1 Praise ye the Lord, for good it is
Praise to our God to sing:
Because a pleasant thing is this,
Praise is a comely thing,
2 Jehovah doth Jerusalem
Her buildings up repair;
He doth together gather them
That Israel's outcasts are.
3 The broken ones in heart he heals,
Binds up their bruises all.
4 The number of the stars he tells
All them by names doth call.
5 Great is our God and great in pow'r,
His knowledge without bound.
6 The Lord lifts up the meek and poor,
The wicked casts to ground.
7 Unto Jehovah see that you,
Sing out with thanksgiving:
Upon the harp our God unto
See that you praises sing.
8 Who overspreads with clouds the skie,
Who for the earth below
Prepareth rain: on mountains high
Who causeth grass to grow.
9 To beasts their food, to ravens young
Who giveth when they cry.
10 His pleasure not in horses strong
Nor in man's legs doth lie.
11 Who fear the Lord he joys in them,
Whose hope one's mercy stays.
12 The Lord praise O Jerusalem,
Thy God O Sion praise.
13 For thy gates bars he hath made strong,
Thy children in thee bless'd.
14 He maketh peace thy coasts-along,
Thee fills with wheat o' th' best
15 He forth on earth sends his decree,
His word is swiftly past.
1 6 He gives snow like wool, and he
Doth frost as ashes cast.
17 Like morsels forth he sends his ice,
Who can his cold sustain?
18 He sendeth forth his word likewise:
And melteth them again.
19 His wind he causeth forth to blow,
And then the waters flow.
He Jacob did his word, his law
And judgments Israel show.
20 With any of the nations done
In like sort hath not he:
His judgments so they have not known,
O praise Jehovah ye.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Praise ye the Lord, for good is he |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1742 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |