William Hunter

William Hunter
Short Name: William Hunter
Full Name: Hunter, William, 1811-1877
Birth Year: 1811
Death Year: 1877

Hunter, William, D.D, son of John Hunter, was born near Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland, May 26, 1811. He removed to America in 1817, and entered Madison College in 1830. For some time he edited the Conference Journal, and the Christian Advocate. In 1855 he was appointed Professor of Hebrew in Alleghany College: and subsequently Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Alliance, Stark Country, Ohio. He died in 1877. He edited Minstrel of Zion, 1845; Select Melodies, 1851; and Songs of Devotion, 1859. His hymns, over 125 in all, appeared in these works. Some of these have been translated into various Indian languages. The best known are :—
1. A home in heaven; what a joyful thought. Heaven a Home. From his Minstrel of Zion, 1845, into the Methodist Scholar's Hymn Book, London, 1870, &c.
2. Joyfully, joyfully onward I [we] move. Pressing towards Heaven. This hymn is usually dated 1843. It was given in his Minstrel of Zion, 1845, and Select Melodies, 1851, and his Songs of Devotion, 1859. It has attained to great popularity. Two forms of the hymn are current, the original, where the second stanza begins "Friends fondly cherished, have passed on before"; and the altered form, where it reads: “Teachers and Scholars have passed on before." Both texts are given in W. F. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873, Nos. 79, 80, c.
3. The [My] heavenly home is bright and fair. Pressing towards Heaven. From his Minstrel of Zion, 1845, into the Cottage Melodies, New York, 1859, and later collections.
4. The Great Physician now is near. Christ the Physician. From his Songs of Devotion, 1859
5. Who shall forbid our grateful[chastened]woe? This hymn, written in 1843, was published in his Minstrel of Zion, 1845, and in his Songs of Devotion, 1859. [ Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by William Hunter (188)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A home in heaven, what a joyful thoughtRev. William Hunter (Author)English33
A pilgrim and a stranger here, I seek a home to pilgrims dearWilliam Hunter (Author)English2
A stranger and a pilgrim hereWilliam Hunter (Author)2
A terna voz do SalvadorWilliam Hunter (1811-1877) (Author)Portuguese2
Accept our thanks for all your loveW. H. (Author)1
Ah never was sorrow like mineWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Ah tell me not of gold or treasureWilliam Hunter (Author)English3
Aloft, aloft, the spirit plumes her wingsW. H. (Author)1
An old [As a] soldier I stand with my sword in my handW. Hunter, D.D. (Author)English8
And may I still get thereWilliam Hunter (Author)English19
Auf des Lebens wilden Fluten treibt von Ort zu OrtWm. Hunter (Author)German5
Awake, my faith, and bring to viewWilliam Hunter (Author)4
Away from his home and the friends of his youthHunter (Author)English35
Az áldott orvos közelegWilliam Hunter (Author)Hungarian1
Beautiful forms in mellow lightWm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)English6
Blissful hours, when first I knew HimWilliam Hunter (Author)English4
Broad is the road that leads to deathW. H. (Author)English1
Cease, fond nature, cease this clingingWilliam Hunter (Author)English2
Christian sailors, strike the chorusWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Come, children, let your voices riseWilliam Hunter (Author)4
Come, come, come, Come for the Father waitsWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Come, ghastly death, and lay me lowWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Come, tell of your vesselWilliam Hunter (Author)4
Dark was that day in natureWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Death has no sting for those whoWm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)2
Del mundo ya me separéWilliam Hunter (Author)Spanish2
Den store läkaren är härWilliam Hunter (Author)3
Den store lege nå er naerWilliam Hunter (Author)Norwegian2
Den store L'ge er nu n'rWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Der große Arzt ist jetzt uns nahWm. Hunter (Author)German5
Der rechte Arzt ist immer nahWilliam Hunter (Author)German1
Droben in des Himmels FernenWilliam Hunter (Author)German1
Ein himmlisch Heim, welche große FreudWm. Hunter (Author)German4
فارحا فارحا أمضي إلى المسكن المستنير بالحملWilliam Hunter (Author)Arabic1
Father in heaven, how great the graceWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Father in heaven, the morning raysW. H. (Author)1
Firmly, brethren, firmly standWilliam Hunter (Author)English17
Fly up, my soul, and view the plainsW. H. (Author)1
Freudenvoll, freudenvoll walle ich fortWilliam Hunter (Author)German2
From this terrene and mortal shoreWilliam Hunter (Author)3
Give me but some humble spotWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Go, bring me [them], said the dying fairWilliam Hunter (Author)English8
God be praised in every landWm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)English3
God of our fathers, whose right handWilliam Hunter (Author)5
God of the forests, fields, and floodsWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Gone, gone from earth's wearisome trialsW. H. (Author)1
Hail, happy day, when Christ, the SonWilliam Hunter (Author)3
Hail, happy morn, I gladly riseWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Hail, hidden mystery of graceW. H. (Author)1
Hail the day that brought our freedomWilliam Hunter (Author)6
Happy are our days belowWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Happy the day, divinely sweetWm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)2
Happy the spirit released from its clayWilliam Hunter (Author)English7
Haste, haste, the clouds ariseWilliam Hunter (Author)2
How blest the man well-doingW. H. (Author)1
How blest the place where Jesus isWilliam Hunter (Author)6
How brightly beams the day of graceWilliam Hunter (Author)2
How happy are the favored fewWilliam Hunter (Author)5
I am dwelling on the mountain, Where the golden sunlight gleamsRev. Wm. Hunter (Author)English20
I am fading away to the land of the blestWilliam Hunter (Author)English14
I left my heavenly FatherWilliam Hunter (Author)4
I seek a place which is out of sightWilliam Hunter (Author)11
If some kind wealthy friend should waitWilliam Hunter (Author)1
I'll meet thee at the hour of prayerW. H. (Author)2
Im Himmel ist mein Heim so schön, Da kann nicht Not noch Tod eingehnWilliam Müller (Author)German3
I'm traveling to another sphereW. H. (Author)1
In error's ways you vainly roamWilliam Hunter (Author)3
In seasons of grief to my God I'll repairWilliam Hunter (Author)English55
In that bright world of joy aboveWilliam Hunter (Author)3
In the Christian's home in gloryWilliam Hunter (Author)English33
In this glad employWilliam Hunter (Author)3
Is not this the land of Beulah (Chorus)William Hunter (Author)English2
Jerusalem, built grandly highW. H. (Author)1
Jerusalem, thy mansions fairRev. Wm. H. Hunter, D.D. (Author)English6
Joyfully, joyfully, onward I move, Bound to the land of bright spirits aboveWm. Hunter (Author)English221
La tierna voz del Salvador, Nos habla conmovidaWilliam Hunter, 1811-1877 (Author)Spanish17
La tierna voz del SalvadorWilliam Hunter (Author)Spanish1
Let others choose the place of mirthWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Llenos de gozo que Cristo nos daRev. G. Hunter (Author)Spanish4
L'ngfelsfuld ile nu Tankerne hjemWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Look not on the wine become redWm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)English5
Lord, thou hast with thee on highW. H. (Author)1
Love, love, love, Love for the fallen weakW. H. (Author)1
മഹാ വൈദ്യൻ സമീപത്തു (Mahā vaidyan samīpattu)William Hunter (Author)Malayalam2
Many souls on life's dark oceanW. Hunter (Author)English11
Ma'xeeno'eestomanehėWilliam Hunter (Author)Cheyenne2
Mganga wetu ni karibuWilliam Hunter (Author)Swahili2
Mit Himmelhjem er skjoen og kj'rWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Mourn, my harp, the soon departedWm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)3
My heavenly home is bright and fair, Nor pain nor death can enter thereWilliam Hunter (Author)English576
My hope hath found a resting placeW. H. (Author)2
My Lord, my Life, at last to theeW. H. (Author)7
My mansion in the skyW. H. (Author)1
My name is now in heaven recordedW. H. (Author)1
My soul is happy in its choiceWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Ni tabibu wa karibuWilliam Hunter (Author)Swahili1
No, I cannot, cannot yetWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Now sendest thou thine autumn, LordWilliam Hunter (Author)2
O blessed Lord, be near usWilliam Hunter (Author)1
O give me the flowers that never decayWilliam Hunter (Author)2
O give me the riches that never decayWilliam Hunter (Author)English3
O Gottesstadt wie schön bist duWilliam Hunter (Author)German1
O had I the wings of a dove, I would flyWilliam Hunter (Author)English4
O happy the day he was bornWilliam Hunter (Author)4
O how can I forgetWilliam Hunter (Author)2
O how shall I praise my adorable SaviorWilliam Hunter (Author)1
O Jesus, immaculate LambRev. Wm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)English4
O meet me at the throne of graceWilliam Hunter (Author)3
O no, I never can forgetWilliam Hunter (Author)1
O praise the Lord, he dwells on highWilliam Hunter (Author)1
O who would remain in this prison of clayWilliam Hunter (Author)English4
O yes, I'll join the union bandWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Of all the bright ensignsWm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)2
O how can I forget the hourRev. W. Hunter (Author)5
O, praise the Lord, His name extol, The God of skill and mightW. H. (Author)English1
O [Come] sing to me of heaven When I am called to dieRev. Wm. Hunter (Author)English1
Our Father, God, and KingWilliam Hunter (Author)3
Our gracious Savior and our LordW. H. (Author)English2
Our heavenly Father, Let thy nameW. H. (Author)2
Our kindred dear to heaven have [are] goneWilliam Hunter (Author)8
Pilgrim and stranger, where dost thou strayWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Pray brethren pray, the prayer of faith availethWilliam Hunter (Author)English4
Proclaim ye rasomed ones proclaimW. H. (Author)1
Religion is a glorious treasureW. H. (Alterer)1
Review the palsied sinner's caseWilliam Hunter (Author)7
Rise, sinner, rise, The Master calleth for theeWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Safe, safe within the arkWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Saints exult adieu to tearsWilliam Hunter (Author)6
Saints of God what glories meet yeRev. Wm. Hunter, D. D. (Author)3
संसार का सबसे बड़ा वैध्य, वह है हमारा येशु (Sansaar ka sabase bada vaidhy, vah hai hamaara yeshu)William Hunter (Author)Hindi2
Sinners, the city where you dwellWilliam Hunter (Author)6
Soon shall we see the glorious morningWm. Hunter, D. D. (Author)English12
Soon we shall see, shall see the glorious morningWilliam Hunter (Author)6
Tearfully lay her down to restRev. W. Hunter, D.D. (Author)3
The child, the child, the king old prophet saidW. H. (Author)2
The grave is void, the grave is voidW. H. (Author)1
The great Physician now is hereWilliam H. Hunter (Author)English868
The hosts of God, the unseen hostsW. H. (Author)1
The light of truth is breaking, on the mountain tops it gleamsWilliam Hunter (Author)English16
The music of his steps was soughtHunter (Author)2
The shades of night are gone, The morning glories shineWm. Hunter, D.D. (Author)English3
The Shepherd of soulsWilliam Hunter (Author)3
The stars the stars those lamps of lightW. H. (Author)1
The vernal flowers their beauties spreadWilliam Hunter (Author)6
There are moments when music's soft numbers enchantWilliam Hunter, D.D. (Author)2
There comes a day, a fearful dayWilliam Hunter (Author)8
There is a God, awestruck, I feelW. H. (Author)2
There is a land, surpassing fairW. H. (Author)2
There is no name so sweet on earthRev. William Hunter (Author (refrain))English1
There is a place where my hopes are stayedWilliam Hunter (Author)English60
There is a place where the angels dwellRev. W. Hunter (Author)English7
There is a river deep and dark, and terrible and wideWilliam Hunter, D.D. (Author)English1
There is a spot to me more dear Than native vale or mountainWilliam Hunter (Author)English85
This earth has [hath] many a pleasant sweetWilliam Hunter (Author)5
This may be thy latest callWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Though flowers of hope so early fadeWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Though poor my condiction, and low my degreeWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Though to a distant regionW. H. (Author)4
To Jordan's banks our hosts are comeWilliam Hunter (Author)3
To the promised home in gloryWilliam Hunter (Author)English20
'Twas in the days of vernal primeWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Up, the voice from heaven is soundingWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Venez, coeurs souffrants et meurtrisWilliam Hunter (Author)French2
Vor sjælelæge nu er nærWm. Hunter (Author)2
Wake, Christian soldiers, wakeWilliam Hunter (Author)2
We are joyously voyaging over the mainWilliam Hunter (Author)English30
We are one in sinful natureW. H. (Author)1
We're bound for the land of the pure and the holyWilliam Hunter (Author)English72
We're marching to the promised land, A land all fair and brightWilliam Hunter (Author)English34
What a wonder of mercy is thisWilliam Hunter (Author)1
When day first dawned upon my soulWilliam Hunter (Author)1
When I set out for heavenWilliam Hunter (Author)6
When Jacob, the pilgrim, was wearied by dayW. H. (Adapter)1
When, O Creator, when thy mightW. H. (Author)1
When the holy fire descendedWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Where Babel's drooping willows stoodWilliam Hunter (Author)5
While in this hostile regionWilliam Hunter (Author)3
While wandering to and froWilliam Hunter (Author)English17
Who shall forbid our grateful [chastened] woeWilliam Hunter (Author)English8
Who would mourn, and pine, and languishWilliam Hunter (Author)1
Why wanderest thou so far from homeWilliam Hunter (Author)5
Why, weepest thou and sighestWilliam Hunter (Author)1
With faces turned for Zion's hillWilliam Hunter (Author)2
Woe, woe to the sinner who lives in his sinWilliam Hunter (Author)9
يا نفس قد وافى يسوعWilliam Hunter (Author)Arabic1
Ye erring souls that wildly roamWilliam Hunter (Author)7
You may sing of the beauties of the mountains and daleWilliam Hunter (Author)English33
至大醫生現今可近 (Zhì dà yīshēng xiànjīn kě jìn)William Hunter (Author)Chinese2

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