The Whole Book of Psalms: in metre; with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship

Publisher: H. Gaine (Printer), New York, 1793
Denomination: Episcopal Church
Language: English
Notes: Hymns (H) are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
IHow blest is he, who ne'er consentsTextPage Scan
IIWith restless and ungovern'd rageTextPage Scan
IIIHow many, Lord, of late are grownTextPage Scan
IVO Lord, that art my righteous JudgeTextPage Scan
VLord, hear the voice of my complaintTextPage Scan
VIThy dreadful anger, Lord, restrainTextPage Scan
VIIO Lord my God, since I have plac'dTextPage Scan
VIIIO Thou, to whom all creatures bowTextPage Scan
IXTo celebrate thy praise, O Lord,TextPage Scan
XThy presence why withdraw'st thou, Lord?TextPage Scan
XISince I have plac'd my trust in GodTextPage Scan
XIISince godly men decay, O LordTextPage Scan
XIIIHow long wilt thou forget me, Lord?TextPage Scan
XIVSure wicked fools must needs supposeTextPage Scan
XVLord, who's the happy man that mayTextPage Scan
XVIProtect me from my cruel foesTextPage Scan
XVIITo my just plea, and sad complaintTextPage Scan
XVIIINo change of time shall ever shockTextPage Scan
XIXThe Heav'ns declare thy glory, LordTextPage Scan
XXThe Lord to thy request attendTextPage Scan
XXIThe king, O Lord, with songs of praiseTextPage Scan
XXIIMy God, my God, why leav'st thou meTextPage Scan
XXIIIThe Lord himself, the mighty LordTextPage Scan
XXIVThe spacious earth is all the Lord'sTextPage Scan
XXVTo God, in whom I trustTextPage Scan
XXVIJudge me, o Lord, for I the pathsTextPage Scan
XXVIIWhom should I fear, since God to mePage Scan
XXVIIIO Lord, my rock, to thee I cryPage Scan
XXIXYe princes, that in might excelPage Scan
XXXI'll celebrate thy praises, LordPage Scan
XXXIDefend me, Lord, from shamePage Scan
XXXIIHe's blest whose sins have pardon gain'dPage Scan
XXXIIILet all the just to God, with joyPage Scan
XXXIVThrough all the changing scenes of lifePage Scan
XXXVAgainst all those that strive with meTextPage Scan
XXXVIMy crafty foe, with flatt'ring artPage Scan
XXXVIIThough wicked men grow rich or greatPage Scan
XXXVIIIThy chast'ning wrath, o Lord, restrainPage Scan
XXXIXResolv'd to watch o'er all my waysPage Scan
XLI waited meekly for the LordPage Scan
XLIHappy the man whose tender carePage Scan
XLIIAs pants the hart for cooling streamsPage Scan
XLIIIJust Judge of heav'n, against my foesPage Scan
XLIVO Lord, our fathers aft have toldPage Scan
XLVWhile I the King's loud praise rehearsePage Scan
XLVIGod is our refuge in distressPage Scan
XLVIIO all ye people, clap your handsPage Scan
XLVIIIThe Lord, the only God, is greatPage Scan
XLIX.ILet all the list'ning world attendPage Scan
LThe Lord hath spoke, the mighty GodPage Scan
LI.IHave mercy, Lord, on meTextPage Scan
LIIIn vain, O man of lawless mightPage Scan
LIIIThe wicked souls must sure supposePage Scan
LIVLord, save me, for thy glorious namePage Scan
LV.IGive ear, thou Judge of all the earthPage Scan
LVIDo thou, O God, in mercy helpPage Scan
LVIIThy mercy, Lord, to me extendPage Scan
LVIIISpeak, O ye judges of the earthPage Scan
LIXDeliver me, O Lord, my GodPage Scan
LXO God, who hast our troops disperstPage Scan
LXILord, hear my cry, regard my pray'rPage Scan
LXIIMy soul for help on God reliesPage Scan
LXIIIO God, my gracious God, to theePage Scan
LXIVLord, hear the voice of my complaintPage Scan
LXV.IFor thee, O God, our constant praisePage Scan
LXVI.ILet all the lands, with shouts of joyPage Scan
LXVIITo bless thy chosen racePage Scan
LXVIII.ILet God, the God of battle, risePage Scan
LXIXSave me, O God, from waves that rollPage Scan
LXXO Lord, to my relief draw nearPage Scan
LXXI.IIn thee I put my stedfast trustPage Scan
LXXII.ILord let thy just decrees the kingPage Scan
LXXIII.IAt length by certain proofs, 'tis plainPage Scan
LXXIV.IWhy hast thou cast us off, O God?Page Scan
LXXVTo thee, O God, we render praisePage Scan
LXXVIIn Judah the Almighty's knownPage Scan
LXXVIITo God I cry'd with mournful voicePage Scan
LXXVIII.IHear, O my people, to my lawPage Scan
LXXIXBehold, O God, how heathen hostsPage Scan
LXXX.IO Isr'el's shepherd, Joseph's guidePage Scan
LXXXI.ITo God, our never failing strengthPage Scan
LXXXIIGod in the great assembly standsPage Scan
LXXXIII.IHold not thy peace, O Lord, our God!Page Scan
LXXXIVO God of Hosts, the mighty LordPage Scan
LXXXVLord, thou hast granted to thy landPage Scan
LXXXVI.ITo my complaint, O Lord, my GodPage Scan
LXXXVIIGod's temple crowns the holy mountPage Scan
LXXXVIIITo thee, my God and Saviour, IPage Scan
LXXXIX.IThy mercies, Lord, shall be my songPage Scan
XC.IO Lord, the Saviour and defencePage Scan
XCIHe that has God his guardian madeTextPage Scan
XCIIHow good and pleasant must it bePage Scan
XCIIIWith glory clad, with strength array'dPage Scan
XCIV,IO God! to whom revenge belongsPage Scan
XCVO come, loud anthems let us singPage Scan
XCVISing to the Lord, a new made songPage Scan
XCVIIJehovah reigns, let all the earthPage Scan
XCVIIISing to the Lord a new-made songPage Scan
XCIXJehovah reigns; let therefore allTextPage Scan
CWith one consent, let all the earthPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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