Author of "Praise to the Lord (하나님을 찬양하세)" in Glory to God Park Seong-won is a professor of Youngnam Theological College and Seminary in Korea and a Central Committee member of World Council of Churches. He is a prominent theologian, and ecumenical activist.
At the local level, Park coordinates a programme of inter-seminary training with the goal of ecumenical formation for theology of life and social transformation. He is presently responsible for a series of lectures on ecumenism, worship and spirituality, economic justice and Ecological agriculture at the Youngnam Theological College and Seminary in Gyeongsan, Korea.
At the national level, Park serves the Ecumenical Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Korea and speaks to various groups on the theme of ecumenism, mission, economic justice, ecology, life giving civilization, and worship and spirituality.
At the regional level, he is frequently engaged in meetings and conferences that are organized by the Christian Conference of Asia.
At the global level, since February 2006 Park has been serving the World Council of Churches as a member of its Central Committee. Since 2007, he has been serving the “Oikotree Movement” - World Council of Churches(WCC)-Council for World Mission(CWM)-World Alliance of Reformed Churches(WARC) Joint Movement for Covenanting for Justice - as Co-Moderator.
From 1986 to 1990, Park worked in the World Alliance of Reformed Churches as Assistant to General Secretary, with the responsibility of coordinating a theological study programme, “Called To Witness To the Gospel Today”.
From 1992 to 1995 he was the Senior Minister of Pusanjin Presbyterian Church, the second oldest Protestant Church in Korea.
From 1995 to 2004 Park was invited again to work for the World Alliance of Reformed Churches as Executive Secretary of the Department of Cooperation and Witness. He has been World Alliance of Reformed Churches’s representative at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights from 1995 to 2004.
From 1995 to 2004, Park has been engaged in coordinating World Alliance of Reformed Churches programme, the processus confessionis, which was a World Alliance of Reformed Churches programme on faith response to economic injustice and ecological destruction. He was coordinator of “The Accra Confession”. From 2000 to 2004, he served the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance as a member of its Executive Committee.
Park organized the ecumenical worship for three consecutive General Councils of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches: Seoul in 1989, Debrecen in 1997 and Accra in 2004.
Park received a Bachelor’s degree in Music from Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea in 1977. In 1982, he earned a Master's degree from the Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary in Seoul. In December 1999, Park received a Doctoral Degree in theology from University of Bern in Switzerland.
Park and his wife have three daughters. In addition to Korean, he speaks English (fluent) and is able to use French and Chinese.
Seung-Won Park