Person Results

Text Identifier:"^cordero_de_dios_que_quitas_el_pecado$"

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Lucien Deiss

1921 - 2007 Person Name: L. Deiss Composer of "[Cordero de Dios]" in Cantemos al Señor Born: 1921, Par­is, France. Died: Oc­to­ber 9, 2007, Île-de-France, France. Buried: Seminaire des Mis­sions, Che­vil­ly-La­rue, Île-de-France, France. A mem­ber of the Ho­ly Spir­it Fa­thers, Deiss at­tende­d the Gre­gor­i­an Un­i­ver­si­ty in Rome and taught the­ol­o­gy at the Grand Scho­las­ti­cat of Che­ville in Paris, France. His works in­clude: Early Sources of the Li­tur­gy, 1967 It’s the Lord’s Sup­per/, 1976 Spring Time of the Li­tur­gy, 1979 Sources: Brink & Polman, P. 313 ================= Fr. Deiss was pastor, liturgist, author, international lecturer, renowned Scripture scholar, and an expert on liturgical music. He was selected by Pope Paul VI to coordinate the Lectionary psalter following the Second Vatican Council. His Biblical Hymns and Psalms was the one of the first major collections of liturgical music in the vernacular, and gave us such songs as "All the Earth," "Keep in Mind," and "Grant to Us, O Lord." A tireless advocate of the reforms of Vatican II, Fr. Deiss continually encouraged those who worked in liturgical reform to remain fervent in prayer, and he dedicated much of his life to liturgical catechesis through workshops and writings.

Raquel Mora Martínez

b. 1940 Composer of "AGNUS DEI" in Fiesta Jubilosa Raquel Martinez (b. January 17, 1940) is a well-known composer and arranger of Hispanic songs and hymns. She has degrees from the University of Texas at El Paso and Perkins School of Theology and the School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University. She served as editor of the official United Methodist hymnal, Mil Voces Para Celebrar (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996).

Mary Frances Reza

Composer of "[Cordero de Dios]" in Flor y Canto (4th ed.)

Pedro Rubalcava

b. 1958 Person Name: Pedro Rubalcava, n. 1958 Composer of "[Cordero de Dios]" in Flor y Canto (4th ed.)

Juan J. Sosa

b. 1947 Person Name: Juan J. Sosa, Pbro., n. 1947 Composer of "[Cordero de Dios]" in Flor y Canto (4th ed.)

Diego Correa

1964 - 2015 Person Name: Diego Correa, 1964-2015 Composer of "[Cordero de Dios]" in Flor y Canto (4th ed.)

Damaris Thillet

b. 1963 Person Name: Damaris Thillet, n. 1963 Composer of "[Cordero de Dios]" in Flor y Canto (4th ed.)

Azeneth González

b. 1981 Person Name: Azeneth González, n. 1981 Composer of "[Cordero de Dios]" in Flor y Canto (4th ed.)

Juan Luis García

1935 - 1997 Person Name: J. L. García Composer of "[Cordero de Dios]" in Cantemos al Señor

Perla Moré

1919 - 1985 Composer of "[Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo]" in Cantemos al Señor


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