Ack, saliga dag, som i hoppet vi bida | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Swedish | 1 |
All praise to Thee, my God, this night | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Astre brillant qui répands sur la terre | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator) | French | 2 |
Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Beata nobis gaudia | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Latin | 1 |
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Dieu tout-puissant, mes chants disent ta gloire | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator) | French | 2 |
Finita jam sunt proelia | Flossete Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Latin | 1 |
For all the Saints, who from their labor rest | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French, vs. 6-8)) | English | 1 |
기 쁜 소 식 전 파 되 예 (Gi ppeun so sig jeon pa doe ye) | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Korean | 1 |
Grant good Lord, that we | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
구 주 의 보 한 로 (Yu Yesu hul lin pi) | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Korean | 1 |
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 2 |
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Judge eternal, throned in splendor | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Lo! He comes with clouds descending, Once for guilty sinners slain | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Mist and darkness all around | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
New every morning is the love | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Now thank we all our God With heart and hands and voices | Flossette du Pasquier (Translator (into French)) | English | 1 |
Nun danket Alle Gott | du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | German | 2 |
Nun ruhen alle Wälder | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | German | 1 |
Nunca, Dios mío, cesará mi labio | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Spanish | 1 |
O day of God, draw nigh in beauty and in power | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
O God of earth and altar | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
O help us, Lord; each hour of need | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
O quanta qualia sunt illa sabbata | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Latin | 1 |
O taenk, naar engang samles skal | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Norwegian | 1 |
O worship the King all glorious above | Flossette du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Oh! viens, jour du Seigneur | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator) | French | 3 |
One holy church of God appears | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Praise to the Holiest in the height | Flossete Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Pris vare Gud som låter | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Swedish | 1 |
Spirit of God, descend upon my heart | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Teach me, my God and King, In all things Thee to see | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
The Head that once was crowned with thorns | Flossete Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
The Lord will come and not be slow | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | English | 1 |
Vad rost, vad ljuvlig rost jag hor | Flosette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Swedish | 1 |
Veni creator spiritus | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Latin | 1 |
Vidunderligst af alt paa Jord | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Danish | 1 |
Vois descendre sur les nues | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator) | French | 2 |
Wilt heden nu treden voor God, den Heere | Flossette Du Pasquier (Translator (French)) | Dutch | 1 |