A beautiful angel descended from heaven (Um anjo formoso desceu das alturas) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
A name there is that gives me greatest pleasure | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
A ti, hosana e glória | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Abençoa, Deus de amor, esta casa com favor. | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
All is joy and all is singing | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Anjos das mansões de glória | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Aqui em paz descansarei | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Are your memories distressing | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 4 |
As the restless hart is longing | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Beloved Jesus, shepherd | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Ben junto à cruz de Cristo | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
De Belém, a linda história | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 6 |
Cantai alegremente, cantai a Deus louvor | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Cedo ou tarde, em dura escolha | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Comfort, comfort ye my people | João Wilson Faustini (Translator (Portuguese)) | English | 1 |
Comigo fica, Instruidor | J. W. Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Dai ao Cordeiro o louvor que é devido | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Dá-me, Senhor, uma língua erudita (Lord, as I go to proclaim your evangel) | João Wilson Faustini (Author) | English, Portuguese | 4 |
De fonte oculta emana a calma | J. W. Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Dear Lord, I believe and I trust in your promise | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Deus dos antigos, cuja forte mão | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Deus sábio, invisível, perfeito, imortal | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | | 2 |
Digno é o Cordeiro que foi morto. | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | | 2 |
Em mim vem habitar | J. W. Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Em silêncio toda carne | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | | 2 |
Em teu nome, ó Senhor, irei | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Espero em ti, Senhor. Cordeiro, por amor | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Eu posso demorar pra tudo a ti ceder | João W. Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Eu sei que vive o Redentor E vida quer nos dar | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Excelso Deus, Senhor da Eternidade (God in the highest, Lord of all, we praise you) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 3 |
Father, you who are in heaven | João Wilson Faustini (Versifier) | English | 2 |
Fount of divine grace | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
From all the world's temptations | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 3 |
Heaven touches earth by singing | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Honra ao Senhor com a tua fazenda (Honor the Lord! Honor God with your substance) | João Wilson Faustini (Adapter) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
How good, how sweet it all can be | João Wilson Faustini (Author) | English | 2 |
How the years are swiftly passing! (Vão-se os anos, vão-se as eras) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
In silver light of early morning | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
In the city the struggle continues | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
In the darkest valley | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
In these days so chaotic and threatening | João Wilson Faustini (Author) | English | 2 |
Jesus and the twelve sailed on the sea | João Wilson Faustini (Author) | English | 2 |
Jesus Christ will return | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Jesus, teu nome não tem par | João W. Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Jesus, verdade e luz | João W. Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Joyful light, so pure and glowing | João Wilson Faustini (Versifier) | English | 4 |
Louvem, com alegre som | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Luz da minha alma és tu, Senhor | João Wilson Faustini (Translator (sts. 3-5)) | | 2 |
Não deixarei de ter amor | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
O come, let us sing with the saints at God's throne | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Ó Deus, dos três hebreus fiéis | João W. Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 3 |
O God of every mercy | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 3 |
O meu pastor é o bom Jesus | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Ó minha alma, a Deus bendize | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
O mundo é teu, Senhor | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
O que fizeste, Eterno Amor | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
O sing to the Lord a new song of gladness | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 3 |
O toque do clarim | João W. Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
O what pain, what bitter anguish | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Oh, vem fazer, fiel Consolador | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Oh, vem, oh, vem, Emanuel | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
On a night like any other (Numa noite come as outras) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Os seus intentos cumpre Deus | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 3 |
Pela graça e o primor | João Wilson Faustini (Translator (sts. 1-5)) | Portuguese | 2 |
Perfeito Amor, além do entendimento | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Praised be forever our God almighty | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Precioso a graça de Jesus | João Wilson Faustini (Translator (sts. 2, 3, 4)) | Portuguese | 2 |
Qual mirra fragrante (Like myrrh's precious fragrance) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 3 |
Redeem the time, my friend (Redime o tempo) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 3 |
Rest quietly, rest sweetly | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Santo amor, graça infinita | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Se eu posso hoje o bem fazer | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | | 1 |
Se queres forças na fraqueza | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 3 |
Senhor, que é nosso templo | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 3 |
Serve the Lord with gladness; Come into his presence with singing | João Wilson Faustini (Adapter) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
Que estou fazendo se sou cristão? | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 1 |
Sing praise and be thankful to God (Bendize, ó minha alma, bendize ao Senhor) | João Wilson Faustini (Adapter) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
Só em pensar em ti, Jesus | João Wilson Faustini (Translator (sts. 2, 3, 4)) | Portuguese | 2 |
Take me where Jesus in anguish | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
The meadows with flowers are blooming | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 4 |
There is beauty and grace all around | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
There is laughter on our faces (Há sorriso em cada face) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
Therefore we will not fear | João Wilson Faustini (Adapter) | English | 2 |
To hail the Messiah | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
To the hills I lift my eyes (Para os montes olharei) | João Wilson Faustini (Versifier) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
Unto Jesus has been given (Nome algum, na terra existe) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
Vem, Jesus, tão esperado | J. Costa (Translator) | Portuguese | 1 |
Vem, minha alma, alegremente | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Vem, Salvador, agora, transformar | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
Vem, Santo Espíritu de amor (Come Holy Spirit, gift of love) | João Wilson Faustini (Author) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
Vós, servos de Deus | J. Costa (Translator) | Portuguese | 2 |
We believe in God the Father (Cremos em um Pai eterno) | João Wilson Faustini (Versifier) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
We pray in ceaseless round for you (Por vós oramos sempre, irmãos) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator (Portuguese)) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
What shall we sing to air our joy (Que alegre canto de Natal) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator (Portuguese)) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
What village is this, so little | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Qual o adorno desta vida? | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 1 |
When breaks the dawn of early morning (Buscar-te-ei, Senhor, bem cedo) | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English, Portuguese | 2 |
When Christ was born a star of light (No céu brilhou fulgente luz) | João Wilson Faustini (Author) | English, Portuguese | 4 |
When Christmas comes in the land of Brazil | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 4 |
When I am oppressed and sad | João Wilson Faustini (Versifier) | English | 2 |
When the faithful worker suffers | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
When the voices of believers | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | English | 2 |
Where cross the crowded ways of life | João Wilson Faustini (Translator (Portuguese)) | English | 1 |
Eu creio, Senhor, na divina promessa | João Wilson Faustini (Translator) | Portuguese | 1 |