1 Tempter
Pilgrim and stranger,
Oh! where dost thou stray?
Dread'st thou no danger
In travelling this way?
Does thou not tremble,
Through deserts to roam;
Lonely to ramble
So far from thy home?
Pilgrim and stranger,
To Zion I move,
Fearing no danger;
My home is above.
2 Tempter
None hast thou nigh thee,
Thy spirit to cheer;
No comrades by thee,
To banish thy fear:
Wilt thou not dread when
The tempest shall come?
Who screen thy head, then,
And pilot thee home?
Angels attend me,
As onward I move;
God will defend me;--
My home is above.
3 Tempter
Pilgrim, content thee,
Thy labour is vain;
Folly hath sent thee
An errand for pain:
Here do thou tarry,
And live at thine ease;
Careless and merry,
Till lifetime shall cease.
Time will soon show thee
What joys I shall prove;
Tempter, I know thee;--
My home is above.
4 Tempter
Pilgrim, a river
Is rolling before;
Trust me, thou never
Shalt reach the blest shore:
Rapid its motion,
Resistless its wave,
Deep as the ocean,
And dark as the grave.
Darkly and deeply
That current may move;
Jesus shall keep me;--
My home is above.
5 Tempter
Hast thou no terror
In Christ to confide?
Trust not to error,
But with me abide:
Mine are the treasures
Of riches to give;
Mine are the pleasures
For which mortals live.
Pleasures more pure, there
I gain through his love,
Treasures more sure, there;--
My home is above.
6 Tempter, forsake me,
My Lord from the skies
Hastens to take me;
I rise--oh! I rise:
Angels come with him,
In vestments divine;
Round, and beneath him,
In glory they shine:
Pilgrim and stranger
No more shall I rove;
Safe from all danger,
My home is above.
Source: The Minstrel of Zion: a book of religious songs, accompanied with appropriate music, chiefly original #136