Author: J. H. Böhmer Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O risen Lord! O conquering King!
O Life of all the living!
To-day that peace of Easter bring
Which comes but of Thy giving!
Once Death, our foe,
Had laid Thee low,
Now hast Thou rent his bonds in twain,
Now art Thou risen who once wast slain!
2 O that to know Thy victory
To us were inly granted,
And these cold hearts might catch from Thee
The glow of faith undaunted;
Thy quenchless light,
Thy glorious might
Still comfortless and lonely leave
The soul that cannot yet believe.
3 Then break through our hard hearts Thy way,
O Jesus, Lord of glory!
Kindle the lamp of faith today,
Teach us to sing before Thee
For joy at length,
That in Thy strength
We, too, may rise whom sin had slain,
And Thine eternal rest attain.
4 And when our tears for sin o'erflow,
Do Thou in love draw near us,
Thy precious gift of peace bestow,
Let Thy bright presence cheer us,
That so may we,
O Christ, from Thee
Drink in the life that cannot die,
And keep true Easter feasts on high. Topics: The Church Year First Sunday after Easter; The Church Year Easter Used With Tune: [O risen Lord! O conquering King!]
O risen Lord! O conquering King!