1 Hail, happy day! when Christ, the Son,
His pilgrimage on earth begun;
This world of ours made his abode,
The dwelling-place of man and God.
2 How happy were the shepherd swains
Who heard the high angelic strains;
And greatly wondering, learnt from them
That Christ was born in Bethlehem.
3 Happy the men, whose heavenward eye
Beheld the star new-lit on high;
And hasted, with unweary feet,
David's immortal son to greet.
4 Oh! happy she, the virgin fair,
Who nursed him with a mother's care;
And, pondering o'er the mystery, press'd
Her son--her Saviour--to her breast.
5 But happier we--himself has shown--
Who see him now by faith alone:
More bless'd are they who keep his word,
Than she who bore and nursed the Lord.
6 Our willing honours then we pay,
To him whose is this festal day;
Before his feet rejoicing fall,
And crown him King and Lord of all.
Source: The Minstrel of Zion: a book of religious songs, accompanied with appropriate music, chiefly original #111