNPage Scan
5Now with creation's morning songSCHUBERTPage Scan
6O Thou who turnest into morningCHURCH VIGILANTPage Scan
7Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise theeFLOTOWPage Scan
8We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, CreatorKREMSERPage Scan
9Saviour, to Thee we raise our hymn of gladnessCANTERBURYPage Scan
10Hail, gladdening Light,—of His pure glory pouredSUNDOWNPage Scan
11Day is dying in the westCAHUTAUQUAPage Scan
12Peacefully round us the shadows are fallingCURFEWPage Scan
13Softly now the light of daySEYMOURPage Scan
14Our day of praise is doneGARDEN CITYPage Scan
15Now, on sea and land descendingST. SYLVESTERPage Scan
16Now the day is over, Night is drawing nighMERRIALPage Scan
17The shadows of the evening hoursST. LEONARDPage Scan
18Abide with me! fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
19Saviour, breathe an evening blessingVESPER HYMNPage Scan
20Son of my soul, Thou Saviour dear!HURSLEYPage Scan
21God of pity, God of graceVESPERI LUXPage Scan
22Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raiseELLERSPage Scan
23God be with you till we meet againDEUS VOBUSCUMPage Scan
24With happy voices singingBERTHOLDPage Scan
25Angel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICESPage Scan
26Ancient of days, Who sittest, thron'd in gloryANCIENT OF DAYSPage Scan
27Lord of all being, throned afarLOUVANPage Scan
28Come, Thou Almighty KingITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
29Day by day we magnify TheeCARTERPage Scan
30O worship the King, all-glorious aboveLYONSPage Scan
31Ye holy angels brightST. GREGORYPage Scan
32God is love; that anthem oldenHEBERPage Scan
33O God, whose law from age to ageST. LEONARDPage Scan
34O God, in whom we live and moveGERMAANYPage Scan
35O Father, Thou who givest allCANONBURYPage Scan
36There's a wideness in God's mercyWELLESLEYPage Scan
37Through the love of God, our FatherAR HYD Y NOSPage Scan
38O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARETPage Scan
39The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT MEPage Scan
40God is love; His mercy brightensCARTERPage Scan
41Love divine, all love excellingBEECHERPage Scan
42O God, whose love is over allROSEATE HUESPage Scan
43Our God, our help in ages pastST. ANNEPage Scan
44Thy name, O Lord, in sweet accordSAWLEYPage Scan
45We thank Thee, Lord, for this fair earthEATONPage Scan
46God of the earth, the sky, the seaSHELTERING WINGPage Scan
47Joyful, joyful, we adore TheeTHE HYMN TO JOYPage Scan
48The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I knowKOSCHATPage Scan
49He who suns and worlds upholdethREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
50I hear Thy voice, within the silence speakingFELIXPage Scan
51Far off, O God, and yet most nearWARTBURG CASTLEPage Scan
52Long ago the lilies fadedBROCKLESBURYPage Scan
53Gracious Spirit, Holy GhostPARACLETEPage Scan
54Holy Spirit, truth divineMERCYPage Scan
55Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathedST. CUTHBERTPage Scan
56Breathe on me, Breath of GodTRENTHAMPage Scan
57To Thee, Eternal Soul, be praiseGERTRUDEPage Scan
58O lily pure, that drawest meELMHURSTPage Scan
59Lamp of our feet, whereby we traceLAMBETHPage Scan
60Break Thou the bread of life, dear Lord, to meBREAD OF LIFEPage Scan
61O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI EMMANUELPage Scan
62Brightest and best of the sons of the morningST. NINIANPage Scan
63As with gladness men of oldDIXPage Scan
64We three kings of Orient areKINGS OF ORIENTPage Scan
65Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHNPage Scan
66O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphantADESTE FIDELESPage Scan
67It came upon the midnight clearCAROLPage Scan
68Angels, from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
69aO little town of Bethlehem!BETHLEHEMPage Scan
69bO little town of Bethlehem!ST. LOUISPage Scan
70Holy night! peaceful night!HOLY NIGHTPage Scan
71There's a beautiful star, a beautiful starBEAUTIFUL STARPage Scan
72There dwelt in old JudeaOLD JUDEAPage Scan
73All my heart this night rejoicesSTELLAPage Scan
74The first Noel, the angels did sayTHE FIRST NOELPage Scan
75Ring out, ye bells, your music tellsRING OUT, YE BELLSPage Scan
76"Peace on earth, good-will toward men!"CHRISTMAS BELLSPage Scan
77Galilee, bright GalileeSHERWINPage Scan
78Ye fair green hills of GalileeNAZARETHPage Scan
79We would see Jesus, lo! His star is shiningCUSHMANPage Scan
80O Holy Lord, content to fillBROOKFIELDPage Scan
81O Child of lowly manger birthEATONPage Scan
82Thou didst leave Thy throne, And Thy kingly crownMARGARETPage Scan
83Songs of thankfulness and praiseROLANDPage Scan
84Ride on, ride on in majestyPARK STREETPage Scan
85When I survey the wondrous crossHAMBURGPage Scan
86O sacred Head, now woundedPASSION CHORALEPage Scan
87On the cross liftedELOIPage Scan
88There is a green hill far awayMEDITATIONPage Scan
89In the cross of Christ I gloryRATHBUNPage Scan
90On wings of living lightREJOICEPage Scan
91The strife is o'er, the battle doneVICTORYPage Scan
92Christ, the Lord, is ris'n todayEASTER HYMNPage Scan
93Ye happy bells of Easter Day!EASTER DAYPage Scan
94The bells are ringing joyfullyEASTER BELLSPage Scan
95God hath sent His angels to the earth againEASTER ANGELSPage Scan
96Sing with all the sons of gloryREX GLORIAEPage Scan
97The Day of Resurrection!ALL HALLOW'SPage Scan
98The Light along the agesROTTERDAMPage Scan
99aCrown Him with many crownsDIADEMATAPage Scan

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