1 Thy presence why withdraw'st thou, Lord?
why hid'st thou now thy face,
When dismal times of deep distress
call for thy wonted grace?
2 The wicked, swell'd with lawless pride,
have made the poor their prey;
O let them fall by those designs
which they for others lay.
3 For straight they triumph, if success
their thriving crimes attend;
And sordid wretches, whom God hates,
perversely they commend.
4 To own a pow'r above themselves
their haughty pride disdains;
And therefore in their stubborn mind
no thought of God remains.
5 Oppressive methods they pursue,
and all their foes they slight;
Because thy judgments unobserv'd,
are far above their sight.
6 They fondly think their prosp'rous state
shall unmolested be;
They think their vain designs shall thrive,
from all misfortunes free.
7 Vain and deceitful is their speech,
with curses fill'd, and lies;
By which the Mischief of their heart
they study to disguise.
8 Near public roads they lie conceal'd,
and all their art employ,
The innocent and poor at once
to rifle and destroy.
9 Not Lions, couching in their dens,
surprise their heedless prey
With greater cunning, or express
more savage rage, than they.
10 Sometimes they act the harmless man,
and modest Looks they wear;
That so deciev'd, the poor may less
their sudden onset fear.
Part II
11 For God, they think, no notice takes
of their unrighteous deeds;
He never minds the suff'ring poor,
nor their oppression heeds.
12 But thou, O Lord, at length arise
stretch forth thy mighty arm;
And, by the greatness of thy pow'r,
defend the poor from harm.
13 No longer let the wicked vaunt,
and, proudly boasting, say,
"Tush, God regards not what we do;
"he never will repay."
14 But sure thou seest, and all their deeds
impartially dost try;
The orphan, therefore, and the poor,
on thee for aid rely.
15 Defenceless let the wicked fall,
of all their strength bereft;
Confound, o God, their dark designs,
till no remains are left.
15 Assert thy just dominion, Lord,
which shall forever stand;
Thou, who the heathen didst expel
from this thy chosen land.
17 Thou hear'st the humble supllicants,
that to thy throne repair;
Thou first prepar'st their hearts to pray,
and then accept'st their pray'r.
18 Thou, in thy righteous judgment, weight'st
the fatherless and poor;
That so the tyrants of the earth
may persecute no more.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Thy presence why withdraw'st thou, Lord? |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1793 |
Scripture: |