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Hymnal, Number:pdil1740

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A Penitent pleading for Pardon

Appears in 788 hymnals First Line: Shew Pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive Lyrics: 1 Shew pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive, Let a repenting Rebel live; Are not thy Mercies large and free; May not a Sinner trust in Thee? 2 My Crimes are great, but not surpass The Pow'r and Glory of thy Grace; Great GOD, thy Nature hath no Bound, So let thy pard'ning Love be found. 3 O wash my Soul from ev'ry Sin, And make my guilty Conscience clean; Here on my Heart the Burden lies, And past Offences pain mine Eyes. 4 My Lips with Shame my Sins confess Against thy Law, against thy Grace; Lord, should thy Judgment grow severe, I am condemn'd, but thou art clear. 5 Should sudden Vengeance seize my Breath, I must pronounce Thee just in Death; And if my Soul were sent to Hell, Thy righteous Law approves it well. 6 Yet save a trembling Sinner, Lord, Whose Hope still hov'ring round thy Word, Would light on some sweet Promise there, Some sure Support against Despair. Topics: Backsliding soul restored; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ Our Hope; Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon; Distress relieved; Guilt of Conscience relieved; Pardon of original and actual sin; Repentance and Faith in the Blood of Chirst; Sabbath Sacrifice; Sin original and actual, confessed and pardoned; Spirit his teaching desired; Wickedness of Man Scripture: Psalm 51
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Original and actual Sin confessed

Appears in 217 hymnals First Line: Lord, I am vile, conceiv'd in Sin Lyrics: 1 Lord, I am vile, conceiv'd in Sin, And born unholy and unclean; Sprung from the Man whose guilty Fall Corrupts the Race, and taints us all. 2 Soon as we draw our Infant-breath, The Seeds of Sin grow up for Death: Thy Law demands a perfect Heart, But we're defil'd in ev'ry Part. 3 [Great GOD, create my Heart a new, And form my Spirit pure and true; O make me wise betimes, to spy My Danger and my Remedy.] 4 Behold I fall before thy Face; My only Refuge is thy Grace: No outward Forms can make me clean, The Leprosy lies deep within. 5 No bleeding Bird, nor bleeding Beast, Nor Hyssop-branch, nor sprinkling Priest, Nor running Brook, nor Flood, nor Sea, Can wash the dismal Stain away. 6 Jesus, my GOD, thy Blood alone Hath Pow'r sufficient to atone; Thy Blood can make me white as Snow, No Jewish Types could cleanse me so. 7 While Guilt disturbs and breaks my Peace, Nor Flesh nor Soul hath Rest nor Ease, Lord, let me hear thy pard'ning Voice, And make my broken Bones rejoice. Topics: Backsliding soul restored; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ Our Hope; Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon; Distress relieved; Guilt of Conscience relieved; Pardon of original and actual sin; Repentance and Faith in the Blood of Chirst; Sabbath Sacrifice; Sin original and actual, confessed and pardoned; Spirit his teaching desired; Wickedness of Man Scripture: Psalm 51
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Orignal and actual Sin confessed and pardoned

Appears in 49 hymnals First Line: Lord, I would spread my sore Distress Lyrics: 1 Lord, I would spread my sore Distress And Guilt before thine Eyes; Against thy Laws, against thy Grace How high my Crimes arise! 2 Shouldst thou condemn my Soul to Hell, And crush my Flesh to Dust, Heav'n would approve thy Vengeance well, And Earth must own it just. 3 I from the Stock of Adam came, Unholy and unclean; All my Original is Shame, And all my Nature Sin. 4 Born in a World of Guilt, I drew Contagion with my Breath; And as my Days advanc'd, I grew A juster Prey for Death. 5 Cleanse me, O Lord, and chear my Soul With thy forgiving Love; O make my broken Spirit whole, And bid my Pains remove. 6 Let not thy Spirit quite depart, Nor drive me from thy Face; Create anew my vicious Heart, And fill it with thy Grace. 7 Then will I make thy Mercy known Before the Sons of Men; Backsliders shall address thy Throne, And turn to GOD again. Topics: Backsliding soul restored; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ Our Hope; Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon; Distress relieved; Guilt of Conscience relieved; Pardon of original and actual sin; Repentance and Faith in the Blood of Chirst; Sabbath Sacrifice; Sin original and actual, confessed and pardoned; Spirit his teaching desired; Wickedness of Man Scripture: Psalm 51:3-13
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Victory and Deliverance from Persecution

Appears in 39 hymnals First Line: Are all the Foes of Sion Fools Lyrics: 1 Are all the Foes of Sion Fools, Who thus devour her Saints? Do they not know her Saviour rules, And pities her Complaints? 2 They shall be seiz'd with sad Surprize; For GOD's revenging Arm Scatters the Bones of them that rise, To do his Children Harm. 3 In vain the Sons of Satan boast Of Armies in Array; When GOD has first despis'd their Host They fall an easy Prey. 4 O for a Word from Sion's King, Her Captives to restore! Jacob with all his Tribes shall sing, And Judah weep no more. Topics: Faith in the blood of Christ; Persecution Victory over and Deliverance from it Scripture: Psalm 53:4-6
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Support for the afflicted and tempted Soul

Appears in 52 hymnals First Line: O GOD, my Refuge, hear my Cries Lyrics: 1 O GOD, my Refuge, hear my Cries, Behold my flowing Tears; For Earth and Hell my Hurt devise, And triumph in my Fears. 2 Their Rage is levell'd at my Life, My Soul with Guilt they load, And fill my Thoughts with inward Strife, To shake my Hope in GOD. 3 With inward Pain my Heart-strings sound, I groan with ev'ry Breath; Horror and Fear beset me round Amongst the Shades of Death. 4 O were I like a feather'd Dove, And Innocence had Wings; I'd fly, and make a long Remove, From all these restless Things. 5 Let me to some wild Desart go, And find a peaceful Home; Where Storms of Malice never blow, Temptations never come. 6 Vain hopes, and vain Intentions all To 'scape the Rage of Hell! The mighty GOD, on whom I call, Can save me here as well. Pause. 7 By Morning-Light I'll seek his Face, At Noon repeat my Cry; The Night shall hear me ask his Grace, Nor will he long deny. 8 GOD shall preserve my Soul from Fear, Or shield me when afraid; Ten Thousand Angels must appear, If he command their Aid. 9 I cast my Burdens on the Lord, The Lord sustains them all; My Courage rests upon his Word, That Saints shall never fall. 9 My highest Hopes shall not be vain, My Lips shall spread his Praise; While cruel and deceitful Men Scarce live out Half their Days. Topics: Daily Devotion; Support for the afflicted and tempted; Temptations support under them Scripture: Psalm 55:1-8
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Dangerous Prosperity; or, Daily Devotions encouraged

Appears in 163 hymnals First Line: Let Sinners take their Course Lyrics: 1 Let Sinners take their Course, And chuse the road to Death; But in the worship of my GOD I'll spend my daily Breath. 2 My Thoughts address his Throne When Morning brings the Light; I'll seek his Blessing ev'ry Noon, And pay my Vows at Night. 3 Thou wilt regard my Cries, O my eternal GOD, While Winners perish in Surprize, Beneath thine angry Rod. 4 Because they dwell at Ease, And no sad Changes feel, They neither fear nor trust thy Name, Nor learn to do thy Will. 5 By I, with all my Cares Will lean upon the Lord; I'll cast my Burdens on his arm, And rest upon his Word. 6 His Arm shall well sustain The Children of his Love; The Ground on which their Safety stands, No earthly Pow'r can move. Topics: Daily Devotion; Support for the afflicted and tempted; Temptations support under them Scripture: Psalm 55:15-17
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Deliverance from Oppression and Flashood; or, God's Care of his People, in Answer to Faith and Prayer

Appears in 42 hymnals First Line: O Thou whose Justice reigns on high Lyrics: 1 O Thou whose Justice reigns on high, And makes th'Oppressor cease, Behold how envious Sinners try To vex and break my Peace! 2 The Sons of Violence and Lies Join to devour me, Lord; But as my hourly Dangers rise, My Refuge is thy Word. 3 In GOD, most holy, just and true, I have repos'd my Trust; Nor will I fear what Flesh can do, The Offspring of the Dust. 4 They wrest my Words to Mischief still, Charge me with unknown Faults; Mischief doth all their Counsels fill, And Malice all their thoughts. 5 Shall they escape without thy Frown? Must their Devices stand? O cast the haughty Sinner down, And let him know thy Hand! Pause. 6 GOD counts the Sorrows of his Saints, Their Groans affect his Ears; Thou hast a Book for my Complaints, A Bottle for my Tears. 7 When to thy Throne I raise my Cry, The Wicked fear, and flee; So swift is Pray'r to reach the Sky, So near is GOD to me. 8 In Thee, most holy, just and true, I have repos'd my Trust; Nor will I fear what Man can do, The Offspring of the Dust. 9 Thy solemn Vows are on me, Lord, Thou shalt receive my Praise; I'll sing, How faithful is thy Word! How righteous all thy Ways! 10 Thou hast secur'd my Soul from Death, O set thy Pris'ner free, That Heart and Hand, and Life and Breath, May be employ'd for Thee. Topics: Deliverance from oppression and falsehood; Falsehood; Prayer and faith of persecuted saints Scripture: Psalm 56
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Warning to Magistrates

Appears in 54 hymnals First Line: Judges, who rule the World by Laws Lyrics: 1 Judges, who rule the World by Laws, Will ye despise the righteous Cause, When th' injur'd Poor before you stands? Dare ye condemn the righteous Poor, And let rich Sinners 'scape secure, While Gold & Greatness bribe your Hands? 2 Have ye forgot, or never knew, That GOD will judge the Judges too? High in the Heav'ns his Justice reigns; Yet you invade the Rights of GOD, And send your bold Decrees abroad, To bind the Conscience in your Chains. 3 A poison'd Arrow is your Tongue, The Arrow sharp, the Poison strong, And Death attends where'er it wounds: You hear no Counsels, Cries, or Tears; So the deaf Adder stops her Ears Against the Pow'r of charming Sounds. 4 Break out their Teeth, eternal GOD, Those Teeth of Lions dy'd in Blood; And crush the serpents in the dust: As empty Chaff when Whirlwinds rise Before the sweeping Tempest flies, So let their Hopes and Names be lost. 5 Th' Almighty thunders from the Sky, Their Grandeur melts, their Titles die, As Hills of Snow dissolve and run, Or Snails that perish in their Slime, Or Births that come before their Time, Vain Births that never see the Sun. 6 Thus shall the Vengeance of the Lord Safety and Joy to Saints afford; And all that hear shall join and say, "Sure there's a GOD that rules on high, "A GOD that hears his Children cry, "And will their Suff'rings well repay." Topics: Evil Magistrates; Magistrates warned Scripture: Psalm 58
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On the Day of Humiliation for Disappointment in War

Appears in 21 hymnals First Line: Lord, hast thou cast the Nation off? Lyrics: 1 Lord, hast thou cast the Nation off? Must we for ever mourn? Wilt thou indulge immortal Wrath? Shall Mercy ne'er return? 2 The Terror of one Frown of thine Melts all our Strength away; Like Men that totter drunk with Wine, We tremble in Dismay. 3 Great Britain shakes beneath thy Stroke And dreads thy threat'ning Hand; O heal the Island thou hast broke, Confirm the wav'ring Land. 4 Lift up a Banner in the Field For those that fear thy Name; Save thy Beloved with thy Shield, And put our Foes to Shame. 5 Go with our Armies to the Fight, Like a Confed'rate GOD; In vain confed'rate Pow'rs unite Against thy lifted Rod. 6 Our Troops shall gain a wide Renown, By thine assisting Hand 'Tis GOD that treads the Mighty down, And makes the Feeble stand. Topics: Day of Humiliation for Dissapointments in War; Psalm for soldiers Scripture: Psalm 60:1-5
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Safety with GOD

Appears in 242 hymnals First Line: When overwhelm'd with Grief Lyrics: 1 When, overwhelm'd with Grief, My Heart within me dies, Helpless, and far from all Relief, To Heav'n I lift mine Eyes. 2 O lead me to the Rock That's high above my Head, And make the Covert of thy Wings My Shelter and my Shade. 3 Within thy Presence, Lord, For ever I'll abide; Thou art the Tow'r of my Defence, The Refuge where I hide. 4 Thou givest me the Lot Of those that fear thy Name; If endless Life be their Reward, I shall possess the same. Topics: God our Defense and Salvation Scripture: Psalm 61:1-6


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