The Army Hymn Book. 2nd ed.

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d1A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify
d2According to Thy gracious word, In meek humility
d3Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die?
d4All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d5Am I a soldier of the cross
d6Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved
d7And can I yet delay
d8And will the Judge descend [ascend]
d9Another six days' work is done
d10Approach, my soul, the mercy seat
d11Awake my soul, stretch every nerve
d12Awake, our souls, away our fears
d13Awaked by Sinai's awful sound
d14Before Jehovah's awful throne
d15Behold what wondrous grace
d16Blest are the souls that [who] hear and know
d17Blest be the everlasting [eternal] God
d18Blow ye [you] the trumpet, blow
d19Children of the heavenly king as we journey
d20Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, with all thy quickening powers
d21Come, humble sinner, in whose breast
d22Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne
d23Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
d24Come thou fount of every blessing
d25Come, ye weary, heavy laden
d26Delay not, delay not: O sinner [drunkard] draw near
d27Dread Sovereign, let my evening song
d28Father of mercies, in thy [your] word
d29Frequent the [this] day of [O] God returns
d30Gently, Lord, O gently lead us
d31Give to the winds thy [your] fears
d32God is the refuge of his saints
d33God moves in a mysterious way
d34Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
d35Hark, the voice of love and mercy
d36Haste [Hasten], [O] sinner [sinners] [now] to be wise
d37Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims
d38How calm and beautiful the morn
d39How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the Lord
d40How happy are they, Who the [their] Savior [Jesus] obey
d41How lost was [is] my [our] condition
d42How oft have [hath] sin and Satan [nature] strove [striven]
d43How sweet and awful [holy] [sacred] is the place
d44How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
d45How tedious and tasteless [restless and tiresome] the hours
d46I lay my sins on Jesus
d47I was a wandering sheep
d48I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stranger, I can tarry
d49I'm not ashamed to own my [the] Lord
d50In all my Lord's appointed ways
d51In the Christian's home in [of] glory
d52Jerusalem, my happy home, name ever dear to me
d53Jesus, and shall it ever be
d54Jesus, I come to thee, A sinner doomed to die
d55Jesus, I love thy charming name
d56Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d57Jesus, my [mine] [our] all, to heaven is [has] gone
d58Let carnal minds the world pursue
d59Lo he comes with clouds descending
d60Lo on a narrow neck of land
d61Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d62Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray
d63Lord, we come before thee now
d64Mid [midst] scenes of confusion and creature complaints
d65My days are gliding swiftly by
d66My soul be on thy [your] guard
d67My times are in Thy hand
d68Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d69Not all the blood of beast [beasts], On Jewish altars
d70Now in the heat [flush] of youthful blood
d71Now is the accepted time
d72Now the shades of night are gone
d73O for a closer walk with God
d74O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praise
d75O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d76O Lord, another day [week] has [is] flown
d77O that the Lord would guide my [our] ways
d78O Thou from whom all goodness flows
d79O [When] thou my righteous Judge shall [shalt] come
d80O where shall rest be found
d81On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
d82One there is above all others, well [who] deserves
d83Plunged in a [the] gulf of dark [deep] despair
d84Preserved by thine almighty power
d85Prostrate dear Jesus at thy feet
d86Return, O wanderer, return [Return, return, now wanderer]
d87Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d88Salvation, O the joyful sound
d89Savior, breathe an evening blessing
d90Savior, visit Thy [our] plantation, grant us Lord, a gracious rain
d91Say, brother [brothers], will you meet me [us]
d92Say, sinner, hath a voice within
d93See, the eternal Judge descending
d94Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgive
d95Sinner, art thou [are you] still secure [sincere]
d96Sinner [sinners] turn, why will ye [you] die
d97Sinner [sinners], we are sent to bid you
d98Sinner [sinners], will you [ye] scorn [slight] the message
d99Stop, poor sinner [sinners], stop and think
d100The voice of free grace cries escape

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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