1 All glorious God, what hymns of praise
Shall our transported voices raise!
What ardent love and zeal are due,
While heaven stands open to our view!
2 Once we were fallen, and O how low!
Just on the brink of endless woe:
When Jesus, from the realms above,
Borne on the wings of boundless love,
3 Scattered the shades of death and night,
And spread around His heavenly light:
By Him what wondrous grace is shown
To souls impoverish'd and undone!
4 He shows, beyond these mortal shores,
A bright inheritance as ours;
Where saints in light our coming wait
To share their holy, happy state.
Source: Hymnal: according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America #371
First Line: | All glorious God, what hymns of praise |
Author: | Philip Doddridge (1755) |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
All glorious God, what hymns of praise. P. Doddridge. [Praise!] In the "D. MSS." this hymn is headed, "Of being prepared for the inheritance of the Saints in light. A song of praise for Col. i. 12," and is dated "Dec. 13, 1736," No. xxix. The same text was given in J. Orton's ed. of Doddridge's (posthumous) Hymns, &c, 1755, No. 298, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and, with slight changes, in J. D. Humphreys's edition of the same, 1839, No. 324. Although a hymn of praise of more than usual merit in many ways, it is rarely given in the English collections, and found in but a few of the American hymnals.
-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)