1 O Thou whose justice reigns on high,
And makes the oppressor cease,
Behold how envious sinners try
To vex and break my peace.
2 The sons of violence and lies
Join to devour me, Lord;
But as my hourly dangers rise,
My refuge is thy word.
3 In God most holy, just, and true,
I have repos'd my trust;
Nor will I fear what flesh can do,
The offspring of the dust.
4 They wrest my words to mischief still,
Charge me with unknown faults;
For mischiefs all their counsels fill,
And malice all their thoughts.
5 Shall they 'scape without thy frown?
Must their devices stand?
Oh cast the haughty sinner down,
And let him know thy hand!
6 God counts the sorrows of his saints,
Their groans affect his ears;
Thy mercy counts my just complaints,
And numbers all my tears.
7 When to thy throne I raise my cry,
The wicked fear and flee;
So swift is pray'r to reach the sky,
So near is God to me.
8 In thee, most holy, just and true,
I have repos'd my trust;
Nor will I fear what man can do,
The offspring of the dust.
9 Thy solemn vows are on me, Lord,
Thou shalt receive my praise;
I’ll sing, How faithful is thy word!
How righteous all thy ways!
10 Thou hast secur'd my soul from death,
O set thy pris'ner free,
That heart and hand, and life and breath
May be employ'd for thee.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #P.LVI