1 With thanks unto the Lord confess,
Because that good is he;
Because his loving kindnesses
Lasts to eternity.
2 So say the Lord's redeem'd whom bought
He hath from enemies hands;
3 And from the east and west hath brought
From south and northern lands.
4 In desart stray'd, in desart way
No dwelling town they find.
5 They hungry were, and thirsty they,
Their souls within them pin'd.
6 Then did they to Jehovah cry
When they were in distress;
Who did them set at liberty
Out of their anguishes.
7 In such a way as was most right,
He led them forth also;
That to a ciiy where they might
Inhabit they might go.
8 O that men praise Jehovah would
For his great goodness then;
And for his wonders manifold
Unto the sons of men.
9 For he the soul that longing lies,
Doth th'roughly satisfy;
The hungry soul he fills likewise
With good abundantly.
10 Such as in darkness and within
The shade of death abide:
They who are sore afflictions in,
And fast in irons ty'd.
11 Because they in rebellion,
Against God's word did rise:
They also of the highest One
The counsel did despise.
12 Therefore with sore affliction
He did bring down their heart:
Down did they fall, and there was none
Could help to them impart.
13 Then did they to Jehovah cry,
When they were in distress?
Who did them set at liberty
Out of their anguishes.
14 He did them out of darkness bring,
Also from shade of death:
As for the bands that they were in,
He them quite broken hath.
15 O that men praise Jehovah would
For his great goodness then:
And for his wonders manifold
Unto the sons of men!
16 For he did into shivers shake
The gates that were of brass:
And he the bar asunder brake
That made of iron was.
[3] To the Sick
17 Fools do for their iniquities
And sins, affliction bear.
18 Their soul abhors all meat likewise
They to death's gate draw near.
19 Then they unto Jehovah cry,
When they are in distress;
Who setteth them at liberty,
Out of their anguishes.
29 He did send out his word, and he
Unto them healing gave:
From out of their destruction free
He likewise did them save.
21 Oh that men praise Jehovah would
For his great goodness then:
And for his wonders manifold
Unto the sons of men!
22 And of thanksgiving sacrifice
Let them their offerings bring:
While they his works declare likewise
Let them for gladness sing.
[4] To the Seafaring.
23 Who go to sea in ships, their acts
In waters great who do:
24 These do behold Jehovah's facts,
In deeps his wonders too.
25 For he commanded instantly
The stormy wind doth rise
Which lifts the waves thereof on high,
They mount up to the skies.
26 Down to the depths again they strike,
Their soul doth melt with ill.
27 They reel and stagger drunkard like,
And fail them doth their skill.
28 Then do they to Jehovah cry,
In their extream distress:
And he them bringeth speedily
Out of their anguishes.
29 He makes the storm a calm, that so
The waves thereof are quiet;
30 They're glad with rest, he brings them to
The haven they desir'd.
31 Oh that men praise Jehovah would
For his great goodness then,
And for his wonders manifold
Unto the sons of men.
32 Within the congregation great
Him let them highly praise:
[5] To Planters
33 He turns streams to a desart land:
To drought the springing well.
34 To barrenness a fruitful land
For their sins there who dwell.
35 He makes the wilderness a pool
Dry ground turns to a spring.
36 Seats there the hungry where they build
Their town of habiting.
37 They vineyards there do plant and dress
They likewise sow their fields:
Which unto them their fruitfulness
With much revenue yields.
38 Yea so he blessed them that they
Did greatly multiply
Nor yet their cattle suffer'd he
To lessen or decay.
39 Again they are diminished,
And also bowed down;
By tyranny impov'rished,
And by affliction.
40 On princes pour contempt doth he,
And causeth them to stray:
Where solitary desarts be,
Wherein there is no way.
41 But from affliction he on high
The needy makes to rise;
And like a flock doth multiply
And make him families,
42 The righteous ones behold it shall
And they shall joyful be;
And bridle up their mouth shall all
That work iniquity.
43 Whoso is wise and will with care
These things observing learn:
Jehovah's mercies what they are,
They clearly shall discern.
Text Information | |
First Line: | With thanks unto the Lord confess |
Title: | God's goodness to Travellers |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1742 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |