1 O Thou, my soul, Jehovah bless,
Thou Lord my God most great:
With majesty and comelinefs
Thou cloathed art in state.
2 Who dost thy sslf with light array,
As if a robe it were;
Who like a curtain doth display
The heav'ns every where.
3 Who doth the beams of chambers lay
I'th' waters, and he makes
The clouds his chariot, and his way
On wings of wind he takes.
4 His ministers a fi'ry flame,
His angels spirits makes.
The earth he founded on her frame,
So that it never shakes.
6 As with a robe thou with the deep
Didst overspread the land:
Aloft above the mountains steep,
The waters they did stand.
7 When thou didit them rebuke, they fled
Ev'n then away full fast:
And at thy thunder's voice they sped
Their course away in haste.
8 They up aloft by mountains past
Down by the vales did go,
The place for them which fix'd thou hast
Until they come unto.
9 Thou hast appointed them a bound
Which they may not pass o'er,
That they to cover the dry ground
May turn again mo more.
10 Into the vales he sendeth springs,
Which run among the hills:
11 Thence drink to all field beasts he brings-
Wild asses drink their. fills
12 The fowls of heav'n dwell there which sing
Among the springs with mirth.
13 From lofts to hills he rain doth bring
Thy works fruit fills the earth.
14 For beasts the grass, and for man's good
He makes the herb to spring:
That what may serve them for their food
He from the earth may bring.
15 And wine man's heart that maketh glad,
And oyl his face to shine:
And for the heart of man gives bread
A strong support to find.
16 Jehovah's trees that are most strong
No fill of sap do want;
The cedar trees of Lebanon
The which himself doth plant.
17 That so the little birds may there
Upon them build their nest:
As for the stork, the fir-trees are
The places of her rest.
18 The hills for wild goats refuge be,
The conies rocks enclose:
1 The moon for seasons made hath he,
The sun his setting knows.
20 Thou darknefs mak'ft, and night comes on
When wood-beasts creep out all.
2i Roar for their prey do lions young,
From God for food they call.
22 The sun doth rise, they in their dens
Then couch, they go aside.
23 Man to his work, and labour tends
Unto the ev'ning tide.
24 Thy works, O Lord, how manifold!
Them all thou mad'st with skill:
The earth doth of thy riches hold
Abundantly her fill.
25 So doth the sea so great and wide,
Wherein things creeping be
Beyond all count, small beasts beside
Those of great quantity.
26 There go the ships, there thou didst make
Leviathan to play.
27 Their food in season to partake,
All on thee waiting stay.
28 They gather that thou dost bestow,
Thine hand thou open'st wide:
With such things as are good, they so
Are fully satisfy'd.
29 Thou hid'st thy face, they troubled are,
Their breath thou tak'st away:
And then they die, likewise repair
Unto their dust do they.
30 Thou mak'st thy spirit forth to go
They are created then:
And of the earth the face also
Thou dost renew again.
31 The glory of Jehovah shall
Last to eternity;
The Lord shall in his doings all
Take pleasure joyfully.
32 The earth doth fall a trembling when
He thereupon doth look:
The mountains he doth touch, and then
Immediately they smoak.
33 I'll to the Lord sing chearfully
Throughout my life always:
While I a being have will I
Unto my God sing praise.
34 Full sweet the meditation
Of him (shall be to me:
Exceeding glad will be.
35 From off the earth let sinners cease,
And wicked be no more:
O thou my soul, Jehovah bless,
Praise ye the Lord therefore.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O Thou, my soul, Jehovah bless |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1742 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |