Community of Christ Sings

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
601Holy Presence, Holy TeacherPLEADING SAVIORTextPage Scan
602In my life, Lord, be glorified [In my life, Lord, be glorified]Page Scan
603A prophet-woman broke a jarCLAUDPHYLTextPage Scan
604O my people, saith the SpiritMY REDEEMER (ADMONITION)TextPage Scan
605Make me a channel of your peacePRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS
606All are called, young and oldASHLEYPage Scan
607Let us give praise to the God of creationEPIPHANY HYMNPage Scan
608Take my life and let it beHOLLINGSIDETextPage Scan
609Take my gifts and let me love youDECATURTextPage Scan
610Take my hands and let them move (Que mi vida entera esté)TOMA MI VOLUNTADTextPage Scan
611From you I receive[From you I receive]
612Go with us, Lord, and guide the wayTALLIS' CANONTextPage Scan
613Nimwebo ba Yahweh[Nimwebo ba Yahweh]TextPage Scan
614My gratitude now accept, O GodOFRENDA
615Gracias, Señor, por lo que me dasOFRENDA
616Brothers and sisters of mine are the hungryMINE ARE THE HUNGRY
617Can we calculate our givingCRIATURAS DEL REINO
618We lift our voices, we lift our handsOFFERING
619For the life that you have givenPLEADING SAVIORTextPage Scan
620As saints of old their first-fruits broughtFOREST GREENTextPage Scan
621Help us express your love, O LordRETREATPage Scan
622Send forth your light, O Zion!LANCASHIRETextPage Scan
623Tell me the story of JesusSTORY OF JESUSTextPage Scan
624God of grace and God of gloryCWM RHONDDATextPage Scan
625You are called to tell the storyREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
626Leaving her water jar behindVERNONTextPage Scan
627God forgave my sin in Jesus' name FREELY, FREELY
628When Holy Ghost shall come in pow'rELLACOMBETextPage Scan
629Would you bless our homes and fam'liesALL THE WAY
630Christ's partners all are weMADRIDPage Scan
631Community of joy, proclaim the living Christ!DARWALL'S 148th
632Christ's word to us is like a burning fireWOODLANDSPage Scan
633Keep your lamps trimmed and burning[Keep your lamps trimmed and burning]TextPage Scan
634When we lift our pack and goLEONARDTextPage Scan
635Arise, your light is come!FESTAL SONGPage Scan
636I have called you by your name, you are mineKELLYTextPage Scan
637Lord, who views all people precious PITTSFIELDPage Scan
638God, bless your church with strength!ICH HALTE TREULICH STILLPage Scan
639Your cause be mine, great Lord DivineRICHMOND BEACH
640I, the Lord of sea and skyHERE I AM, LORD
641Mighty God who called creation WEISSE FLAGGENTextPage Scan
642Praise the Lord together singing alleluia[Praise the Lord together singing alleluia]TextPage Scan
643Find your wholeness in the reachingFEED MY SHEEPPage Scan
644Now let us from this table riseTALLIS' CANONTextPage Scan
645You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peaceTHE TREES OF THE FIELDPage Scan
646Go now forth into the worldEMERALDPage Scan
647The peace of the earth be with you (La paz de la tierra esté contigo)[La paz de la tierra este contigo]
648Sent forth by God's blessingASH GROVE
649With a steadfast faith together let us walkEDWARDSTextPage Scan
650Go, my children, with my blessing, never aloneAR HYD Y NOSPage Scan
651Send me forth with Christ's commission; fill my soul with new resolveMASTER, USE MEPage Scan
652May the God of hope go with us every day (¡Dios de la esperanza, danos gozo y paz!)ARGENTINATextPage Scan
653Shalom chaverim, shalom chaverim (ֹשָלוֹם חָבֵרִים, ֹשָלוֹם חָבֵרִים)[Shalom chaverim, shalom chaverim]TextPage Scan
654Go forth in joy[Go forth in joy]
655The Lord bless you and keep youTHE LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOUTextPage Scan
656Christ the Lord to us saidHALELUYA! PELO TSA RONA
657Make us, O God, a church that sharesFOREST GREENTextPage Scan
658Now let our hearts within us burnLANDÅSPage Scan
659God our Maker calls usJUNKANOO
660Bwana awabariki [Bwana awabariki)TextPage Scan
661Thuma mina[Thuma mina]Text
662Peace be with you as we partPEACE BE WITH YOUPage Scan
663I wish God's love to be with you[Yuan Zhu di ai yu ni tong zai]TextPage Scan
664God be with you till we meet againRANDOLPHTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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