The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre: being the New-England Psalm-Book, revised and improved... (2nd ed.)

Reviser: T. Prince
Publisher: Printed by Thomas and John Fleet, Boston, 1773
Denomination: Congregational Church
Language: English
Notes: Selections from Psalms (P), Song of Solomon (S), Isaiah (I), Lamentations (L), Jonah (J), Habakkuk (H), Luke (Lu), Matthew (M) and Revelation (R) are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
PIaO Blessed Man who walks not inTextPage Scan
PIbO Blessed Man who walks not inTextPage Scan
PIIaWhy do the tribes and nations rageTextPage Scan
PIIbWhy do the nations move and rageTextPage Scan
PIIILord, how my troubles multiply?TextPage Scan
PIVGod of my righteousness to meTextPage Scan
PVJehovah, to my words give earTextPage Scan
PVIO Lord, rebuke me not in wrathTextPage Scan
PVIIO LORD my God, I wholly placeTextPage Scan
PVIIIO LORD, our Lord, in all the earthTextPage Scan
PIXLORD I'll Thee praise with all my heartTextPage Scan
PXWherefore JEHOVAH standest thouTextPage Scan
PXII in JEHOVAH place my trustTextPage Scan
PXIIHelp, O JEHOVAH now, becauseTextPage Scan
PXIIIHow long wilt thou forget me, LORD?TextPage Scan
PXIVFools in their hearts say, there's no GODTextPage Scan
PXVaLORD, in thy tabernacle, whoTextPage Scan
PXVbLord, in thy taberncle whoTextPage Scan
PXVIO Mighty God, preserve thou meTextPage Scan
PXVIIJEHOVAH hearken to the rightTextPage Scan
PXVIIILORD thee my strength I'll dearly loveTextPage Scan
PXIXThe heav'ns on high abroad declareTextPage Scan
PXXJEHOVAH hear thee in the dayTextPage Scan
PXXIJEHOVAH in thy strengthTextPage Scan
PXXIIMy God, my God, wherefore hast thouTextPage Scan
PXXIIIThe LORD himself my shepherd isTextPage Scan
PXXIVThe earth is all the LORD'sTextPage Scan
PXXVTo Thee, O LORD, I lift my soulTextPage Scan
PXXVIJudge me, O LORD, as I have walk'dTextPage Scan
PXXVIIThe LORD my light and SAFETY isTextPage Scan
PXXVIIIO LORD, my rock, to Thee I cryTextPage Scan
PXXIXO ye the sons of mighty onesTextPage Scan
PXXXLORD, I will thee extol on highTextPage Scan
PXXXIIn Thee, O LORD, I put my trustTextPage Scan
PXXXIIO blessed is the man to whomTextPage Scan
PXXXIIIYe righteous, in the LordTextPage Scan
PXXXIVIn all the seasons of my lifeTextPage Scan
PXXXVLORD strive with them who with me striveTextPage Scan
PXXXVIThe trespass of the wicked manTextPage Scan
PXXXVIIFret not thy self at wicked menTextPage Scan
PXXXVIIILORD in thy wrath rebuke me notTextPage Scan
PXXXIXI said, I to my ways will lookTextPage Scan
PXLWith expectation from the LORDTextPage Scan
PXLIO bless'd is he who does the poorTextPage Scan
PXLIIAs the chas'd hart with vehemenceTextPage Scan
PXLIIIJudge me, O GOD, and plead my causeTextPage Scan
PXLIVO GOD, our fathers oft have toldTextPage Scan
PXLVGood matter springs up in my heartTextPage Scan
PXLVIGOD is our refuge, strength and shieldTextPage Scan
PXLVIIaO all ye people clap your handsTextPage Scan
PXLVIIbYe people all abroad!TextPage Scan
PXLVIIIGreat is JEHOVAH! greatly HeTextPage Scan
PXLIXHear this all people, and give earTextPage Scan
PLThe God of GODS, the LORD doth speakTextPage Scan
PLIaO God, have mercy upon meTextPage Scan
PLIbO GOD! have mercy upon meTextPage Scan
PLIIWhy gloriest thou in injuryTextPage Scan
PLIIIFools in their heart say, there's no GODTextPage Scan
PLIVO save me in thy name, O GODTextPage Scan
PLVO GOD, thine ear give to my pray'rTextPage Scan
PLVIO GOD, have mercy upon meTextPage Scan
PLVIIO GOD, to me be mercifulTextPage Scan
PLVIIIO ye assembly, do ye nowTextPage Scan
PLIXO thou my God, deliver meTextPage Scan
PLXO GOD, Thou hast deserted usTextPage Scan
PLXIGive ear, O GOD, to my loud cryTextPage Scan
PLXIITruly my waiting soul on GODTextPage Scan
PLXIIIO GOD, Thou art my God, I willTextPage Scan
PLXIVO Mighty GOD, hear Thou the voiceTextPage Scan
PLXVSilence! For Thee, the praise O GODTextPage Scan
PLXVIO all ye lands, with shouts of joyTextPage Scan
PLXVIIaLet GOD be merciful to usTextPage Scan
PLXVIIbLet GOD show'r down his graceTextPage Scan
PLXVIIILet GOD arise, and all his foesTextPage Scan
PLXIXSave me, O GOD: for mighty streamsTextPage Scan
PLXXO GOD, from my distressTextPage Scan
PLXXIJEHOVAH, in my great distressTextPage Scan
PLXXIIO GOD, Thy judgments give the KINGTextPage Scan
PLXXIIISure GOD is good to IsraelTextPage Scan
PLXXIVWherefore, O GOD, for evermoreTextPage Scan
PLXXVTo Thee, O GOD, we render thanksTextPage Scan
PLXXVIIn Judah GOD is known: his nameTextPage Scan
PLXXVIII with my voice to GOD did cryTextPage Scan
PLXXVIIIAttend my people to my lawTextPage Scan
PLXXIXBehold, O GOD, how heathen foesTextPage Scan
PLXXXThou who lead'st Joseph as a flockTextPage Scan
PLXXXIO to the mighty GOD our strengthTextPage Scan
PLXXXIIIn the assembly of the greatTextPage Scan
PLXXXIIINo longer hold thy peace, O GODTextPage Scan
PLXXXIVHow amiable, LORD of hostsTextPage Scan
PLXXXVaLORD, Thou didst signal favours showTextPage Scan
PLXXXVbLORD, thou didst favour this thy landTextPage Scan
PLXXXVIO LORD, bow down thine earTextPage Scan
PLXXXVIIaThe LORD his sacred house doth onTextPage Scan
PLXXXVIIbHis sacred dwelling he doth foundTextPage Scan
PLXXXVIIILORD, God, my saviour, day and nightTextPage Scan
PLXXXIXThe mercies of JEHOVAH singTextPage Scan
PXCLORD, Thou hast been our dwelling placeTextPage Scan
PXCIHe that does in the secret placeTextPage Scan
PXCIITo Thee, JEHOVAH, thanks to giveTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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