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Hymnal, Number:hpec1871

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Showing 401 - 410 of 520Results Per Page: 102050

Ah, how shall fallen man

Meter: Appears in 157 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Ah, how shall fallen man Be just before his God! If He contend in righteousness, We sink beneath His rod. 2 If He our ways should mark, With strict inquiring eyes, Could we for one of thousand faults A just excuse devise? 3 All-seeing, powerful God! Who can with Thee contend? Or who that tries the unequal strife, Shall prosper in the end? 4 The mountains in Thy wrath, Their ancient seats forsake: The trembling earth deserts her place, Her rooted pillars shake. 5 Ah, how shall guilty man Contend with such a God? None, none can meet Him, and escape, But through the Saviour's blood.

Ah, not like erring man is God

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Ah, not like erring man is God, That men to answer Him should dare; Condemn'd, and into silence awed, They helpless stand before His bar. 2 There must a Mediator plead, Who, God and man, may both embrace; With God for man to intercede, And offer man the purchased grace. 3 And lo! the Son of God is slain To be this Mediator crown'd: In Him my soul, be cleansed from stain, In Him thy righteousness be found.

All glorious God, what hymns of praise

Meter: Appears in 50 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All glorious God, what hymns of praise Shall our transported voices raise! What ardent love and zeal are due, While heaven stands open to our view! 2 Once we were fallen, and O how low! Just on the brink of endless woe: When Jesus, from the realms above, Borne on the wings of boundless love, 3 Scattered the shades of death and night, And spread around His heavenly light: By Him what wondrous grace is shown To souls impoverish'd and undone! 4 He shows, beyond these mortal shores, A bright inheritance as ours; Where saints in light our coming wait To share their holy, happy state.

All people that on earth do dwell

Meter: Appears in 727 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. 2 Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without our aid He did us make: We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. 3 O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless His Name always, For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. Topics: The Christian Life Praise

All praise to Thee, my God, this night

Meter: Appears in 1,050 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All praise to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light: Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath Thine own Almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done; That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed; To die, that this vile body may Rise glorious at the awful day. 4 O may my sleep on Thee repose, And with sweet sleep mine eyelids close: Sleep, that may me more vigorous make To serve my God, when I awake. 5 When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply: Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. 6 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

All ye who seek for sure relief

Meter: Appears in 30 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All ye who seek for sure relief In trouble and distress, Whatever sorrow vex the mind, Or guilt the soul oppress: 2 Jesus, Who gave Himself for you, Upon the Cross to die, Opens to you His sacred heart: O to that heart draw nigh. 3 Ye hear how kindly He invites; Ye hear His words so blest: "All ye that labour come to me, And I will give you rest.' 4 O Jesus, joy of saints on high, Thou hope of sinners here, Attracted by those loving words, To Thee I lift my prayer. 5 Wash Thou my wounds in that dear blood Which forth from Thee doth flow; New grace, new hope inspire; a new And better heart bestow.

Alleluia, song of sweetness

Appears in 94 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Alleluia, song of sweetness, Voice of joy that cannot die; Alleluia is the anthem Ever dear to choirs on high; In the house of God abiding, Thus they sing eternally. 2 Alleluia thou resoundest, True Jerusalem and free; Alleluia joyful mother, All thy children sing with thee; But by Babylon's sad waters Mourning exiles now are we. 3 Alleluia cannot always Be our song while here below; Alleluia our transgressions Make us for awhile forego: For the solemn time is coming When our tears for sin must flow. 4 Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee, Grant us blessèd Trinity, At the last to keep Thine Easter In our home beyond the sky; There to Thee forever singing Alleluia joyfully. Topics: The Christian Life Praise

And are we now brought near to God

Meter: Appears in 46 hymnals Lyrics: 1 And are we now brought near to God, Who once at distance stood? And, to effect this glorious change, Did Jesus shed His blood? 2 O for a song of ardent praise, To bear our souls above! What should allay our lively hope, Or damp our flaming love? 3 Then let us join the heavenly choirs, To praise our heavenly King: O may that love which spread this boar, Inspire us while we sing: 4 "Glory to god in highest strains, And to the earth be peace; Good-will from heaven to men is come, And let it never cease." Topics: The Sacraments The Lord's Supper

And is the time approaching

Appears in 61 hymnals Lyrics: 1 And is the time approaching, By prophets long foretold, When all shall dwell together, One Shepherd and one fold? Shall every idol perish, To moles and bats be thrown, And every prayer be offer'd To God in Christ alone? 2 Shall Jew and Gentile meeting From many a distant shore, Around one altar kneeling, One common Lord adore? Shall all that now divides us Remove and pass away, Like shadows of the morning Before the blaze of day? 3 Shall all that now unites us More sweet and lasting prove, A closer bond of union In a blest land of love? Shall war be learn'd no longer, Shall strife and tumult cease, All earth His blessèd kingdom, The Lord and Prince of Peace? 4 O long-expected dawning, Come with thy cheering ray! When shall the morning brighten. The shadows flee away? O sweet anticipation! It cheers the watchers on To pray, and hope, and labour, Till the dark night be gone. Topics: Missions and Charities

Angels, roll the rock away!

Appears in 497 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Angels, roll the rock away! Death, yield up the mighty Prey! See, the Saviour quits the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom. Alleluia, alleluia, Christ the Lord is risen to-day. 2 Shout, ye seraphs; angels, raise Your eternal song of praise; Let the earth's remotest bound Echo to the blissful sound. Alleluia, alleluia, Christ the Lord is risen to-day. 3 Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in One, Glory as of old to Thee, Now and evermore, shall be. Alleluia, alleluia, Christ the Lord is risen to-day.


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