Mawl a chân = praise and song : llyfr hymnau a thonau i Gymru ar Wasgar = hymnal for Welsh and English church worship / crynhoad pwyllgor Eglwys Gymraeg, Detroit, Michigan

Editor: Rev. Daniel Hughes
Publisher: The Welsh Church of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan, 1952
Denomination: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Language: Welsh; English
Notes: This hymnal has an index of initials for the authors of the texts. This index was used to determine authors' full names.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Sanctaidd, santaidd, santaidd, Dduw Hollalluog! (Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!)NICAEA
2Holl bobloedd byd, â llawen floedd (All people that on earth do dwell)EISENACH
3aDeuwch, canwn fawl i DduwHENDON
3bLet us with a gladsome mindHENDON
4Addolwch yr Iôr goruchel uwchben (O worship the King all glorious above)HANOVER
5Boed mawl i'r Sanctaidd yn y nef (Praise to the Holiest in the height)ST. NICHOLAS
6Llawenhewch, fynyddoedd uchel (Come, rejoice, ye highest mountains)HYMN TO JOY
7Haleliwia! mawl i Dduw (Alleluia to our God)NOTTINGHAM
8Duw Abram, molwch Ef (The God of Abraham praise)LEONI
9Glan geriwbiaid a seraffiaid (Round the Lord in glory seated)SANCTUS
10Mawl fo i'r Iôr, canys prydferth a sanctaidd yw (Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness)DETROIT
11aCydganwn foliant rhwyddMARION
11bRejoice, ye pure in heartMARION
12aRhowch fawl i'r Arglwydd, cans da ywDOMINUS REGIT ME
12bThe King of Love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT ME
13aMoliannwn Di, O ArglwyddGRAFENBERG
13bThe heavens declare thy gloryGRAFENBERG
14Ein Duw, ein nerth drwy'r oesau gynt (Our God, our help in ages past)ST. ANN
15aO Arglwydd Dduw rhagluniaethABERTAWE
15bHail to the Lord's AnnointedABERTAWE
16Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith (Great God of wonders! all Thy ways)HUDDERSFIELD
17Rhown ddiolch bawb i'r Iôr (Now thank we all our God)NUN DANKET
18Arglwydd pob bywyd! d'orsedd Di (Lord of all being! throned afar)LOUVAIN
19Rhagluniaeth fawr y nef (The Providence of heaven)BUILTH
20O bentref bychan Bethlehem (O little town of Bethlehem)ST. LOUIS
21Dawel nos, sanctaidd nos (Silent night, holy night)SILENT NIGHT
22aYn nhawel wlad Jiwdea dlosCAROL
22bIt came upon the midnight clearCAROL
23Clywch lu'r nef yn seinio'n un (Hark! the herald angels sing)MENDELSSOHN
24aHenffych ddydd Nadolig llon!DIX
24bAs with gladness men of oldDIX
25Deuwch ffyddloniaid (Come, all ye faithful)ADESTE FIDELES
26aCanwn am ieuenctid tynerIRBY
26bLet us sing the tender childhoodIRBY
27Yn nhŷ ei Dad y Mab (Within the Father's house)ST. THOMAS
28Daw pwys gofalon ar ein pen (We bear the strain of earthly care)DIX
29aCyfodwch, feibion llafurANGEL'S STORY
29bArise, ye sons of laborANGEL'S STORY
30aCyhoeddir Mab y SaerDOWNING
30bBehold the NazareneDOWNING
31aHaleliwia! Haleliwia! Wele'r Ceidwad yn ddi-frawLLAN-GAN
31bAlleluia! Alleluia! See our Guide and Saviour goLLAN-GAN
32Ti, Ffrind, ar ŵyl oedd brin ei gwedd (Dear friend, whose presence in the house)MARTYRDOM
33Geilw'r Iesu uwch alfonydd (Jesus calls us o'er the tumult)GALILEE
34Gerllaw y ffynnon greigiog (Beside a rocky fountain)BREMEN
35aPwy yw Hwn sy'n rhodio'r tonnauSARDIS
35bJesus comes when hopes are slenderSARDIS
36Er rhuo storm uwch dyfnder maith (Fierce rage the tempests o'er the deep)ST. AELRED
37Mor hyfryd, Arglwydd, a fu'r awr (Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to Thee)BALLERMA
38Dy gwmni, Grist, sy'n hedd ('Tis good, Lord, to be here!)COLCHESTER
39aWylodd Iesu! Dagrau'n ffrydioGOUNOD
39bJesus wept! his pity flowingGOUNOD
40a'Hosanna i Fab Dafydd'MUNICH
40bAll glory, laud, and honorMUNICH
41aWele'r deuddeg yn eu pryderHYDER
41bSee the twelve with anxious facesHYDER
42aCof am y cyfiawn IesuLLYDAW
42b'Tis midnight now on OliveLLYDAW
43O deuwch, wylwch gyda mi (O come and mourn with me awhile)GOLGOTHA
44aWrth y groes a'i gwae yn gwylioRHEIDOL
44bAt the cross her vigil keepingRHEIDOL
45Clywch leferydd gras a chariad (Hark! the voice of love and mercy)CALFARI
46Mae'r gwaed a redodd ar y groes (The blood that on the cross did flow)SABBATH
47Mae'r loes ar ben a'r frwydyr fawr (The strife is o'er, the battle done)VICTORY
48aYr Iesu atgyfododd Yn fore'r trydedd dydd!LANCASHIRE
48bThe day of resurrection!LANCASHIRE
49a'N ôwl marw Brenin heddADORATION
49bOn wings of living lightADORATION
50aHenffych ddydd, esgynnodd CristEASTER HYMN
50bHail the day that sees Him riseEASTER HYMN
51Esgynnodd Crist i'r nefol wlad (The Christ ascended through the sky)CYNFAL
52A geraist Ti yr hil na charodd Di? (And didst Thou love the race that loved not Thee?)ARTAVIA
53Goronau rhowch heb rif (Crown Him with many crowns)DIADEMATA
54Mae Duw yn llond pob lle (God filleth all in all)BEVERLEY
55aMae'n llond y nefoedd, llond y bydROTTERDAM
55bGo now, my soul in search of HimROTTERDAM
56aAt Un a wrendy weddi'r gwanABERGELE
56bO Thou, from whom all goodness flowsABERGELE
57aO Argylwydd! dyro awelLLANGLOFFAN
57bO God, in restless livingLLANGLOFFAN
58Boed fy nghalon iti'n demel (Make my heart thy holy temple)ARDUDWY
59aO sancteiddia f'enaid, ArglwyddST. PETER
59bDwell in me, O blessed spiritST. PETER
60aO Iesu mawr, rho d'anian burLLEF
60bLord, speak to me, that I may speakLLEF
61aMewn gofid trwm a galar tristEDEN
61bLook up, O man! behold the sameEDEN
62aO, anfon Di yr Ysbryd GlânBURFORD
62bCome, Spirit, come; for here belowBURFORD
63aBywha dy waith, O Arglwydd mawrMERTHYR
63bOur spirits lay their noblest powersMERTHYR
64aO! tyred Argwydd mawrMALVERN
64bCome, Holy Ghost, in loveMALVERN
65aYsbryd byw y deffroadauALEXANDER
65bHoly source of consolationALEXANDER
66aO'r nef fe ddaeth llef ddistaw fainPEMBROKE
66bLet all men know that all men movePEMBROKE
67O Dduw, pob oes a glyw dy lef (O God whose voice the ages hear)ANGELS HYMN
68Tydi, Dragwyddol Un, sy'n taenu'r wawr (O Thou Eternal One, whose presence bright)BERLIN
69Mae llais efengyl fwyn (I hear the gentle voice)SARAH

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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