The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament: faithfully translated into English metre: for the use, edification, and comfort of the saints...especially in New-England (25th ed)

Publisher: Daniel Henchman and Thomas Hancock, Boston, 1742
Language: English
Notes: Psalms (P) are numbered sequentially. Hymns in the supplement are numbered by page number. There are tunes (T) in the back of the hymnal.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
PXCVISing to the Lord a new song, singTextPage Scan
PXCVIIaThe Lord doth reign, the earthTextPage Scan
PXCVIIbJehovah reigneth, therefore letTextPage Scan
PXCVIIIUnto the Lord a new song singTextPage Scan
PXCIXJehovah he as king doth reignTextPage Scan
PCaShout to Jehovah all the earthTextPage Scan
PCbMake ye a joyful noise untoTextPage Scan
PCII mercy will and judgment singTextPage Scan
PCIIJehovah hear when I do prayTextPage Scan
PCIIIThe Lord bless, O my soul, and allTextPage Scan
PCIVO Thou, my soul, Jehovah blessTextPage Scan
PCVO praise the Lord, call on his nameTextPage Scan
PCVIThe Lord praise, to the Lord give thanksTextPage Scan
PCVIIWith thanks unto the Lord confessTextPage Scan
PCVIIIO God, my heart is fixed, I'll singTextPage Scan
PCIXGod of my praise, hold not thy peaceTextPage Scan
PCXaThe Lord did say unto my LordTextPage Scan
PCXbThe Lord did say unto my LordTextPage Scan
PCXIPraise ye the Lord, Jehovah, ITextPage Scan
PCXIIaWho fears the Lord blest manTextPage Scan
PCXIIbPraise ye the Lord, blest is the manTextPage Scan
PCXIIIPraise ye the Lord, his servants praiseTextPage Scan
PCXIVWhen Isr'l did departTextPage Scan
PCXVaNot to us, not to us, O LordTextPage Scan
PCXVbNot unto us Lord not to us but do thouTextPage Scan
PCXVII love, because Jehovah dothTextPage Scan
PCXVIIaYe nations all Jehovah praiseTextPage Scan
PCXVIIbO praise Jehovah, all TextPage Scan
PCXVIIcAll nations, praise the Lord, him praiseTextPage Scan
PCXVIIIO give ye thanks unto the LordTextPage Scan
PCXIXaAll blest are men upright of wayTextPage Scan
PCXIXbAll blest the pure areTextPage Scan
PCXXI to the Lord cried in my straitsTextPage Scan
PCXXII to the hills lift up mine eyesTextPage Scan
PCXXIII Joy'd in them that said to meTextPage Scan
PCXXIIIO Thou that in the heavens sitt'stTextPage Scan
PCXXIVHad not the Lord been on our sideTextPage Scan
PCXXVThey who do in Jehovah trustTextPage Scan
PCXXVIWhen as Jehovah did returnTextPage Scan
PCXXVIIExcept the Lord the house doth buildTextPage Scan
PCXXVIIIaO blest is every oneTextPage Scan
PCXXVIIIbThey blessed are, the Lord that fearTextPage Scan
PCXXIXNow from may youth may Isr'l sayTextPage Scan
PCXXXLord from the deeps I cried to theeTextPage Scan
PCXXXIMy heart's not haughty, LordTextPage Scan
PCXXXIIRemember David, LordTextPage Scan
PCXXXIIIaHow good and sweet, O seeTextPage Scan
PCXXXIIIbHow good it is, O seeTextPage Scan
PCXXXIVO all ye servants of the LordTextPage Scan
PCXXXVThe Lord praise, praise JehovahTextPage Scan
PCXXXVIO thank the Lord, for he is goodTextPage Scan
PCXXXVIIaThe rivers on of BabylonTextPage Scan
PCXXXVIIbBy water floods of BabylonTextPage Scan
PCXXXVIIIWith all mine heart I'll Yhee confessTextPage Scan
PCXXXIXO Lord, thou dost me search and knowTextPage Scan
PCXLLord free me from the evil manTextPage Scan
PCXLIJehovah I upon thee callTextPage Scan
PCXLIIUnto Jehovah with my voiceTextPage Scan
PCXLIIILord, hear my prayer, give earTextPage Scan
PCXLIVO let Jehovah blessed beTextPage Scan
PCXLVMy God, O King, I'll thee extolTextPage Scan
PCXLVIThe Lord praise, praise my soulTextPage Scan
PCXLVIIaPraise ye the Lord, for itTextPage Scan
PCXLVIIbPraise ye the Lord, for good is heTextPage Scan
PCXLVIIIaFrom heaven O praise the LordTextPage Scan
PCXLVIIIbPraise ye the Lord, from heavenTextPage Scan
PCXLIXPraise ye the Lord, sing to the LordTextPage Scan
PCLPraise Jah, Praise God in's sanctuaryTextPage Scan
288I to the Lord will singTextPage Scan
291O heavens give ye attentive earTextPage Scan
297In that he Israel hath reveng'dTextPage Scan
301My heart doth in Jehovah joyTextPage Scan
302Upon the places high is slainTextPage Scan
304Let him with kisses of his mouthTextPage Scan
306I Sharon's rose and lily amTextPage Scan
308My soul's love I by night did seekTextPage Scan
309Lo fair thou art my loveTextPage Scan
311I am into my garden comeTextPage Scan
313Fairest of women whither is TextPage Scan
315How beautiful thy feet with shoesTextPage Scan
317O that thou as my brother wertTextPage Scan
319Now I to my beloved willTextPage Scan
320O Lord I will thee praiseTextPage Scan
321aJehovah I will give thee praiseTextPage Scan
321bLord, thou'rt my God, I'll thee exaltTextPage Scan
323A city of exceeding strengthTextPage Scan
327We have a city very strongTextPage Scan
329We have a city very strongTextPage Scan
332I said, in cutting off my daysTextPage Scan
334I am the man by's wrathful rodTextPage Scan
338Remember, Lord, what's come on usTextPage Scan
339I to the Lord from my distressTextPage Scan
340Thy speech, O Lord, I heard with fearTextPage Scan
343aMy soul doth magnify the LordTextPage Scan
343bThe Lord, the God of IsraelTextPage Scan
344Glory be to the most high GodTextPage Scan
345aLord, let me now depart in peaceTextPage Scan
345bO holy, holy, holy LordTextPage Scan
345cThou glory, honor and great powerTextPage Scan
345dThou worthy art to take the bookTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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