PXXIII | The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre#PXXIV | PXXV |
Text: | A Psalm of David |
1 The earth is all the LORD's,
it's fulness all is his;
The world and all who dwell therein
his own possession is.
2 For its foundation He
upon the seas hath laid;
And it on the unstable floods
hath firm established.
3 But who JEHOVAH's hill
shall happily ascend?
And in his place of sanctity,
who shall on Him attend?
4 The man whose hands are clean,
whose heart is pure; and he
Who hath not lift his soul to lies,
nor sworn deceitfully.
5 The benediction he
shall from the LORD receive,
And righteousness shall from the God
of his salvation have.
6 Of those who seek for Him,
this is the blessed race;
And they are Jacob's genuine seed,
who chiefly seek thy face. (Selah)
[2 Part]
7 Ye gates lift up your heads,
eternal doors give way;
Lift up on high, that enter in
the king of glory may.
8 Who is this glorious king?
we beg you now declare!
He is JEHOVAH great in pow'r,
the mighty LORD of war.
9 Ye gates lift up your heads,
eternal doors give way;
Lift up on high, that enter in
the king of glory may.
10 Who is this glorious king?
reveal and let us see!
He's the triumphant LORD of hosts:
this glorious king is He. (Selah)
Text Information | |
First Line: | The earth is all the LORD's |
Title: | A Psalm of David |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1773 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |