1 Ah, how shall fallen man
Be just before his God?
If he contend in righteousness,
We sink beneath his rod.
2 If he our ways should mark
With strict inquiring eyes,
Could we for one of thousand faults
A just excuse devise?
3 All-seeing, powerful God!
Who can with thee contend?
Or who, that tries the unequal strife,
Shall prosper in the end?
4 The mountains, in thy wrath,
Their ancient seats forsake;
The trembling earth deserts her place,
Her rooted pillars shake.
5 Ah! how shall guilty man
Contend with such a God?
None, none, can meet him and escape,
But through the Saviour's blood.
Source: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book: for use in divine worship #384