PXVII | The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre#PXVIII | PXIX |
1 LORD thee my strength I'll dearly love:
2 The LORD's my rock and refuge sure,
My fortress, saviour, God and shield,
My rock, on whom I rest secure;
My horn of safety, my high tow'r:
3 JEHOVAH I will call on Thee
Who worthy to be praised art;
So from my foes sav'd I shall be.
4 Amazing sorrows seiz'd my soul,
While death its cords around me laid;
As when impetuous torrents roll
Ungodly men my soul dismay'd.
5 The cords of hell encompass'd me,
And death it's snares around me drew;
They seiz'd and caught me unawares,
E'er I th' approaching danger knew.
6 Distress'd, I called on the LORD,
Cry'd to my God, and He did hear;
He from his temple heard my voice,
My cry receiv'd into his ear.
7 And then the earth affrighted shook,
The utmost trembling on it seiz'd:
The mountains their foundations mov'd,
Because they saw him high displeas'd.
8 Smoke from his nostrils there arose;
And fire devouring dreadfully
Forth from his mouth their issued;
Bright coals enkindled were thereby.
9 The heav'ns aloft He made to bow,
Descending in a martial form;
And all beneath his feet appear'd
Thick darkness, and a gath'ring storm.
10 He on a flying cherub rode,
In his exalted majesty:
And on the wings of swiftest winds,
He irresistibly did fly.
11 He darkness made his secret place:
His awful covert round him were
Darkness of waters and thick clouds,
Which overspread the gloomy air.
12 But at the brightness flashing forth
Before him, his thick clouds conspire
To pass along, and cast abroad
Hail-stones, and burning coals of fire.
[2 Part.]
13 From heav'n JEHOVAH thundred loud;
The highest gave his mighty voice;
Hail-stones, and glowing coals of fire
He cast with dreadful pow'r and noise.
14 His arrows forth he sent abroad,
Which made my foes disperse and fly;
His light'nings shot and multiply'd,
Which them defeated utterly.
15 Then were the waters channels seen,
The world's foundations op'ned were,
At thy rebuke LORD, at the blast
Of thy displeasure's breath, laid bare.
16 From heav'n he sent and on me seiz'd,
And from the mighty waters drew;
17 He sav'd me from my mighty foes,
Whose pow'r too mighty for me grew.
18 In my dark day they me surpriz'd;
Yet was the LORD a stay to me.
19 Because in me He took delight,
He hath enlarg'd and set me free.
20 The LORD rewarded my pure hands,
And recompenc'd my upright heart;
21 For I did keep JEHOVAH's ways,
Nor wickedly my God desert.
22 For all his laws before me were,
His statutes from me put not I:
23 Yea I before him was upright,
And kept from mine iniquity.
24 According to my uprightness
Therefore the LORD rewarded me;
And to the pureness of my hands,
Which his all-viewing eye did see.
[3 Part]
25 Thou gracious to the gracious art,
To upright ones wilt upright be;
25 Pure to the pure; but strive with them
Who froward are, and strive with thee.
27 For thou wilt the afflicted save,
And high looks thou wilt bring down low:
28 But Thou wilt light my lamp; the LORD
My God, my darkness whine into.
29 By thee with dauntless courage fir'd,
Embattled troops I pierced thro':
An by my God assisting me,
I scal'd the ramparts of my foe.
30 The way of God most perfect is;
JEHOVAH's word is throughly try'd;
He is their shield, their sure defence,
Who stedfastly in him confide.
31 For who is God except the LORD?
O who a rock our God beside?
32 It's God who girdeth me with strength,
And in a perfect way does guide:
33 He makes my feet swift as the roe;
On my high places makes me stand;
34 Mine arms can break the brazen bow,
So well for war he taught my hand.
35 The shield of thy salvation Thou
Bestowed likewise hast on me;
And thy right hand hath me upheld;
Thy favour made me great to be.
[4 Part]
35 My steps Thou mad'st both large and sure,
As I my flying foes pursu'd:
37 I overtook them: nor did turn,
Till I had wholly them subdu'd.
38 So fatally I wounded them,
In vain they try'd their heads to rear;
And all bereav'd of strength thy fell,
Beneath my feet, and grovel'd there.
39 Thou girdest me with fortitude
To battle with my mighty foes;
And hast subdued them to me
Who fiercely up against me rose.
40 The necks of all mine enemies,
By Thee to me subjected are;
That I might justly cut them off
Who to me mortal hatred bear.
41 They cry'd and call'd out earnestly;
But there was none appear'd to save:
Yea even to the LORD himself;
But He to them no answer gave.
42 Then like the dust driv'n all abroad,
When boist'rous winds arise and blow,
I beat them small; and as the dirt
Into the street, I them did throw.
43 From all the people's strivings Thou
Hast me deliv'red this glad day,
And of the nations made me head:
People unknown shall me obey.
44 At the first hearing they'l submit:
Strangers shall bow themselves to me:
45 The strangers sons shall fade away,
And from their coverts frighted be.
[5 Part]
46 Live LORD, and let my rock be bless'd;
My Saviour God exalted be;
47 God who avenges me and who
Brings down the people under me.
48 My saviour from mine enemies:
Yea me thou hast advanc'd indeed
Above them that against me rose,
And from the vi'lent mean me freed.
49 Therefore among the nations, LORD,
To Thee my thanks I will proclaim;
To Thee, victorious loudly will
Sing forth the praises of thy name.
50 He great deliv'rance gives his king,
And boundless favour has in store,
For his MESSIAH, DAVID sure,
And for HIS SEED for evermore.
Text Information | |
First Line: | LORD thee my strength I'll dearly love |
Title: | A Psalm of David, the Servant of the LORD; who spake to the LORD the Words of this Song in the Day that the LORD delivered him from all his Enemies, and from the Hand of Saul |
Publication Date: | 1773 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |