Short Name: | Christoph Carl Ludwig von Pfeil |
Full Name: | Pfeil, Christoph Carl Ludwig von, 1712-1784 |
Birth Year: | 1712 |
Death Year: | 1784 |
Pfeil, Christoph Carl Ludwig, Baron von, was born January 20, 1712, at Grünstadt, near Worms, where his father, Quirin Heinrich v. Pfeil, was then in the service of the Count of Leiningen. He matriculated at the University of Halle in 1728, as a student of law. After completing his course at the University of Tübingen, he was appointed, in 1732, Württemberg secretary of legation at Regensburg; then, in 1737, Justiz-und-Regierungsrath at Stuttgart; in 1745 Tutelar-raths-Präsident; in 1755 Kreisdirectorialgesandter to the Swabian Diet; in 1758 Geheim Legationsrath; and in 1759 Geheimrath. He found himself however at last no longer able to cooperate in carrying out the absolutism of the Württemberg prime minister Count Montmartin. When his resignation was accepted, April 13, 1763, he retired to the estate of Deufstetten, near Crailsheim, which he had purchased in 1761. In Sept., 1763, he was appointed by Frederick the Great as Geheimrath, and accredited Prussian minister or ambassador to the Diets of Swabia and Franconia. He was thereafter created Baron by the Emperor Joseph II., and in 1765 received the cross of the Red Eagle Order from Frederick the Great. An intermittent fever which developed itself in August, 1783, confined him to bed, where he remained till his death, at Deufstetten, Feb. 14, 1784 (Koch v. 176; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xxv. 646).
v. Pfeil was a man of deep and genuine piety. His hymnwriting began immediately after the spiritual change which he experienced on the 10th Sunday after Trinity, 1730; and it continued to be a favourite occupation, especially in his later years at Deufstetten. He was one of the most productive of German hymnwriters, his printed hymns being about 950, besides many in manuscript. The other hymns printed in his lifetime appeared in his (1) Lieder von der offenbarten Herrlichkeit und ZuJcunft des Herrn, Esslingen, 1741, 2nd ed. Memmingen, 1749, as Apocalyptische Lieder von der, &c. (2) Evangelisches Gesangbuch, Memmingen, 1782, with 264 hymns dating from 1730 to 1781, edited by J. G. Schellhorn. (3) Evangelische Glaubens-und Herzens-gesänge, Dinkelsbühl, 1783, with 340 hymns dating from 1763 to 1783. In recent times a number of his hymns have come into German use (they originally appeared, it must be remembered, during the Rationalistic Period), and Knapp includes 26 of them in his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1850. Two have passed into English, viz.:—
i. Am Grab der Christen singet man. Burial. Written in 1780. First published in No. 3, 1783, as above, p. 201, in 10 st., entitled, "We sing joyfully of Victory at the grave of the righteous: the right hand of the Lord hath gotten Him the victory." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder,ed. 1863, No. 1433. Translated as, "The Christian's grave with joy we see," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 111.
ii. Wohl einem Haus, da Jesus Christ. Family Prayer. First published in No. 2, 1782, as above, No. 61, in 8 st. of 4 1., entitled, "Delightful picture of a house that serves the Lord. On the Parents of Jesus." It was apparently written for the 1st Sunday after Epiphany, 1746. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 682. Translated as:—
Oh blest the house, whatever befall. A good translation omitting st. ii., vi., by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 175. Including, omitting the trs. of st. iii., v.t and adding a translation of st. vi., as No. 344 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880.
[Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]
-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
Texts by Christoph Carl Ludwig von Pfeil (38)![]() | As | Authority Languages | Instances |
Abba, Vater! der Du Dich | Christoph Carl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 3 |
Am Grab des Christen singet man | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 1 |
Bei aller Verwirrung und Klage allhier | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 2 |
Besser ist kein Tag zur Buße | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 4 |
Betet! denn wer beten kann | Christoph Carl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 2 |
Betgemeine, heil'ge dich mit dem heiligen Öle | C. K. L. von Pfeil (Author) | German | 40 |
Blessed Jesus, all our hearts incline | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | 3 | |
Church of prayer, let Christ thy Lord | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | English | 3 |
Den heilig, heilig, heil'gen Gott | Ch. R. L. v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 2 |
Der Christen Glaube birgt sich nicht | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 14 |
Der Gerechten Seelen sind in Gottes Hand | Ch. Ludwig v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 2 |
Der Glaube hilft, wenn nichts mehr helfen kann | Christoph Carl Ludw. von Pfeil (Author) | German | 4 |
Der Vater sieht's: Kind, lass es sein | Chr. K. L. v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 2 |
Gehet hin, ihr Friedensboten | v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 4 |
Gott ist der unsichtbare Gott | Christian Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 3 |
Guter Seelenhirt, meine Seele wird über deiner Hirtentreue | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 3 |
Herr, auf jene fromme Schar | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 5 |
Herr, bei jedem Wort und Werke mahne mich dein Geist daran | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 15 |
Herr Jesu, A und O, der Anfang und das Ende | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 2 |
Hosianna, Davids Sohn, dem Gesegneten | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 2 |
Ich halte meinem Jesu still | v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 6 |
Ihr Christen [Menschen] auserkoren, hört gute neue Mär' | V. Pfeil (Author) | German | 1 |
Jesu, du allein Sollst mein Führer sein | Chr. K. L. v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 10 |
Jesu, komm in unsre Mitte, hör' der armen Sünder Bitten | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 4 |
Jesus gestern, Jesus heute | C. K. Ludw. v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 5 |
Kommt, stimmet alle jubelnd ein, Gott hat uns lieb | C. S. Ludwig (Author) | German | 1 |
Kreuzeskönig, deine Schmerzen | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 4 |
Liebster Heiland, liebster Heiland, guter treuer Hirt | Graf Pfeil, g. 1712 † 1784 (Author) | German | 3 |
Nun weiß ichs, nun ist Jesus mein | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 3 |
Nur in Jesu Blut und Wunden | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 8 |
O, blest the house, whatever befall | C. C. L. von Pfeil, 1782 (Author) | English | 28 |
Rzeszo święta, serce swe | Christoph Carl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | Polish | 2 |
Seele, die du hoch von Adel | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 2 |
Segnet uns zu guter Letzt | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 11 |
Wo findet die Seele, die Heimat die Ruh | v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 6 |
Wo soll ich hin, wo aus und an | C. K. L. v. Pfeil (Author) | German | 6 |
Wohl einem Haus, wo Jesus Christ | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | German | 42 |
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus, Jesus Christ, alway | Christoph Karl Ludwig von Pfeil (Author) | English | 3 |