PLIV | The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre#PLV | PLVI |
Text: | A Psalm of David |
1 O GOD, thine ear give to my pray'r;
and hide not Thou thy face
From me now supplicating Thee,
and suing for thy grace.
2 O be attentive now to me,
and hear my doleful voice:
I in my meditation mourn,
and make a troubled noise;
3 Thro' my foes voice, and face of those
who wickedly oppress;
Who charge iniquities on me,
and hate with spitefulness.
4 My heart in me is rack'd with pain;
death's terrors me surprize;
5 Great fear and trembling on me come,
and horrors on me seize.
6 O that I like a dove had wings,
then I away would flee;
That I might find a secret place,
where I at rest could be.
7 Lo, I would wander then afar,
and in some desart stay; (Selah.)
8 From storms and tempest here would I
make haste to get away.
[2 Part]
9 Confound their pow'r, O Lord, and let
their tongues divided be:
For rapine, violence and strife,
I in the city see.
10 Unto her walls both day and night
they go their constant rounds;
And in the midst all mischief reigns,
and grievousness abounds.
11 Yea in the midst, all wickedness
at ev'ry corner meets;
And fraud and circumventing guile
are ever in her streets.
12 'Twas no known foe that slander'd me,
for that I could abide;
Nor one who op'nly hated me,
for I from him could hide.
13 But thou the man, mine equal, who
hast done me this despight;
My guide and my familiar friend,
in whom I took delight.
14 We oft together counsel took
in sweet society;
And walk'd on to the house of GOD,
in pleasant company.
15 But death shall seize them; and they shall
go down alive to hell:
For wickednesses in their hearts
and in their houses dwell.
[3 Part]
16 On GOD I'll call; and then the LORD
to save me will appear:
17 At ev'ning, morning, noon I'll cry;
and He my voice will hear.
18 For from the war against me rais'd
He did my soul set free;
He bro't me to a state of peace;
and many join with me.
19 God will me hear, and humble them:
He rule did ever bear: (Selah.)
Because they with no changes meet,
ev'n GOD they do not fear.
20 On him who was at pace with them,
they stretched forth their hand;
Their sacred covenant with him
by breaking they prophan'd.
21 Smoother than butter were their words,
while in their heart was war?
Their speeches softer were than oil,
but now drawn swords they are.
22 O cast thy burthen on the LORD;
and He will thee sustain:
He will not let the just be mov'd,
but ever them maintain.
23 But Thou, O GOD, wilt send to hell
the men of blood and guile;
Who shall not live out half their days:
but trust in thee I will.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O GOD, thine ear give to my pray'r |
Title: | A Psalm of David |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1773 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |