1 My God, my God, why leav'st thou me
when I with anguish faint?
O! why so far from me remov'd,
And from my loud complaint?
2 All day, but all the day unheard,
to thee do I complain;
With cries implore relief all night,
but cry all night in vain.
3 Yet Thou are still the righteous judge
of innocence oppress'd;
And therefore Israel's praises are
of right to thee address'd.
4, 5 On thee our ancestors rely'd,
and thy deliverance found;
With pious confidence they pray'd,
and with success were crown'd.
6 But I am treated like a worm;
like none of human birth:
Not only by the great revil'd,
but made the rabble's mirth.
7 With Laughter all the gazing crowd
my agonies survey;
They shoot the Lip, they shake the head,
and thus, deriding say:
8 "In God he trusted, boasting oft
"that he was Heav'n's delight;
"Let God come down to save him now,
"and own his favourite."
Part II.
9 Thou mad'st my teeming mother's womb
a living offspring bear;
When but a suckling at the breast,
I was thy early care.
10 Thou, guardian like, didst shield from wrongs
my helpless infant days;
And since hast been my God, and guide,
through Life's bewilder'd ways.
11 Withdraw not then so far from me,
when Trouble is so nigh;
O, send me help, thy help, on which
I only can rely.
12 High-pamper'd bulls, a frowning herd,
from Basan's forest met,
With strength proportion'd to their rage,
have me around beset.
13 They gape on me, and ev'ry mouth
a yawning grave appears;
The desert lion's savage roar
less dreadful is than theirs.
Part III.
14 My blood like water's spill'd, my joints
are rack'd and out of frame;
My heart dissolves within my breast,
like wax before the flame.
15 My strength like potters earth, is parch'd;
my tongue cleaves to my jaws;
And to the silent shades of death
my fainting soul withdraws.
16 Like blood-hounds to surround me, they
in pack'd assemblies meet;
They pierc'd my inoffensive hands;
they pierc'd my harmless feet.
17 My body's rack'd, till all my bones
distinctly may be told;
Yet such a spectacle of woe
as pastime they behold.
18 As spoil my garments they divide,
lots for my vesture cast;
19 Therefore approach, O Lord, my strength,
and to my succour haste.
20 From their sharp Sword protect Thou me,
of all but Life bereft!
Nor let my Darling in the Pow'r
of cruel Dogs be left.
21 To save me from the lion's jaws,
thy perfect succour send;
As once, from goring unicorns,
Thou didst my life defend.
22 Then to my brethren I'll declare
the triumphs of thy name;
In presence of assembled saints,
thy glory thus proclaim:
23 "Ye worshippers of Jacob's God,
"all you of Israel's line,
"O praise the Lord, and to your praise
sincere obedience join.
24 "He ne'er disdain'd on low distress
"to cast a gracious eye;
"Nor turn'd from poverty his face,
"but hears its humble cry."
Part IV
25 Thus, in thy sacred courts, will I
my chearful thanks express;
In presence of thy saints perform
the vows of my distress.
26 The meek companions of my grief
shall find my table spread;
And all that seek the Lord, shall be
with joys immortal fed.
27 Then shall the glad converted world
to God their homage pay;
And scatter'd nations of the earth
one Sov'reign Lord obey.
28 'Tis his supreme prerogative
o'er subject kings to reign:
'Tis just that he should rule the world,
who does the world sustain.
29 The rich, who are with plenty fed,
his bounty must confess:
The sons of want, by him relieve'd,
their gen'rous Patron bless.
With humble worship to his throne
they all for aid resort;
That pow'r, which first their beings gave,
can only them support.
30, 31 Then shall a chosen spotless race,
devoted to his Name,
To their admiring heirs his truth,
and glorious acts, proclaim.
Text Information | |
First Line: | My God, my God, why leav'st thou me |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1793 |
Scripture: |